Beehives for bees: device, species, making their own

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videowhich are most often crevasses and hollows in the trunks of trees. In apiaries, life is much more comfortable, because each family is provided with its own beehives for bees.

How does a man-made house differ from a primitive deck? What is the device of the beehive for bees and is it possible to build it with your own hands?

Common types of beehives

Beekeeping is one of the oldest human activities. Therefore, it is not surprising that since then, many types and varieties of hives have appeared all over the world, which are conventionally divided into horizontal, or sun beds, and vertical, or risers:

  1. Vertical structures increase upward due to extensions. Among the most common options are a multi-housing hut and a beehive for Dadan bees.
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  3. Horizontal beehives are built up with frames parallel to the surface of the earth. Such varieties include sun beds, designed for 16-24 frames, as well as hives of Ukrainian design, which differ from typical perpendicular arrangement of frames.

Today, beekeepers have many types of hives in high esteem, but the most popular are sun beds, multi-unit structures and hives for 12 frames. The price of beehives for bees depends on the size of the house, its design and the materials used to make it. In addition to traditional wood and plywood, all kinds of plastic and textiles are often used in arranging hives.

. The device of beehives for bees.

. Structurally typical beehives consist of a body, a lid, a bottom, store extensions, a framework for bees.

The main element of the beehive device for bees is the body housing the frames for the honeycombs and the bee family itself. The appearance of the case is very simple. This is a box with no top and bottom, equipped with holders for frames.

For the departure and return of the bees on the front wall of the body of the hive, a hole is provided - a notch that can be round or slit-like. For convenience, tap holes can be closed with a special valve. Its size is easy to adjust with special liners. And from the outside, below the entryway, an arrival board is installed.

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The top of the case is covered with a lid, which is often flat. The purpose of this constructive detail is to protect the internal space of evidence for the bees from the weather, the penetration of animals or insect parasites. Under the flat roof, sometimes a liner is installed, which is required for the convenience of transporting hives, as well as for their warming.

Bottom case covers the bottom of the hive for bees. This part of the structure can be either removable or tightly attached to the main part. Externally, the bottom of the hive resembles a shield edged along the edge.

A shop extension is provided for mounting the half-frame. It is half lower than the body of the hive, and can be used in the period of massive collection of honey. If necessary, not one but several stores are put on the case.

Novice beekeepers are reasonably concerned with the question: “How much does a beehive cost with bees?” The cost of such an important purchase can vary greatly. Moreover, the choice of a particular hive device for bees depends on the individual preferences of the beekeeper, the amount of honey produced and the size of families.

If the cost of ready-made beehives seems too burdensome, the beekeeper makes a decision to build beehives for bees with his own hands, drawings for such a useful home-made can be found in open sources, and also use the experience of colleagues.

DIY Cards for Bees: Material and Assembling Features

Whichever device you choose for a bee hive, you should know that only materials that are safe for insects need to be used to build a house.

If wood is chosen as the base, it is better to give preference to rocks that do not emit a viscous odorous resin.

Boards and bars must be thoroughly dried, otherwise, deformation is inevitable during the operation and the hive’s failure will leak, the frames for the bees will no longer fall into place. For the same reasons, it is better to avoid wood with an abundance of knots that tend to fall out when dried.

For gluing hives, natural moisture-resistant compounds are taken that have not only high strength, but also help to seal the joints.

When connecting parts of the bottom, body, cover and other components of self-made evidence for bees, it is important not to allow gaps, and in order to avoid deformation, 2-3 pieces of the board are used for each of the parts.

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Exterior processing of the beehive for bees should provide not only decorative painting, but also mandatory twice drying with drying oil, ensuring the resistance of the tree before exposure to moisture, temperature changes and penetration of pests. Coloring recommended paint white, yellow or blue hue, well perceived by insects. It is useful to cover the hive cover with metal, and on the edges of the sheets are subjected to so as to protect the cut points and ends.

Requirements for evidence for bees

In order to make a beehive for bees, the construction drawings are selected so that the new house is completely comfortable:

  1. The quality house fully protects insects from seasonal changes in temperature and humidity in all weather conditions. For what the beehive is equipped with elements of ceiling and side protection, effective both in winter and in summer.
  2. The family in the hive of bees can expand without hindrance, for which a system is planned for increasing the volume of the house.
  3. The hive device for bees should be convenient not only for insects, but also for the beekeeper. That is, the structure should be easily cleaned, disinfected, ventilated and audited.
  4. It must be remembered that the hives must be transferred, assembled and disassembled.

Before making a hive for bees, you need to decide on its size. Although many experienced beekeepers have their own preferences and practiced options, it is better for beginners to be guided by the accepted universal dimensions.

Focusing on the beehive's drawing, do the body elements, the bottom and the cover, the frame and other parts of the structure with your own hands:

  1. Dried boards with a thickness of 20 mm are used to make the body. At the same time for the framework of the same boards it is better to take not from softwood, but from hardwood, for example, birch or dense aspen.
  2. The distance between the frames for bees in a typical solution is 37.5 mm, and between the bottom of the nest frame there is a gap of 20 mm.
  3. Passages for insects in width equal to 12.5 mm.
  4. From the bottom to the bottom of the frame, an indent of 20 mm is made.
  5. From the front or rear surface of the beehive body to the frame is 7.5 mm.
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Manufacturing When making a beehive, do not forget about weatherization. To this end, they prepare warming pads with a side of 455 mm, which are stuffed with well dried grass and moss.

The enclosure of the living space of a beehive from an area not yet occupied is the diaphragm. This removable element of the hive device for bees is also made by hand from a durable 10 mm plywood sheet.

The assembly of a homemade beehive begins with the details of the body, then it is time to attach the frames for the bees. After checking the dimensions of the hive gets the bottom. The last in place of the roof. The assembly is carried out on a flat surface so that the design is stable and durable.

How to make a hive with your own hands - video

Part 1

Part 2

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