Photo breeds of goats with a brief description of the characteristics


Diseases of chickens and their treatment

Diseases of chickens and their treatmentFarm

The content of the article: Preventing chicken diseases in the first period of life The role of vitamin supplements What are the diseases of chicken symptoms and treatment? Conclusion Prophylaxi...

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We select drinking troughs and feeding troughs for pigs

We select drinking troughs and feeding troughs for pigsFarm

The content of the article: Varieties and arrangement of feeding troughs for pigs Nipple drinkers for pigs Requirements for feeders and drinking bowls for pigs Feeder for pigs own handsBunker fe...

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Trap for bees: manufacturing and installation sites

Trap for bees: manufacturing and installation sitesFarm

The content of the article: How to make a trap for bees? Selecting the location and time of setting the trap for beesTraps for bees - video . The flight of a swarm of beekeepers is perceive...

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