Photo breeds of goats with a brief description of the characteristics


Symptoms of layman hens disease and the rules of their treatment

Symptoms of layman hens disease and the rules of their treatmentFarm

The content of the article: Infectious diseases of laying hen hens and their treatment Diseases of laying hens caused by parasites Non-contagious diseases of hens laying hens symptoms and treatm...

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Calendar for summer residents: November on the home

Calendar for summer residents: November on the homeFarm

The content of the article: Goats and sheep on the farm Rabbits in November Poultry keeping in the summer residenceNovember in the village - video . With the onset of autumn grass in the pa...

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Feeding and maintenance of goslings in the first 3 weeks of life

Feeding and maintenance of goslings in the first 3 weeks of lifeFarm

Content of the article: The first days of life After a week Two weeks of age Three weeks Content of goslings Feeding of goslings - video ...

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