Podmore bees: how to use tincture for medicinal purposes

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Unfortunately, the life of a honey bee is not so long, and for one reason or another, insects in an apiary die all year round. The maximum number of corpses in the hive is found in the spring, when the beekeeper conducts an annual audit. It is the dead bees that are called podmor, which has long been famous as a valuable medicinal remedy of traditional medicine and is going to make alcohol tinctures.

What are the medicinal properties of tincture on a bee's marl? What is the strength of this product?

Medicinal properties of tincture on the bee's marrow

For the treatment and prevention of numerous diseases of the internal organs and systems of man, traditional medicine recommends the use of alcoholic or vodka infusion of the submarine.

After drying in the bodies of bees, there are many complex biochemical compounds that have an effect on the body. But the most useful and valuable is a complex based on melanin and chitin. The compounds turning into alcohol determine the use of tincture from the bee's primate in the treatment and prevention of such diseases as:

  • the threat of atherosclerosis and the initial stages of the disease;
  • diabetes;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • toxicosis of various nature;
  • varicose veins.

The biologically active substances contained in the vodka tincture made from the bee's dead bees contribute to the speedy tissue regeneration after injuries and burns, and when externally used, they have a hemostatic and analgesic effect.

As a means of traditional medicine, tincture of the bee's primate is applicable to inflammatory diseases. Good results are the remedy for sore throat, skin diseases, accompanied by a violation of the surface layers of the epidermis and the risk of secondary bacterial infection. In this case, treatment with a bee stalk has an antibacterial effect.

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With all the qualities of a natural antioxidant, bee primor contributes to the early elimination of toxins, stops the process of premature aging, improves the assimilation by the body of B vitamins.bees, it is necessary to collect the raw materials and prepare a therapeutic agent. Most often, the collection is carried out in early spring, when the beehives open and prepare for a new honey season. If during the winter the beekeeper checked the condition of his charges, by spring a fresh submor gathers in the hive, with no traces of staleness, mold, foreign debris, excrement, or destruction that is unavoidable during long-term storage. It is this raw material and goes to the manufacture of healing infusion.

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In order to use alcohol tinctures from the bees podmor was really curative, experienced beekeepers advise taking bees for it, which received full nutrition during the winter. In such a bee podmore there are more useful substances preserved than in insects, which were fed only with sugar syrup for a long time.

In no case shall the submorphae formed in hives affected by parasites or diseases, including toxic substances poisoning, be used for the preparation of tincture.

The collected purge is cleaned of impurities, then sieved and sent to the oven to dry. The high temperature is detrimental to the composition and condition of the raw materials, so the process should take place when heated to 40–50 ° C.Dried bee flower is packaged in small canvas bags and stored until the next season in a dry ventilated place.

Preparation and use of tincture from the bees pore on the vodka

For self-preparation of the alcohol pod on a tablespoon of bee pod, you will need to take a glass of vodka.

Raw material from insects is pre-crushed, poured into a container of dark glass and filled with liquid. A tightly closed flask is shaken and set to infuse in a warm, dark place. It is possible to use tincture from a bee pod on a vodka in two weeks. During this time, the liquid must be shaken occasionally to enhance extraction, and before use, the solution is filtered.

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To keep the healing properties of the tincture on the bees bye before evaporation, it is better to store it in the dark at a constant room temperature.

The prophylactic rate of alcohol tincture on a bee submoris is 20 drops. Means is taken 2 - 3 times a day before meals with courses lasting about two months. Then you need a break. Treatment with this tool should be carried out only for medical reasons.

Since both alcohol and beekeeping products have their own contraindications, before using bees and tincture of bees, you need to consult a specialist.

Alcoholic infusions are contraindicated in children, women awaiting a child and breastfeeding, as well as people of the older generation. It is necessary to refrain from taking the funds to anyone who has signs of an allergic reaction to honey and other products from the apiary.

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