How to choose an automatic water pumping station

Pumping station is a demanded version of the equipment for organizing the autonomous water supply of a private house. These are reliable and relatively compact devices that can provide high-quality water delivery to all consumption points.

The equipment is not cheap, so before buying you need to weigh the pros and cons, study the characteristics and compare them with the upcoming operating conditions. Agree, at first glance, the task seems to be quite complicated.

We will show you how to choose a pumping station, describe the device and the principle of operation of the equipment, and also outline the main criteria for a competent purchase. In addition, we have compiled a review of popular brands whose products have won the trust of users. The information provided in the article will help you make the right choice.

The content of the article:

  • How does a pumping station work?
  • Features of installation and operation
  • The problem of choosing a pumping station
  • Recommendations for the selection of equipment
  • instagram viewer
  • Recommended models
    • Marina APM 100/25
    • Grundfos Hydrojet JPB 6/24
    • Gardena 4000/5 Classic
    • Jumbo 50/28 H-24 and Jumbo 70/50 H-50 N HOUSE
    • AL-KO HW 4000 FCS Comfort
    • Wilo Jet HWJ 203 50l
    • Vortex ACB-800/24
    • Belamos XK 08 ALL
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How does a pumping station work?

The pumping station is a complex of devices consisting of a pump, hydraulic storage tank with rubber or membrane liner, pressure switch and control panel.

The principle of operation of the station is quite simple. The pump pumps water into the hydraulic tank; here the water is under a certain pressure, which depends on its quantity and the volume of air in the tank. As water is consumed, the pressure in the accumulator decreases.

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Pumping station at the dacha

The pumping station is an excellent equipment for providing water supply to the suburban area, where it supplies water for almost all economic purposes.

Water supply of a private house

In the organization of autonomous water supply from shallow sources, pumping stations installed in basements or caissons constructed for them are more often used.

Use as a booster pump

They are installed as an additional pump unit if there is no normal pressure in the network or the water supply line for the water collection is too large to operate one pump.

Provision of water supply for domestic needs

With the help of pumping stations, a reserve of water is created in fire tanks, irrigation tanks, saunas and territory cleaning.

Pumping station at the dacha

Pumping station at the dacha

Water supply of a private house

Water supply of a private house

Use as a booster pump

Use as a booster pump

Provision of water supply for domestic needs

Provision of water supply for domestic needs

Properly configured pressure switch captures the change in the amount of water. When the minimum setting is reached, the relay switches the pump on so that the hydraulic tank is filled with water. As the tank is filled, the pressure increases, the relay fixes its maximum level and turns off the pump.

The cycle of switching on and off is repeated in such a way that the tank always has the amount of water that can meet the needs of the residents.

Such a system is highly efficient. For example, if the water supply was connected directly to the pump, the equipment would have to be turned on every time someone opens the tap.

The main unit of the automatic pumping station

The basis of the pumping station is a pump of any system, but most often of a centrifugal type. Its work is controlled by pressure sensors and an accumulator equipped with an elastic membrane that reacts to changes in the volume of water (+)

The presence of a pump station with hydraulic tank allows you to reduce the number of on / off pump to the required minimum. This greatly saves the life of the equipment, prolongs its service life. Since the water in the hydraulic tank is under pressure, a good pressure can be created throughout the house's water supply system.

An acceptable figure is usually about 1.5 atm, but it can be increased if necessary. Separate household appliances (washing and dishwashers, jacuzzi bathtubs, shower cabins with hydromassage) in the absence of sufficient pressure in the plumbing system just can't work.

Pumping station effectively solves this problem.

Diagram of the pumping station in the water supply system

This diagram clearly shows the device of the pumping station and the principle of operation of such equipment: water enters the hydraulic tank, which is filled in automatic mode (+)

If for some reason access to water is limited or absent (pump failure, sharp drop in well production, etc.), the water supply in the hydraulic tank will be very useful.

Water can be used for some time, until access to water resources is restored. If a pump is used instead of a station, turning it off automatically deprives all residents of the house of water.

Features of installation and operation

The pumping station can be assembled independently, but it is easier to buy a ready-made unit. These devices are relatively simple in installation and in operation.

To install the station will need a flat platform and shelter from the weather. The hose of the surface pump is lowered into the well or well, the hydraulic tank is connected to the water supply system of the house, and the whole system is provided with power (it will be needed UZO).

Installation of pumping station

Before installing the pumping station, choose a suitable place for it, build a solid base and provide weather protection.

After that remains set up pressure switch and begin operation of the station. Further intervention in the operation of the device is usually not required.

The station will replenish the water in the hydraulic tank in automatic mode. It is recommended to check the operation of all elements of the pumping station approximately once every three months. As required, maintenance of individual components is carried out: flushing the pump, adjusting the pressure switch, replacing the membrane in the hydraulic tank, etc.

If the pumping station is chosen and installed correctly, it can work for many years without interruption.

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Purity of water as an argument of choice

In choosing a pumping station, an important factor is the cleanliness of the water. If you install it as a booster pump in a system with multi-level filtration, you can ignore the possibility of pumping polluted water.

Abyssinian well pumping

Not too high requirements are placed on the capabilities of the pumping station, if the pumping will be performed from a well-needle, because the starting element of the working column is equipped with a filter

Work on pumping water from the well

At the limit for possible pumping contamination of groundwater should pay attention when you turn on the station in the water supply from a conventional well with a coarse filter. In this case, it is necessary to install a filter on the suction hose.

Open water intake

Especially in-depth study of technical capabilities before buying a pumping station requires water supply with water intake from an open pond. Here the installation of a strainer on the suction pipe is obligatory.

Purity of water as an argument of choice

Purity of water as an argument of choice

Abyssinian well pumping

Abyssinian well pumping

Work on pumping water from the well

Work on pumping water from the well

Open water intake

Open water intake

The problem of choosing a pumping station

Such equipment is offered to the consumer in a very wide range.

Models of modern pumping stations differ in a whole set of parameters, such as:

  • price;
  • equipment;
  • place of manufacture;
  • brand;
  • performance;
  • volume of the hydroaccumulator;
  • power consumption;
  • design features;
  • equipment, etc.

With choosing a specific model the pumping station should first thoroughly examine its operating conditions. If the well serves as a source of water intake, you should carefully study the construction passport, there is a lot of useful information.

If there is no special technical documentation, you will have to figure out the characteristics of the well yourself.

Here is a list of indicators to be guided by choosing a pumping station:

  • well / well flow rate, i.e. the amount of water entering per unit of time;
  • statistical and dynamic water level in the well;
  • the height to which water will have to be supplied;
  • distance from the water source to the place of its consumption.

Performance - one of the main indicators when choosing a pumping station. It characterizes the maximum amount of water that can be delivered to the house within a certain period of time.

First you need to calculate how much water you need. At the same time, they take into account the number of people permanently residing in the house, as well as the presence and characteristics of household appliances that use water: washing machines, bathtubs, hydro-massage, etc.

Where automatic pumping stations are used

Pumping stations are used as units of water intake from underground and open sources of water supply. Able to pump water from a depth of 8 - 10 m and transport it to a height of 12 - 30 m, depending on the technical capabilities of the manufacturer (+)

In this case, the parameters of the pumping station should be correlated with data on the flow rate of the well or well. Problems can arise if the water intake from the source is produced more intensively than the natural replenishment of stocks. In such a situation, it is likely that one day the well or well will become empty.

And this will lead to the operation of the equipment in the dry running mode. Therefore, if the performance of the pumping station significantly exceeds the flow rate of the structure existing on the site, it is worth looking for a more suitable model.

Usually for the organization of autonomous water supply in a private house, pump stations are selected, the capacity of which varies between 3-6 thousand. l / h

To roughly provide the necessary performance of the equipment, you can focus on the following information:

  • Peak water consumption at the summer cottage is usually about 0.8-1.5 cubic meters. m / h
  • A family of 4-6 people living in a medium-sized cottage consumes about 1.5-2 cu. m / h
  • For a large country house, taking into account the need for irrigation, maintenance of the pool, fountains, etc. the need for water will be at least 3-4 cu. m / h

Power pumping equipment may be 0.6-1.5 kW. Here, the value is not only the amount of water that must be pumped into the house, but also the distance from the place the intake of water to the point of its consumption, as well as the height that the water column will have to overcome in order to get to house.

The more these indicators, the more powerful equipment should be chosen.

The depth at which water must be taken may be decisive. Typically, pumping stations are equipped with surface self-priming pumpwhich is effective at a depth of 6-8 m. Owners of deeper wells, as a rule, should use more powerful submersible pumps.

You can solve the problem by using a self-priming pump with external ejector. This is a more complex device, but it allows you to increase the depth of water intake to 30 meters and even more. At the same time, such equipment can be used in standard four-inch wells.

Of course, attention should be paid to the dimensions of the hydraulic accumulator tank. You should not choose a tank that is too large in volume, since it will acquire considerable physical weight when filled with water. Hydraulic tanks are usually made of stainless steel, as well as cast iron or plastic.

Hydraulic tank pumping station

The hydraulic tank of the pumping station should provide sufficient pressure and water supply, but do not purchase an excessively large device.

For prolonged use to take a plastic container does not make sense, it has too short a lifetime. Cast iron tanks are extremely reliable, but are notable for their high cost. Light, relatively inexpensive and durable steel is used to make hydraulic tanks most often.

The inner rubber liner may have a pear shape or be made in the form of a membrane. Since this element is experiencing a constant and changing load, it can break down over time. Choosing a pumping station, it makes sense to think about the possibility of replacing the liner hydraulic tank.

The cost of the pumping station can significantly affect the presence of protective modules. This equipment allows you to automatically turn off the pump, if the source is exhausted water supplies. If you do not turn off the equipment in time, work in the “idle” mode will cause the engine to overheat, which will lead to significant breakdowns.

In some cases, you have to completely replace the engine, pump or the entire station. Should I spend money on a pump station with an automatic control unit? On the one hand, this is a very convenient module, on the other - additional expenses.

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Pump station with centrifugal pump

In the selection of the pumping station, the type of pump plays a weighty role. For the extraction of water from natural sources, wells, water wells, natural reservoirs, suitable centrifugal variety

The specifics of the use of vortex aggregates

If the summer cottage or country plot is connected to a centralized water supply system, i.e. pure water is supplied to the autonomous network under pressure; a station with a vortex pump is needed

Self-priming centrifugal pump

Self-priming - one of the types of centrifugal pumps, the scope of application is almost the same. However, when operating this type, it is not necessary to constantly pour water into the working part before starting, since she lingers in it herself because of the special location of the pipes

Multistage pump in the station

To supply water to all points of dismantling in two- and three-storey houses, it is better to buy a station with a multi-stage unit. In addition to the extremely high pressure, it will also please with almost silent operation.

Pump station with centrifugal pump

Pump station with centrifugal pump

The specifics of the use of vortex aggregates

The specifics of the use of vortex aggregates

Self-priming centrifugal pump

Self-priming centrifugal pump

Multistage pump in the station

Multistage pump in the station

In almost all cases, automation is an appropriate acquisition, especially when it comes to water supply of a large house for a whole year. Management of the pumping station in the manual mode should be considered only when it is purchased for a small dacha, where such equipment is used irregularly.

Recommendations for the selection of equipment

Pumping station - the equipment is not cheap. Selecting a suitable model, it makes sense to pay attention to the products of well-known brands with a good reputation.

Too low a price is not the best figure for a pumping station. Typically, such units have quality problems that will manifest only during operation.

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Technical options for pumping stations

Having decided on the volume of hydraulic tank, type and performance of the pump, you should pay attention to the technical options of the system

Prevention of blockages and breakdowns

A weighty argument in favor of purchasing a car is the ability to carry out the simplest maintenance operations.

Economy mode of operation of the station

It is excellent if the equipment is equipped with an economical mode of electricity consumption with a smooth adjustment that allows you to choose the optimal position

Built-in engine protection system

Significantly prolongs the life of the pump and eliminates the need to repair the station protection device against overheating of the motor

Devices for protection against clogging and dry running

To prevent clogging of the pumping station is equipped with a built-in filter. From burning seals and, as a result, damage to the engine, will relieve the check valve

Ergonomic operation and ease of preparation

Simplicity of filling the working part of the pump with water will provide a wide throat, a convenient handle will facilitate carrying if necessary

Self-priming pump nozzles

To operate the automatic station in the normal mode, priority is given to self-priming units, both nozzles of which are located above the central axis of the machine

Real working resource of automatics and hydroaccumulator

As a convincing argument in favor of this or that equipment should serve the operational life of the hydraulic tank and pressure switch, the replacement of which during operation is undesirable

Technical options for pumping stations

Technical options for pumping stations

Prevention of blockages and breakdowns

Prevention of blockages and breakdowns

Economy mode of operation of the station

Economy mode of operation of the station

Built-in engine protection system

Built-in engine protection system

Devices for protection against clogging and dry running

Devices for protection against clogging and dry running

Ergonomic operation and ease of preparation

Ergonomic operation and ease of preparation

Self-priming pump nozzles

Self-priming pump nozzles

Real working resource of automatics and hydroaccumulator

Real working resource of automatics and hydroaccumulator

The most important moment - after-sales service and warranty. The product must be supplied not only with a technical passport and detailed instructions, but also properly executed warranty documents, which should be carefully studied.

The long warranty period of an automatic pumping station usually indicates its high quality. You should also familiarize yourself with the procedure for the provision of warranty services.

It happens that for pump station repair under warranty, you have to go to the nearest city, region, or even send broken equipment to a neighboring country, and this is a long and extremely inconvenient.

At the end of the warranty period, repair and maintenance will have to do independently. It is necessary to make sure that the necessary materials, spare parts and assemblies are available for sale, so that you do not have to wait for months to deliver the item you need to repair.

Repair of pump station

Over time, even the best pumping station can fail. Simple repairs can be performed independently with the availability of suitable materials and spare parts.

Usually, there are no major problems with pumping stations of well-known foreign companies, since they They have not only a wide dealer network, but also a well-established after-sales service system. products.

It is worth paying attention to the products of domestic production, which at high quality can offer more attractive prices for pumping stations.

Recommended models

Marina APM 100/25

This is a fairly powerful pumping station made in Italy with a robust cast iron housing. It is designed for pumping clean water.

Pump station Marina APM 100/25

The pump station Marina APM 100/25 with a cast-iron body is made in Italy, distinguished by high performance and increased reliability

Equipment power consumption is 1.1 kW, capacity is 2400 l / h, available immersion depth - 25 m. This pumping station is perfect for maintenance of relatively large cottage.

Grundfos Hydrojet JPB 6/24

The pumping station of the famous Italian brand consumes 1400 watts of electricity, while it allows to get about 5 cubic meters. m of water per hour.

Pump station Grundfos JP 2 PT,

Pump station Grundfos JP 2 PT, a product of a famous Italian company, supplies water from a depth of 8 meters, suitable for summer cottages or a small cottage

The immersion depth of this device is relatively small - only 8 m. It is designed for operation in temperate latitudes and of high quality, however, like all products with the GRUNDFOS logo. Suitable for cottages or a small cottage.

Gardena 4000/5 Classic

This unit consumes a little - just 0.85 kW with quite impressive performance, which is about 3500 l / h.

Pump station GARDENA 4000/5

The pump station GARDENA 4000/5 CLASSIC is notable for its high productivity - 3500 l / h - with relatively low power consumption - only 850 W

This is a universal version of the pumping station, which can be used for the needs of the house and the surrounding area. Such equipment is used even for servicing water supply units.

Jumbo 50/28 H-24 and Jumbo 70/50 H-50 N HOUSE

Jumbo Gilex pumping stations are very diverse. The performance of these devices, the depth of immersion and power vary in a fairly wide range, which allows you to choose a model that is ideally suited for specific conditions.

Pump stations Jumbo Gilex

Jumbo Jilex pumping stations are the most popular choice on the territory of Russia, since at a moderate price they demonstrate a high degree of reliability.

For example, Jumbo 50/28 H-18 with a capacity of about 3 m³ / h suitable for small cottages.

But Jumbo 70/50 N-50 N HOUSE can be used in a medium sized cottage. Some models are additionally equipped with an ejector that can significantly increase the depth of immersion. The cost of pumping stations of this manufacturer is relatively low, while feedback on product quality is mostly positive.


This is a series of water pumping stations designed specifically for low-flow water sources. Such models are relatively inexpensive, the power of the pump station is less than 250 watts. Such a unit can be an excellent choice for a villa or a small house.

Pump station AQUAROBOT M

AQUAROBOT M pump station is the most suitable option for water sources with low flow rates. The unit is characterized by low power, only 250 W

AL-KO HW 4000 FCS Comfort

This is an ideal solution for deep wells. For wells this compact model can also be safely used. A power of 1000 W allows water to be raised from a depth of 45 m. Maximum capacity 4 m³ / h.

Pump station AL-KO HWA 1300 F

The AL-KO HWA 1300 F pumping station is perfect for wells up to 50 meters deep. It will provide water not only for the house, but also the plot.

Such pumping stations will provide the necessary pressure in the house, as well as carry out watering work on the site.

Wilo Jet HWJ 203 50l

This pumping station with an open reservoir. With a power of 1000 W, it can be used to draw water from a depth of 42 m. The peak performance will be 5 m³ / h.

Pump station Wilo Jet HWJ 203,

A pumping station from the famous Wilo Jet HWJ 203 brand, made of durable materials, is ideal for working in difficult weather conditions.

All units manufactured under the brand Wilo, are of high reliability. Equipment of this type is designed to work in a harsh climate.

Vortex ACB-800/24

It is a pumping station that is popular in country houses and in private houses, but it is equipped with a capacious hydraulic tank. The maximum immersion depth is 9 m, power - 800 W, performance - 3.6 m³ / h, the average price range. All this made the Whirlwind pumping stations extremely popular.

Pumping station

Pump station “Whirlwind” - the unit is relatively inexpensive, but reliable and very popular, designed for an immersion depth of up to 9 meters

It is worth noting that this equipment is suitable for use in hot climates, because it works even at 50 degrees of heat without interruption.

Belamos XK 08 ALL

This is a pumping station manufactured in Belarus - it has similar characteristics and is in the same price category. With a power of 800 W, it provides a capacity of about 3.6 m³ of water per hour.

Pump station BELAMOS XK

The BELAMOS XK pumping station, made in Belarus, is a worthy alternative to the “Whirlwind” in terms of both performance and price.

This pumping station can be used both with a well or a well, and when connected to the main water supply system. In any case, it will provide the necessary water pressure.

Recommendations for choosing a pumping station for giving are given in this article, and for a private house - here.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Here you can see an overview of the various models of pumping stations:

This video contains useful recommendations for choosing a pumping station based on the operating conditions:

If the equipment is selected correctly, it will work for a long time and without breakdowns. A pumping station is a great way to provide enough pressure in a home's plumbing system to make it truly comfortable.

Looking for an efficient and affordable pumping station? Or have experience using such installations? Please leave comments on the article and share your impressions about the use of pumping stations.

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