Breeding dwarf animals on the farm

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Diminutive species of animals familiar to giving is an ideal solution for small plots and farms, which are treated like a hobby. Miniature farm animals grow to a third the size of common breeds, are better for humans, and some require less maintenance( but not all) compared to their full-sized counterparts. In this article we will introduce you to several such animals.

Mini cows

Modern dwarf cows are descendants of individuals from the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, their weight reaches 270 kg, and their height does not exceed 106 cm. They were specially bred to be smaller than their predecessors.

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From shy to extraverted. The small size makes them less intimidating for children. A seven-year-old child can easily milk a trained and obedient miniature dairy cow.


Produces from 18 to 22 liters of milk per day, respectively, you will always have fresh cream, cheese, butter, cottage cheese and yogurt on your table.

Care and feeding

Cows must roam pasture, eat grass and sunbathe. For a miniature dairy cow requires at least 2000 square meters.m space. She will need a barn for feeding, milking and living. On average, per day it consumes about 11 kg of hay, 1 kg of grain and 27 liters of water with regular milking.

Dwarf cows require as much strength for maintenance as regular species.

Mini bulls

Dexter, Hereford, Longhorn, Jersey, Lowline( mini-Angus) and Zebu are the most popular breeds. Mini Zebu weighs between 90 and 220 kg, while mini Dexters and Hereford reach 450 kg.

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Dwarf bulls are used mainly in non-mechanical agriculture and performances at exhibitions, fairs and parades.


Usually calm animals have developed intelligence and are able to learn how to perform a variety of tasks.


Easy to drag and pull and can be used to transport hay, water, firewood and collected leaves.

Care and feeding

An adult bull needs 4000 square meters of space.m. for a comfortable life, 13 kg of hay every day in the winter, as well as 1.5 kg of feed on weekdays. Provide a dry room for the animal and good protection from the cold.

Dwarf calf is 2 times more expensive than ordinary. During the first year, allocate daily time for his workouts.

Dwarf Hens

The most famous among miniature hens are dwarf benthams. They are 2 times smaller and lighter than standard poultry. On average, they weigh no more than 500 g. Bentams are often used for decorative purposes with their beautiful feathers on their feet and wide fan tails. Many ordinary chickens have their diminished copy, but there are also several unique dwarf bentham breeds without large relatives. For example, the Dutch and Seabright bantams.

Evaluation of

breeders Some farmers note that observing the behavior of a flock of tiny chickens relaxes them and improves their mood.


Dwarf bentam like big chickens. Some of them are friendly and enjoyable. Others, on the contrary, are completely wild.

Benefits of the

Eggs are half the size of a standard chicken egg, and they are just as useful. Chickens eat grasshoppers, larvae and other pests, and their litter is an excellent compost ingredient.

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Care and Feeding For a flock of 6 chickens, plan a chicken coop measuring 2 meters by 2 meters with breeding boxes, a resting place and heated in winter, as well as an outdoor paddock protected by a net frompredators. Chickens need food and water every day; eggs also need to be collected every day. One hen consumes 1-2 cups of feed per day. Benthams love finely chopped vegetables, but you have to carefully clean up the remnants of them so as not to attract flies.

Snakes, weasels, hawks, dogs and other predators can destroy an entire herd in the blink of an eye. Benthams, like most chickens, are prone to disease. Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after contact with them, both for their protection and for your own.

Dwarf Sheep

Sheep are considered dwarf, if their growth is in the range from 48 to 60 cm. The individuals below this mark are called “toy” sheep.

Assessment of breeders

Owners find the mini sheep delightful. Some of these animals resemble cute stuffed animals, overly crowded from the inside.


Mini sheep belong to separate species, and only as time passes they can become friendly and tame.

Benefits of

The Cheviot and Beybidoll rocks are relatively easy to care for. They give a good return of milk, wool and meat.

Care and feeding

If you plan to breed lambs, start with one ram and two sheep per 1-2 hectares, divided into several sections, to allow the animals to graze separately. Outside the pasture, a mini sheep consumes about 7 kg of hay per day. Provide them with a safe dwelling of 2.5 by 2.5 m at night, as well as a shade with a shade on sunny days. In winter, additional heating is not required.

The smaller the sheep, the more vulnerable it is to predators.

Dwarf horses

After four centuries of breeding, the specialists managed to bring out a miniature horse, whose height does not exceed 86 cm, and its weight varies between 70 and 110 kg. These sizes are proportional to the size of ordinary horses.

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Assessment of breeders

If large horses scare you, you will find dwarf cute and friendly.


Mini horses are smart and easy to learn. Most of them are raised by obedient and accustomed to hands.

Advantages of the

Some owners harness their dwarf horses into small carts or use them as pack animals for hiking journeys with backpacks. These animals can carry weight up to 31 kg.

Care and Feeding

Two individuals can calmly graze on the territory of 4 square meters.kmEven after a day in the pasture, they need at least 2 cups of grain per day. In winter, each horse requires dry food at a rate of 2% of its weight daily - an average of 2 kg. Provide a reliable dry shelter with good wind protection of 2.5 by 3.6 m. Most dwarf horses grow hair to protect them from the cold. Therefore, they are happy to spend time on the street in the snowy days. Heater is not required even in cold weather.

Dwarf horse - not a puppy. Carefully study the information about these animals and get ready to spend time on their training.

You have learned about several common types of dwarf farm animals. If you study in detail the specific species that you plan to breed on a farm, then you can reduce the labor costs for this process by several times. In conditions of lack of space and land, the cultivation of miniature cows and chickens would be an excellent solution.

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