How to choose and install the switch with motion sensor light

To simplify your life and reduce the cost of electricity, the owners often set in their homes different automatic light control. One such electronic devices - a switch with a motion sensor (DD), which includes lighting, without human intervention when entering that room.

And when the room is empty, this device himself on and off the lamp. Install such a device is not difficult, but the benefits of his weight. We will talk about how to choose wisely intelligent device, in any order, and where to fix.

The content of the article:

  • How does the switch to DD?
  • Varieties movement sensors
  • Selection of the optimal installation location
  • Technical parameters and configuration
  • The principal circuit wiring
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

How does the switch to DD?

Under the circuit breaker with a contactless motion sensor means the combination appliance, which responds to the movement of anyone in particular control zone. It is suitable for installation indoors and outdoors. We only need to correctly choose the degree of its protection over IP.

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This could be the control unit only with sensor and enlarged key switch device. However, in the first case alone hand switch on the light, slamming on the button on the wall, it will not work. On this particular contactless automation should not be forgotten.

Plus sensor key switch

Ideally, the motion sensor is best to complement the conventional key switch, the absolute automation of all and all can deliver a lot of trouble with the electronics failures

Lineup of devices considered huge. The electrical stores have options with different types of detectors and different layout. When choosing such a switch is most important - it is pre-determine the place of its installation.

In some cases, more appropriate model combined in a single package, while others will have to take several independent devices and connect them to each other by wires.

Working light switch with motion sensor as follows:

  • when in the surveillance zone of moving objects is not present, the device disconnects the power supply circuit;
  • at the entrance area it occurs in the human sensor operation which closes the power supply circuit of bulbs;
  • while within the action sensor anyone moves, the circuit remains closed;
  • after all from the room (or area on the street), the opposite occurs with the opening of the circuit switching off the light.

To not burn in vain electricity during the day, this switch is often supplemented with more and photosensor control light levels. In this case, until enough sunlight, the device operate and will not include bulbs.

Scheme photorelay

If in addition to the motion sensor selected to equip the switch and light barrier, the lights will not turn on the daytime even when a person in the room

Mounted switches with motion sensor to control the light in the following areas:

  • stairwells and hallways of apartment buildings;
  • in basements, closets and garages, where there is no natural light at all, and the usual button switch in the dark are hard to find;
  • toilets and bathrooms to increase the comfort of use fixtures awake at night;
  • in private houses, built on the "smart home" technology.

Often, such a device is part of the security system. In this case, dysfunctional signaling sensor operates by turning on / off the light, while an enabled - monitors penetration into the protected area outsiders.

Varieties movement sensors

To classify devices define two main factors: the presence and type of the sensor device, and mounting features.

The main element in this circuit breaker - a motion sensor. There are several varieties of it, based on different physical laws.

In this case, the result is the same in all cases: the appearance of the object in the controlled area sensor activation occurs and contact closure supply chain lighting devices.

Motion detector

The most common is an infrared motion sensor - it does not emit anything, is relatively inexpensive and can be installed not only indoors but also outdoors

Motion sensors to automatically turn lights on and off are:

  1. Acoustic.
  2. Infrared.
  3. Ultrasound.
  4. Microwave.

The first two categories of sensors are passive devices, they do not emit. Detectors remaining two varieties - active devices. These options are sent to a different wavelength of the room, and already by the nature of their reflections determine the presence or absence of new facilities in the zone of its action.

The equipment of the "active" class to the transmitter and receiver is more expensive than "passive" models. Instruments are more complex structurally, but have a low level of false positives. Passive devices in this respect much inferior to active peers, but cheaper competitors.

Acoustic sensors are triggered by the sound of opening doors, knocking heels and a sharp claps. This option is best taken for public buildings corridors.

Optimally, it will fit in as a supplement to other sensors, so that the light can be turned on by clapping palms. Alone, to put it in a private home is not recommended. Too many false will respond to various harsh sounds.

Infrared sensors are designed for actuation by the human heat. But they also respond to the animal and heated radiators. They must be carefully set up, and the action zone installed so that it does not fall radiators. This is the most simple, cheap and durable touch sensor for automatic light control.

Propagation of sound waves

The principle of operation have / s sensors. Ultrasonic and microwave sensors are similar in operating principle, they have a different range of the emitted waves

The sensor is installed is not recommended in premises operating by radiation of microwaves and ultrasound. Man feel their impact is not capable, but it is, and the benefit from it is definitely not. It is noticed that this radiation is often in the form of sharply negative react pets.

Such emitters are more suitable for car parks or open areas. The active sensors of motion and still have a limited range.

In organizing the control of a large area of ​​ultrasonic devices have a lot of space to install. Plus, many of these works only at sharp movements. Slowly walking man can do "fall out" from the field of action.

Ideal - is a combined sensor to detect a number of ways within the controlled area people. He safer and less likely to mistakenly triggered. However, for this inerrancy will have to pay a lot, since such sensors are known to be more expensive than conventional counterparts.

Selection of the optimal installation location

If the push button goes directly to the sensor in a single package, it is designed for wall mounting. However, if the sensors are delivered in a disassembled kit or purchased separately at all, they can be installed not only on the wall, but also on the ceiling. Moreover ceiling often preferred embodiment, as it covers a large area.

motion sensor Coverage

Fitting place depends on the data sheet of the viewing angle, which is calculated on the movement sensor for light switch

Each sensor unit has its own viewing angle in the range of 10 to 360 degrees. If he has this parameter is less than 360aboutThen track the motion sensor can only in a narrow sector of observation. In this case, the room will have to put some tracking devices so that they cover all the required space.

Wide-angle and circular detectors are more expensive than those that are designed for a small angle of coverage. However, the second for full control over the facilities may require too much. It is important to carefully weigh everything and calculate, before you go to the store for supplies.

If the switch is placed in a small room with one door, then sensor installation with a narrow field of view is enough. It will only need to accurately bring to the input and set the settings for the maximum time possible inclusion of light.

One more thing - it is the presence of motion detector "blind zone" in height. When installing it is necessary to examine the passport carefully to correctly set the direction of the sensor.

Plus, there are still restrictions on the range of the detection zone. For porches or long corridors it is recommended to choose long-range devices. However, remember that they can begin to operate too often then not when a large area of ​​control, when it is necessary.

Technical parameters and configuration

Most models of light switches with motion sensors are designed for direct connection to the lighting network of 220 volts. In fact, this is the standard keypad light turn on the device, but the addition of the detector and the board automation.

Supplying power to the sensor

Motion sensors can be powered directly from the mains of 220 V, and the battery through the power supply 12 - first option requires more wires, but reliable and preferable

Each model is considered the switch in the passport is specified - maximum connected load. It reflects the total power of the connected lamps. If the device is taken in the group lanterns in the fence at the cottage, this value should be in the region of 1000 watts.

Otherwise, it will burn at the first startup. For installation in rooms frequent a house or apartment with more than enough and devaysa 300-500 watts.

With the motion sensor is connected to the rules it serves the instrument lighting introduce article, The content of which is devoted to an analysis of this complex issue.

Degree of protection IP44 must be at least. For heated rooms in the cottage this is quite enough. But for installation outdoors or in the bathroom is better to take the IP with "55", "56" or higher.

As a rule, equipped with a three settings control sensor switch motion on the case:

  1. «TIME» - the response time to switch off the light after the departure of the person from the premises.
  2. «LUX» ( «DAY_LIGHT») - sensitivity to light exposure (in the presence of light barrier).
  3. «SENSE» - the motion sensitivity (the temperature in the case of an infrared sensor).

The first parameter may vary from 0 to 10 minutes. If the narrow sensor is aimed only at the door to the closet, then this adjustment is best to maximum. Then when entering the "dead zone" can not be afraid that the light will turn off at the wrong time. In this case, 5-10 minutes to capture anything from a shelf in the closet is enough.

Sensitivity for actuation of movement and the degree of illumination exhibited by the samples. Here affects insolation level, the presence of animals in the house and next to radiators, and even rocking nearby trees. If false alarms occur too much, then this option need to gradually reduce and bring it to the optimal values.

The principal circuit wiring

There are several schemes switch connections and external motion sensor to the circuit power lighting devices. In general: the sensor is inserted into the gap with the phase wire. There are three terminals on the unit. In the «L» and «N» connect respective electrical conductor cable, and the third wire output is sent to the lamp.

The classical scheme without switch

The simplest scheme with a motion sensor, but without the key switch - the light will only be switched from the built-in sensor device

If a single auto-detection and little need another manual mode switching of lighting, the "key" in the chain can be activated in two ways. In a first switch inserted in the phase conductor extending from the sensor panel. When it is open, the sensor simply does not work and the voltage across the light bulb does not deliver.

The second option involves the insertion of a switch line from the input to the phase on the electric lamp. With the closure of the "key" light will illuminate even if the sensor does not work.

Schemes with key switch

Two schemes with different ways of connecting the pushbutton to the circuit with the load (appliance lighting) and the motion sensor

If you want to install more detectors, they are to each other are connected in parallel. The lamp power cord comes with each of them. Light appears when any of the sensors. If this solution seems too difficult, it is better to buy light bulb with built-in motion sensor.

If the lighting unit or more powerful, the chain instead of light bulbs should be installed magnetic switch with the amplifier. And it is already powered through a separate lighting circuit. In this case, the detector can select low power and cheaper.

Most energy-saving lamps quickly burn out with frequent switching on and off voltage. Therefore, connect them through the motion sensor is not always appropriate, since they are too often fail. Saving from such lamps the result will be zero.

To avoid problems with burnout road lamp, after the motion sensor in front of them is necessary to put the protection of the unit with a soft switching on the light. Due to the lack of power in sudden changes of voltage bulbs will not "burn" as often as without such a safety device.

Labeled and rules of selection of smart switches acquaint next article, To read that we strongly recommend.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

To you it was easier to understand all the features of selection and installation of equipment under consideration, we have made for you a selection of videos. They all explained in detail and thoroughly.

Clip # 1. Nuances connecting motion sensor and a standard switch with the key:

Clip # 2. Overview of sensors for combined automatic light switch:

Clip # 3. Description of connection diagrams:

Automatic "switches", having in its composition a motion sensor is extremely easy to install. At the same time energy savings from their use is essential. In addition, they make the house more comfortable to live in.

With the installation of automatic devices is not necessary to hesitate. All can be done independently, without the involvement of highly qualified electricians.

Please write comments in the block located below, ask questions, publish pictures of the article. Tell us about how to choose an intelligent switch for your own home / apartment / office. Share useful information from site visitors.

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