7 tips for the design of a small children's room + photo of interiors


  1. №1. Which child is considered small, and does it have any advantages?
  2. №2. Zoning of a small children's room
  3. No. 3. Age of the child and necessary furniture
  • Furniture for babies and preschoolers
  • Furniture for the younger schoolboy
  • Small room for a teenager
  • №4. Design of a small children's room for two
  • №5. Storage System
  • №6. Selection of finishing materials and color scheme
  • №7. Lighting in the children's room
  • Finally
  • .

    It would seem that a small room for a child, a small person, should not become a problem, because everything seems to be proportional. No matter how! If for an adult his room is a place of rest and sleep, then the child's room is not only his bedroom, but also a place for study, games, creativity and storage of things. One small space can perform so many functions only with a very competent approach to planning, choosing furniture and organizing lighting. The task becomes more complicated if several children grow up in the family. However, the competent design of a small children's room is within the power of all parents who will take into account a few simple rules and tips.

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    №1. Which child is considered small, and does it have any advantages?

    Todaysmall is called a children's room, the area of ​​which is 8-12 m2, and the space of 12 squares - not so small, if we talk about one child, but still not large enough for several children. The problem of small children lies in the original layout of apartments and the inability to choose another room for the baby. The approach is that the child is allocated almost the smallest room in the apartment, where an adult bedroom with a huge closet can not be placed.

    If you carefully consider the arrangement of the interior of a small children's room, thenfrom a small area you can only get advantages.For the preschooler it will be a cozy corner, and how many toys do not scatter, they will be easy to assemble - all at your fingertips. For a teenager, a small room means complete untouchability, because parents certainly will not put a cabinet here with clothes - for him there simply is not a place, which means that personal space will not turn into an entrance the yard. A small room can be cozy and accommodate everything you need, but only to plan it is important to approach responsibly.

    №2. Zoning of a small children's room

    No matter how tiny the child's room is, it is necessary to place such zones in it:

    • zone of sleep;
    • Work area and zone for creativity;
    • storage area;
    • a sports zone and a game zone, which, as the child grows, becomes a recreation area or given away as a hobby.

    The main difficulty lies in the fact that most children find it difficult to concentrate on one lesson, and getting into the field of view of toys when the kid does the lessons will provoke him to distract himself. Examples can be given a lot, and the simplest solution that the designers developed together with child psychologists isorganize the interior so that in the field of view of the child there are things that have to do with what he is doing at the moment.That is why it is so important to create separate zones for study, games and sleep, as well as to distinguish their boundaries.

    The tasks of zoning are best answeredarrangement of furniture around the perimeter of the room. This layout is also convenient from the point of view of freeing space for moving games in the center of the room. Select areas best with color trim or lighting.

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    No. 3. Age of the child and necessary furniture

    The main problem to be solved by the parents is to correctly arrange the furniture and decide which items are extremely necessary, and which ones can be abandoned. It is better to sacrifice some kind of locker, but to make more room for outdoor games and sports. If we are talking about the room of a teenager, it is better if he himself will take part in its arrangement, since it is already able to decide what and where should be for its maximum convenience.

    In addition, it is better to arrange furniture around the perimeter, there is stillseveral universal rules:

    • it is better to give preference to minimally decorated, laconic furniture;
    • The smaller the angles, the better;
    • friends of a small room - high and narrow pieces of furniture, but to build cabinets up to the ceiling is not worth it, otherwise you can make a small space even tinier.

    A children's room is one of those premises in an apartment where it is impossible to make repairs and for 10 years forget about the need to refresh it. As the child grows, furniture and decoration will need to be updated, and each time the needs of the child will change. This means that the approach to the arrangement of the interior of the children's room will be transformed. In this context, it will be more convenient to consider the basics of furnishing a small children's room, depending on the age of the child.

    Furniture for babies and preschoolers

    Newly-baked parents for a long time to puzzle over the arrangement of the nursery will not have to. All that is needed is a crib, changing table in a sufficiently lit place, a small chest of drawers for children's things and a chair for the mother. Later it will be possible to supplement the interior with a soft rug and a box with the first toys.

    As the child gets to his feet and begins to consciously get acquainted with the world around him, the first redevelopment of the room is done. It will take another bed, its size is better to take with a margin. It's not a bad idea to have a roomy chest of drawers or a wardrobe for children's things, as well as a small children's table and chair, which will become a prototype of the future workplace.

    Remaining areashould be free for active games. Preschooler is appropriate to organizesports section. Today, ready-made complexes are sold that are easily assembled and assembled. They can be any size, and if space is scarce, you can stop atmini-corner with parameters 80 * 60 cm.

    Preschool children like to draw. To prevent the wallpaper from being damaged, some parents worry in advance about putting one wall on one wall special wallpaper for drawing: they are marked with contours of numerous figures that the kids have to colorize. Another option is to highlight the wall or part of it to showcase the best works.

    The worst enemy of a small space is a mess, which, as you know, becomes synonymous with a children's room. To make space more spacious, it is necessary to provide forplaces for storing toys. It can be like ordinary closed shelves and lockers, and interesting baskets or chests - it all depends on the style of the room.

    Furniture for the younger schoolboy

    From the moment the child goes to school, it is important to teach him to clearly separate time for classes and play, so the working and play areas should be well-dressed from each other. Letwork zonewill be compact, but isolated from others, which can be done by placing it on a low podium, near a wall or a window, so that the play area is left behind. Perfectly fitfinished complexes, in which the second tier is a bed, and on the first - a desktop with the necessary shelves and boxes, but in this case, most likely, it will be necessary to devote more time to the organization lighting. Near the desk there are shelves with textbooks and other necessary school supplies.

    Since 6 years old the child can sleep on the second tier of a bunk bed. The first tier is not necessarily the sleeping place of the youngest child. It can be a working or playing corner, or a spacious wardrobe. Moreover, shelves can also be mounted on the stairs leading to the sleeping place. Thus, the storage problem is solved, and at the same time there is enough space for games and entertainment, which is especially true if there are several children in the family, or the child often has guests are of the same age.

    To make a small children's room more visually, it's worthuse not very deep cabinets and shelves.Children's things are small, so while you can use furniture of small depth.

    The vacant place is best given to a sports complex with a rope, a Swedish wall and rings, or to arrange toy houses, huts and other elements that will cause the child to delight.

    . . . .

    Small room for a teenager

    The principles of organizing a room for a teenager differ little from the arrangement of the interior of an adult room. The game zone disappears, and the work area and rest area grow together with the storage places. To accommodate everything you need, sometimes you have toplace a bed on the second tier, use instead of her a folding sofa, which is not entirely good. Alternative -put the bed on the podium, and its internal space is used for storage.

    Think about the design of the room is better with a teenager, who will indicate the preferred style of the interior. Children at this age often seek bold solutions, and more often teenage rooms are designed in the style of loft and minimalism. Girls usually prefer the style of Provence and Art Deco.

    №4. Design of a small children's room for two

    If the area of ​​the room is only 8 m2 or so, and the children in the family are two, the task of the parents is repeatedly complicated. Divide the room in half will not work. The best option isbunk beds, and if children are more than 6 years old, then both beds can be placed on the second tier, leaving space under the bed for cabinets and tables. The rest of the place can be used for games and sports.

    There are bunk beds that do not externally differ from the most usual single-tiered beds. Their secret lies in the fact that the second bed is formed when the lower part of the bed is pulled forward.

    №5. Storage System

    You can think for a long time over the interior of a small children's room, correctly position all the zones, but spoil the result with a mess. The more things are located in the room in sight, the more the attention of the visitor is dispelled, and the less the room seems. This is not to mention the fact that the mess causes parents to be nervous and does not teach the children anything useful.


    The whole room should not be clogged with cabinets and shelves. A chest or cabinet can be used to store clothes. The latter can be located under a bed, if the height of the room allows. Separate shelves with clothes can be placed under the bed or in the stairs leading to the sleeping place, located at a height.

    Place around the desktop is better to use as much as possible: open shelves and hanging cabinets. Do not forget to use corners that hide a huge potential. For kids, storage can be performed in the form of baskets, pouffes or in the form of cartoon heroes.

    №6. Selection of finishing materials and color scheme

    The children's room is a place where the kid will spend a lot of time, and from the very first days of his life. It should be heremaximum natural and environmentally friendly materials.From cheap linoleum, plastic panels, chipboard, vinyl wallpaper and the abundance of PVC is better to refuse. On the floor it is better to lay a laminate, parquet or high-quality linoleum. Carpet is also suitable if it is well washed and will not collect a lot of dust. Walls should be finished with paper wallpaper or paint, the ceiling - with paint or plaster.

    Now with regard tocolor scheme. To create the correct color design of a small children's room is many times more complicated than the premises for adults, because here It is necessary to choose shades so that the space does not seem even smaller, but do not make it too boring.Designers recommend following the rules:

    • Do not use more than 3 colors in the design. Otherwise, the room will seem smaller and irritate its occupant;
    • the basis is better to take light shades. The ceiling is better to make a glossy white, which will visually enlarge the room. With the walls more difficult, because monophonic wallpaper will seem to the kid boring. The best option - wallpaper with a characteristic pattern and a light background. It can be images of heroes of fairy tales, cartoons or just flowers, clouds, funny little animals;
    • in children's windows facing north, it is better to usewarm shades, for example, beige, light pink, light yellow, tender green. If the windows go to the south, the excess of sunlight can be compensated for light blue, tender lilac, light gray scale or other cool shades;
    • necessarytake into account the gender, age and preferences of the child. We omit the traditional division of flowers into girlish and boyish, because gentle blue can become the main color in the girl's room, and the sand color in the boy's room. Psychologists say that in a child's room up to 7 years of age there should be more bright colors and shades, and at an older age they should be replaced by calmer tones.

    The children's room is an excellent field for fantasy and creativity. If we take into account, at a young age, tastes and attitudes to the world are laid, the interior of the children's room should not just be thought out, but also original. At 8 m2 you will not overclock very fast, but so small a space you canstylize a pirate ship, a doll house or a forest clearing.

    №7. Lighting in the children's room

    Bad lighting is the worst enemy of a small nursery in particular and a children's room in general. Insufficient amount of light and darkened corners make space visually smaller. Moreover, poor lighting has a very negative impact on the health of the child, causing a whole range of problems.

    Even though the children's room is small, only one chandelier can not be limited. It certainly can be present or be replaced by turning spots, but it is better to supplement it with local light. The smaller the child's area, the less voluminous should be the central chandelier.

    Local lightIt is necessary in working and play areas, it can be used near the bed and the closet. Fixtures can play not only a purely functional role, but also decorate space, if they are performed in a certain style. Ideally, consider the lighting scheme at the repair stage, so that all the cables are inside the wall.

    No less important for maximumuse natural light. In this respect, there is an unspoken rule: the smaller the window, the more transparent it must be and the less severe the curtains should be. Excellent for a small child's suitable roll, Roman and panel blinds that are open let in the room a maximum of light, and in the closed - can become a dense barrier, guarding sleep the kid.


    Objects of lighting, wallpaper, furniture - all this is able to perform not only their direct functions, but also decorate the room, so it is important not to overdo it with additional decor. To bring coziness and originality will help lanterns-garlands, bright bed linens and rugs, photos and hand-made toddler's hands.

    Tags:Children's room
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