Choose protective roller shutters for windows - 7 tips


  1. №1. Roller shutter construction
  2. №2. Rolling stock material
  3. No. 3. Roller Profile Profile Type
  4. №4. Types of roller shutter management
  5. №5. Mechanical control of roller shutters
  6. №6. Automatic control of roller shutters
  7. №7. Mounting options for roller shutters on the window

Home security worries absolutely everyone, but if the entrance to the apartment can be equipped with a solid door with reliable locks, then the window openings are all somewhat more complicated. The question of protecting windows is particularly relevant for owners of apartments on the ground floors and owners of villas. Previously, this problem was solved with the help of grids, but they take away the light and often become a barrier during the evacuation. Today, a more reliable, thoughtful and modern solution has become shutters that can decorate the facade of the house, protect from the sun, outsiders and even keep the heat. How to choose the right roller shutters for windows, what they are and how to install them better?

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№1. Roller shutter construction

Roller shutters are often called roller shutters and protective blinds, and theirThe design includes such elements:

  • canvas, made of lamellas. The latter can be aluminum, steel or plastic;
  • shaft, on which the web is unwound due to its not monolithic, but lamellar structure;
  • box, which covers the shaft with a wound on it, makes the overall appearance more aesthetic and protects all elements from the negative impact of the environment;
  • guides, which ensure the course of the blade up and down.

The shutters are actuated by mechanical forces or by an electric drive. Externally, the shutters look quite simple, but aesthetically, securely close the window opening and prevent unauthorized access. Color can be absolutely any, as well as the size. Today, there is also the opportunity to make shutters on windows of non-standard shape, for example, on the archway.

A little deviating from the topic, we note that the shutters have been used to protect garage doors, trading floors and offices. Naturally, for garages, rollers are produced with thicker and wider lamellas. There are even sanitary plumbing for the toilet, which allow you to hide not very nice communications. They do not have protective functions, so they have a lightweight design.


№2. Rolling stock material

When choosing a roller shutter on a window,material of their manufacture:

  • aluminum. Aluminum makes an absolute majority of rolls. This is a fairly light material, making it possible to make the whole structure as compact as possible and use a manual drive or the simplest electric one with it. Aluminum shutters look great, are presented in a huge variety, well protected from the sun and are cheaper than a steel analog. With protective functions, such rolls handle well, although they are inferior to steel ones;
  • steel. Such rolls can be called a model in terms of strength and reliability. If you need maximum protection, you can safely choose them. On the other hand, steel rolls decently weigh, they are difficult to call compact, and in terms of aesthetics they are inferior to aluminum, but at the same time they are more expensive;
  • plastic blindsare installed not to protect the window from intruders, but only to reduce the intensity of sunlight in the room, to shield from extraneous views. Such systems look great, amaze with variety and can become an ornament of the facade;
  • wooden shuttersare also not designed to block the path to the attacker, but to protect against sunlight, which is especially true in the summer for windows facing the south side. The construction of a natural material looks great, provides a decent level of heat and sound insulation.

No. 3. Roller Profile Profile Type

Despite the fact that, steel shutters are able to provide the maximum protection, today the most demand is made of aluminum shutters, which can be made froma different type of profile:

  • Roller Rolling Profile with Foam Filler- the simplest and cheapest option. For rolling, thin aluminum sheets are used, so even the foam filler does not save against possible deformations at serious mechanical loads. These rolls have good heat and sound insulation, but they do not resist much. If you use them with the protection function, then only together with other means, for example, signaling;
  • reinforced seamless profilemuch stronger than the previous version, can be an excellent obstacle in the way of intruders. It is worth more than roller rolling profile, but if your goal is reliable protection of window openings, then it is better to choose it. Well such shutters are suitable for summer residence;
  • lattice seamless or perforated profilealso has excellent indicators of reliability and strength, it well prevents burglary and is used, mainly for installation on commercial premises, because with the proper level of protection, these rollers provide an acceptable view of the storefront, even when it is closed. Sometimes put at home, so that even with the shutters closed, a little light penetrates inside.

Separately it is possible to allocate the armored shutters, they can be made both from aluminum, and from steel, but in a private construction is not used - they are so powerful and massive that they can become a reliable protection of financial institutions.

№4. Types of roller shutter management

Window shutters can be controlled in two ways:

  • mechanicallyi.e. with the help of physical efforts of man. This is a budget option, suitable when the weight of the structure and the number of windows with rolls is small;
  • automaticallywith the help of an electric drive. More expensive, but also more comfortable way of management. It is worth pressing the button on the wall or on the remote control, as the roller shutters will come into motion.

№5. Mechanical control of roller shutters


Mechanical control wins in terms of practicality, because it does not depend on electrical power and will not suffer from voltage surges or lack of electricity. Depending on the weight of the structure, manual control is usedseveral drive options:

  • belt drivesuitable for roller shutters up to 15 kg. The name of the system suggests that its key element is a ribbon, which is attached to the tape-feeder at one end, and the second - to the shaft. To bring the design into motion, it is enough just to pull the tape. A common option for small window openings, one of the most budgetary;
  • cardan drivesuitable for designs weighing up to 36 kg, allows you to control the rolls, rotating the handle of the cardan. It is also inexpensive, reliable in operation, and its design allows you to install on it an upper automatic lock;
  • cable drivecan lift rollers up to 100 kg, works by changing the degree of tension of the cable, which is attached to the driveshaft. Control is carried out by means of a handle, the system is sufficiently reliable and relatively inexpensive;
  • spring-inertialtoday is the most common, can withstand a maximum weight of 80 kg, and you can close and open the shutters with the help of special handles that are on the lower guide. For a guarantee, it is better to equip such shutters with a lower lock.

№6. Automatic control of roller shutters

The electric drive allows you to drive roller shutters in motion with a single click on the button, it's convenient, but it's worth the extra financial investment. The motor integrates inside the octagonal shaft, does not increase the construction in any way. The electric drive allows you to calmly raise and lower roller shutters weighing up to 200 kg, use the upper automatic lock for reliability, but there are also limitations: it can not be used with rollers of a width less than 60 cm.

You can control automatically shutters in two ways:

  • radio control, when the design comes into motion on the button on the console, and the command is broadcast on the radio channel;
  • wire controlwith the help of key, lock and rotary switches.

The essential advantage of automatic control is the ability to combine several rolls into groups. This allows you to actuate several shutters at the touch of a button, usually up to 4.

№7. Mounting options for roller shutters on the window

The shutters can be mounted in different ways, it all depends on the characteristics of the window opening and personal wishes. There are several basic ways to mount shutters on a window:

  • built-in installationbox outassumes installation in the opening. Outwardly, this option looks aesthetically pleasing, since nothing protrudes beyond the facade, but the box in the opening takes away a little light and reduces the viewing angle;
  • built-in installation inside the boxfrom the side of the facade it looks even more aesthetic, but with such an installation, light is taken away, and the canvas is located a short distance from the window;
  • surface mountingsupposes the fastening of the box directly to the facade of the building above the window opening. In this way, it is possible to achieve maximum visibility and complete invisibility of the structure from the window, but the box will stick out slightly relative to the facade;
  • combined mountinginvolves the installation of a box in a specially prepared niche above the window. Combines the advantages of all other installation options, but it is better to provide such a niche even at the stage of building a house.

The color of roller shutters should be chosen so that it is combined with the facade and the color of the window frames. Installation of the simplest systems can be done by oneself, and when using an electric drive and radio control it is better to contact specialists.

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