Guide to the choice of washing machine-automatic

  • Step 1. Deciding on the type of washing machine
  • Step 2. Making measurements
  • Step 3. Deciding what capacity of the washing machine we need
  • Step 4. Considering the classes of washing, energy efficiency and spin
  • Step 5. Pay attention to the spin speed
  • Step 6. Evaluate the set and number of
  • programs Step 7. Evaluate the additional functions of

To choose a washing machine, you need to take into account not only how well it washes, but also many other characteristics: washing efficiency class, speedst pressing, price, number of programs, and so on.

This walkthrough will help you get ready to go to the store / visit an online store, understand the difference between the features of different models and make the best choice.

Step 1. Deciding on the type of the washing machine

First you need to solve the simplest question - what type of machine do you need: built-in, stationary or vertical with top loading?

  • The built-in machine is designed to be fully integrated into any furniture, say, in a kitchen unit that is still being designed. To do this, it provides for a recess for the baseboard, hinges on the front panel( for hanging the door) and a removable cover. At the same time, there are no decorative side walls. It turns out that such a SM can be hidden by making the interior as orderly as possible. Particularly relevant embedded machine when placed in the kitchen.
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See also the material: Everything about placing the washing machine in the kitchen.

  • The stationary model is suitable if the room is already furnished and you just need a new assistant. By the way, an ordinary washing machine can also be partially built in - under the countertop, under the sink( low model) or in a closet with a door. If necessary, the top case cover can be removed( almost all models).
  • A washer-dryer - this is almost an ideal washing machine, because it provides not only clean, but also practically dry and even ironed clothes, which you can immediately put on or fold into the closet. This result is achieved due to additional heating elements and forcing warm air into the drum. The disadvantages of SM with drying are: high price( from 30 tr.), A larger unit size, greater power consumption.
  • A top-loading vertical washing machine is suitable if the space reserved for it is not large.

Which type of washing machine is better - front-loading or top-loading?

Habitual models with front hatch are good with the possibility of partial / full embedding, the ability to see what is happening inside the drum during washing( did the machine get water, what stage is the process, etc.), the ability to store things on the top of the CM, as on the shelf. In addition, the choice of models in this category is the widest and varied for any request and wallet. Of the minuses can only be called a larger size( besides you need a reserve space for the hatch), as well as the need to bend over to load things.

Vertical machine with the top hatch is good primarily for its compactness. Other bonuses - the ability to reload things after launch and do it standing, and not in the slope. Cons vertical CM: a higher price, a smaller choice of models, no possibility of embedding.

Step 2. Making measurements

Before going to the store, you need to decide where the washing machine will stand and how much space you can allocate for it.

  • Ordinary front-loading machines have a standard height( 85 cm) and width( 60 cm), but their depth may vary. The narrowest cars have a depth of 35-40 cm, medium - 45-50 cm, full-size - 50-60 cm.
  • For those who want to save as much space as possible, we advise you to pay attention to the compact models, which have a height of only 70 cm,width and depth - 50 cm. Most often, these machines are installed under the sink as shown in the photo below.

  • Vertical washing machines have a width of 40-45 cm and a depth of 60 cm, but the height can vary from 85 to 90 cm.


  • In addition to the size of the case, you should pay attention to the diameter of the hatch, which can vary from 20 to 50 cm.hatch more, the more convenient to get and load clothes. True, wide hatches in the hinged form require more space.
  • When buying a washing machine for installation under the countertop, keep in mind that if necessary, you can remove the top cover and thereby lower the height of the CM by a couple of centimeters.

Step 3. Deciding what capacity of the washing machine we need

Washing machines have different capacity. Some models can hold only 3.5 kg, while others - all 14 kg. The following "norms" will help you not to be mistaken:

  • For 1-2 people, a car with a capacity of 4-5 kg ​​will suit;
  • A family of 3 people should choose a washing machine for 5-6 kg;
  • For a family of more than 6 people it is worth taking a big car with a capacity of 9 kg or more.


In an effort to save space in the bathroom / kitchen or, conversely, buy a car with a reserve capacity, do not overdo it. Too small a car can hardly contain even a set of baby bedding. Too large a machine, even with a minimum load of 1-1.5 kg, will waste a lot of water and electricity.

Step 4. Consider the washing, energy efficiency and spin classes.

A color label with the wash classes, energy efficiency and spin efficiency is always attached to each CM model. Before you choose a washing machine, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with this "encoded" in letters and numbers information.

  • Wash class is one of the most important selection criteria. After all, it shows how effectively the machine washes. This indicator is marked with letters from A to G. At the same time, A is the highest class and G is the lowest. However, you can find machines of a class not lower than B on sale.


A high-quality washing machine should have an indicator of washing quality and energy efficiency not lower than class A. Do you want an even more efficient machine? Choose the model that has the washing class A +, A ++ or A +++( the highest possible index).

  • The energy efficiency class of modern machines varies from A + to G. We recommend choosing a washing machine with energy efficiency class not lower than A.
  • In addition to the washing class, you should pay attention to the drying and spinning class, which indicates the residual moisture of the laundry after drying /spin. This figure also varies from class A to G.


We recommend choosing a washing machine that has a drying and spinning class not lower than C. Information for comparison: machines of class A are squeezed to 40-45% humidity, and machines of class C areup to 60%.In practice, the difference in the duration of drying laundry, of course, is, but it is not too significant.

Step 5. Pay attention to the spin speed of the

The higher the spin speed, the drier the washed item will be at the output. We recommend choosing a washing machine at a speed of at least 800 revolutions per minute. For washing every day this is enough. However, for best results, we recommend choosing a CM with a spin speed of 1200-1400 revolutions per minute. For washing blankets, pillows and outerwear such indicators are best suited.


It’s good if the CM has a vibration absorption system so that the car doesn’t shake and roar during the spin phase.

Step 6. Evaluate the set and number of programs

The simplest washing machine has at least 10 wash programs, the most “clever” - up to 20 programs. Of course, the more programs a machine has, the more expensive it is.

The standard programs, which the average user cannot do without, include the following programs: washing cotton, delicate washing, washing wool, washing mixed clothes, intensive, preliminary and fast washing.

Depending on your needs, you can choose a machine with additional programs:

  • Wash children's clothes( machine washes with plenty of hot water, keeping the laundry soft);
  • Animal fur removal( if you have a fading pet, this program will be indispensable);
  • Super-rinse( relevant for allergy sufferers);
  • Laundry sportswear;
  • Washing shoes( suitable for washing sneakers and sneakers);
  • Prevent crushing and relief ironing;
  • Washing a duvet;
  • Organic Wash;
  • Washing with a hand-washing effect( erasing things that are forbidden to be washed in a typewriter due to the increased amount of water, low temperature and special drum movements).

Step 7. Evaluate the additional functions of the

Finally, think about the additional functions.

  • Leakproof Protection is an intelligent shutdown and water supply system when leakage is detected.
  • Child Protection - blocks unwanted off or change settings.
  • Intelligent control function - the system remembers individual settings, determines the weight of the laundry, dispenses the amount of detergent and water, adjusts the temperature, spin speed, rinse intensity and other washing parameters depending on the load. Models with such a function are more expensive, but they save energy, water and detergents.
  • Function Fuzzy Logic( for a washing machine with a dryer) - unlike conventional CM with a dryer, a machine with such a function stops drying not by a timer, but by a sensor that detects the residual moisture of the laundry and stops the operation of the unit itself. Thus, it prevents both drying out and under drying of things.

The next video story on how to choose the right washing machine will help you to “boot up” even more before buying.

Determine which companies choose a washing machine, video comparison of washing machines in the price category of 10-20 thousand rubles will help you.

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