How to choose a Bulgarian for your home: 7 tips for choosing an angle grinder


  1. 1. Principle of operation and scope
  2. 2. Types of Bulgarians
  • Network Border
  • Cordless Bohemian
  • Gasoline EWM
  • Pneumatic models
  • 3. Tips for selecting the size of the cutting blade
  • 4. Basic characteristics and tools
  • 5. Useful additional functions
  • 6. Proven brands and price range
  • 7. Usage rules
  • .

    There are such categories of hand tools, without which you can not do without. It is this type of angle grinder (USM) or "Bulgarian as all are accustomed to call it. Whether it's small home repairs or construction work in the suburban area, self-packing tile or polishing wooden elements - with this all cope successfully chosen type Bulgarians. In this article we will give7literateadvice on choosing a Bulgarianfor the house, we will consider a price policy and we will recommend the checked up manufacturers.

    1. Principle of operation and scope

    angle grinderIs an electric hand tool that is designed for cutting, stripping and polishing products made of materials such as various types of stone, including concrete, metal, wood and others. The device of the Bulgarian is not very complicated. However, it is necessary to be guided in this matter in order to be able to perform repairs or preventive cleaning yourself. In a durable plastic case are enclosed such

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    essential elementsas:

    • The wheel that regulates the speed;
    • Engine;
    • Start button
    • Housing;
    • Quick change disk button:
    • Safety clutch;
    • Protective cover;
    • The clamping nut of the working disk;
    • Gearbox housing;

    Himselfprinciple of operationreduces to the transformation of the rotational moment, which comes from the spindle, connected to the engine by means of a gear transmission. It is to the spindle that various nozzles, necessary for this or that kind of work, are attached. The tool body is made of high-strength plastic, which can withstand impacts. Simply applying different types of nozzles, or rather, different types of abrasive wheels, you can perform completely different tasks, which greatly increases the scope of this tool.

    Bulgarianapplieswhen necessary:

    • Cut or tile the tiles;
    • Cut metal sheets or rods;
    • Cut the strobes in a brick or concrete wall for laying electrical wiring or water pipes;
    • Remove rust from the car body or a layer of old paint;
    • Sand the wooden or metal surfaces to a high degree of smoothness;
    • Peel the welded seams;
    • Dull sharp edges with chamfers.

    2. Types of Bulgarians

    All the variety of this tool can be arranged depending on thetype of nutrition.Although most of this tool, about 95%, is electrical, there are four types of power supplies.

    Network Border

    The most common type, working on voltage 220V. They can use disks of different diameters. It is advisable to use them in enclosed spaces, where there is free access to the network or on sites equipped with sockets. This is the best option for use in an apartment or in the country. It is the network tool used by professional electricians, plumbers and tile stackers. Depending on the power, both professional models and simpler ones are distinguished.

    Networked Bulgarians have the followingadvantages:

    • have a high speed of rotation;
    • are powerful, but at the same time economical;
    • for ease of use, there are several options for the dimensions of the body in accordance with the disks of different diameters;
    • affordable pricing policy;
    • comparatively low weight;
    • a variety of nozzles that can be used with a particular model;
    • long service life with proper operation.


    • limited use due to energy dependence;
    • the power cord may interfere with the process and cause inconvenience;
    • It is possible to observe interruptions and instability of the tool in case of a fall
    • voltage in the network.

    Cordless Bohemian


    Their appearance and structure of the case has a characteristic difference from network models. At the end of the tool is a large battery compartment. These Bulgarians are available in modest sizes, and their body serves as the main handle when held. The size of the disk attachments does not have such a variety as in the previous type and lies in the range of 125-150 mm. The battery uses a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 18V. Work continuously for a long time with such a tool will not work. It is rational to use when it is necessary to perform short-term work in an open, remote from access to power supply terrain. For example, when building a fence along the perimeter of a work site, with emergency opening of metal doors or work in suburban, non-electrified houses. Despite some limitations, these models have a number ofadvantages:

    • high speed of rotation of abrasive discs;
    • compact dimensions of the body and the instrument itself;
    • for safe storage and transportation, most of these Bulgarians are equipped by default with a case made of impact-resistant plastic. Thus, you save on an additional purchase of this item;
    • thanks to the low weight it will be very convenient to work, it is possible to produce precise cutting or cutting of materials;
    • most models are equipped with a number of additional protective functions;
    • the presence of an additional lateral handle significantly reduces the level of vibrations, which makes it possible to hold the tool more evenly.

    Consider the mainlimitations:

    • the working period of the instrument is limited by the capacity of the battery;
    • not all models are equipped with a battery. In some cases, it must be purchased separately;
    • the limited size of disks, and, hence, the limited list of carried out works;
    • high price.

    Gasoline EWM

    This kind of Bulgarians is clearly different in appearance. Their body has large dimensions. Inside it is placed a fuel tank and an internal combustion engine. In view of the large dimensions, the tool is equipped with a massive grip frame for easy retention and an auxiliary handle. Gasoline grinders are equipped with disks of large diameters and are used for cutting concrete and iron in places with no access to the electric network. This tool has an increased noise level due to the features of the motor device. Work should be performed with the use of hearing protection.

    BenefitsThese models are as follows:

    • Increased power and increased diameter of discs;
    • rapid cutting of large objects - pipes, profiles, articles of concrete;
    • autonomous operation due to gasoline engine;
    • Work can be done continuously with regular refueling of the fuel tank;
    • The presence of a stand, which allows you to use the Bulgarian as a full-fledged cutting machine.

    disadvantagesgasoline bulgarians:

    • additional costs associated with the acquisition of fuel;
    • high noise level at work;
    • work only with large diameter nozzles;
    • in connection with the large dimensions of the tool, it is not always possible to reach the cutting area in hard-to-reach places;
    • To avoid overheating of the engine, regular breaks in operation are necessary before cooling down;
    • high price.

    Pneumatic models

    They have the same principle of work and purpose as the other types of Bulgarians, but differ in their internal arrangement. These models do not have an engine, and the rotation of the nozzles is provided by a powerful flow of compressed air, which acts on the blades inside the housing. When rotating the blades, the axis is started, on which the disk is fastened. For operation, a valve is used that allows access to the air flow to the internal channel in the housing. Thanks to this structure pneumatic bulgariaks are the easiest among all possible species. The duration of her work is not limited and can last at least the whole day. To operate such a tool, access to a compressor that pumps air or to the air network is necessary. In connection with such features, the pneumatic tool is not used for household purposes. But in the metalworking industry, these models are indispensable.Benefitsthey are quite significant:

    • very light weight;
    • due to the absence of an engine, the instrument can not overheat;
    • the minimum continuous operation time is 6-8 hours. It is limited exclusively by the human factor;
    • replacement of bearings, valves and other parts is inexpensive;
    • such models can be used in conditions of high humidity without a single risk;
    • high speed;
    • the work of the instrument is absolutely silent. Sound appears only at the moment of contact with the surface being treated.

    Disadvantageonly two:

    • high price;
    • The need for additional equipment, which will ensure the efficiency of the tool.

    Summarize. To use the bulgarian at home, of course, the optimal type will be a network tool. It is also more affordable, and has the ability to work with different disk diameters, and more economical. By picking the right tool, you can cope with a lot of tasks. However, if it is planned to build a country house or long-term repairs in suburban areas, It is worth considering the purchase of stand-alone models that can both cut the reinforcement and concrete blocks. The choice of type of food depends on the forthcoming work.

    3. Tips for selecting the size of the cutting blade

    It is the disc diameterkey factor,which determines the scope of work performed by the tool. It is worth noting that the landing diameter for the circles has a standard size - 2, mm. But, the larger the diameter of the cutting wheel, the higher the rotational speed and power of the grinder.Minimumthe diameter is 115 mm,maximallypossible - 230mm.

    The diameter of the disc is selected depending on the thickness, which will need to be cut. Proceeding from the fact that not all, but only part of the circle out of the instrument can be used as a working one, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the case. For example, if the case has a width of about 60 mm, then when using a disc of 125 mm it is not difficult to understand that only half of its surface will work. That is, it will be possible to cut through the material, with a thickness of no more than 35 mm, and in fact even less - 30 mm. After a while, the cutting surface of the disc is worn out, which will significantly reduce this figure. With such simple calculations, the required disk size is selected. But it is strongly recommended not to use circles of larger diameter than permitted by technical documentation.

    To make it easier for you to navigate, let's analyze the types of Bulgarians in more detail, based on the size of the disk:

    • USMon115 mm- the minimum size for the simplest works. The most commonly used for grinding, as cutting this size is very inconvenient. A smaller diameter means less weight, and therefore less power. The weight lies in the range -3 kg, and the power is not more than 1000 W. But the "small" Bulgarian has the maximum number of revolutions - 10-11 thousand rpm. There is the possibility of capturing both one and two hands. The size of the instrument does not affect the price, and such a compact tool can have both a small cost and vice versa. There are models equipped with many additional functions for professional use.
    • Bulgarianon125 mm- the most popular model. It has enough power, optimal weight and size for convenient operation, affordable cost. In any store the most extensive selection of grinding or cutting wheels with a diameter of 125 mm. This is the best tool for home use, if you do not plan to cut too thick parts.
    • Bulgarianon150 mm- unlike the previous model does not enjoy such a demand, although it is an excellent alternative for home use, if you need not a small, but not a large model. It is convenient to carry out both grinding and sharp work. But many argue that a more convenient solution would be to buy separately a small - 125 mm and a large - 180 mm Bulgarian. This tool has an average power of 1000-1500 W, an average rotation speed of 8-10 thousand rpm and an average weight of 3-5 kg. "Golden mean" for domestic craftsmen.
    • Bulgarianon180 mm- a suitable option for construction work. The depth of the cut will make it easy to handle the cutting of bricks (although it is necessary to cut all the same from both sides), a thick pipe and other elements. This means that it is not very convenient to perform a smaller job with such a tool.
    • Bulgarianon230 mm- maximum provided by manufacturers. It is called the "big" Bulgarian. It has a more significant weight - 5-8 kg, a powerful engine - 1500-2000 W, speed of rotation - 6-8 thousand rpm. They are equipped with two handles - rear stationary and side with the possibility of installation from different sides of the case. They are distinguished by high cost, which justifies the number of built-in functions. With its help, perform rough work, where it is necessary to use force, for example, cutting metal pipes, shtroblenie walls for wiring, etc. For small-scale works, such models are completely inadequate, even grinding is represented little possible. But with major repairs or construction work, they will be very welcome.

    Analyzingfive possible sizes of this tool, it is clear that each has its own merits and demerits. If you are engaged in construction work at a professional level, then the best solution for you will be to buy two Bulgarians. Small - 125 mm for precision work and medium - 180 mm. If you have to repair or build, then the tool is suitable for 150 or 180 mm.

    4. Basic characteristics and tools

    When you have decided exactly what size of tool you need, you can proceed to the selection according to the following parameters:

    • PowerBulgarians are the main indicator of the productivity of the instrument. The possible power range varies from, to, kW, and the increase in power is not directly proportional to the diameter of the working disk. Select the performance indicator follows the same principle as the size - depending on the degree of complexity of the forthcoming works and their duration. It is clear that using the maximum diameter of the working circle, it is necessary to choose models with the exponent power of about 2 kW to ensure high rotation speed and increase the continuous time work. But for small tools with a minimum diameter of the disk, sometimes high power is needed, especially if you have to continuously clean hard welds for several hours. A small tool with a power indicator, kW is considered household and is quite suitable for a small amount of work, which does not imply a long cutting of pipes or grinding of concrete surfaces. For heavier works models with capacity from 1 to, kW, which are classified as professional ones, are suitable. For the performance of construction work, it is preferable to bulgarians with a capacity from, to, kW.
    • Rotational speedThe ESM is in the range of 6000 to 15000 rpm. It is believed that the higher this figure, the faster you can perform grinding work or clean the surface of rust and other contaminants. In practice, this indicator for each instrument is selected individually according to its weight and is optimal. The only thing you need to know is that the angular velocity of rotation depends on the diameter of the working disk. Therefore, for large Bulgarians, it is preferable to have a speed control function. When erasing the working edge, this indicator should be reduced, thereby normalizing the speed of angular rotation. For household use, a tool with a minimum of 6000 rpm is sufficient. If construction or work is to be done, including polishing wooden surfaces or making a wooden fence, you need a model with an indicator of 7000-11000 rpm. To clean car bodies and other metal surfaces, choose a tool with an index of 1, 00 rpm. Such things can often be seen on the SRT.
    • The weightThe tool determines the duration of the work. Do not forget that the work creates a load on the hands and back. The lightest instruments, whose weight starts from, kg, is suitable for daily work of no more than 4 hours. Average Bulgarians weighing 3 to 4 kg will be suitable for work for 2-3 hours every day. For heavy work it is necessary to choose more overall models that will quickly cope with the task and do not require the operator much effort. Their weight is 6-9 kg.
    • Number of handles.Bulgarians are one-handed and two-handed. This is immediately evident when visiting specialized stores. All models have a main handle, which is screwed at the spindle itself and has the ability to be swapped on different sides of the case. This makes working with the tool equally convenient for both right-handed and left-handed people. The second handle is either the body itself, or an additional handle on the end. This makes it possible to hold the tool with both hands if necessary. The choice of the number of handles is again based on the character of the forthcoming works. Performing the resonant work will be equally convenient as a tool with one handle, and with two, and grinding work with a one-handed tool is dangerous. During work, the Bulgarian can be heavily infiltrated, and even a physically strong person will hardly hold it. Therefore, choosing powerful models for grinding, look only at two-handed. Bulgarians for small grinding of low power can be single handed. The main handle should preferably have finger protection for large tools and an extension at the top for small ones. This will prevent the slipping of the tool from tired or sweaty hands. The auxiliary handle must have a mushroom shape and, in the ideal case, be able to twist in several positions. This will make the work with the Bulgarian as comfortable as possible. Both hangers must have a rubberized coating.
    • Tank capacityorbattery.Gasoline models have a tank capacity of from, to, liter. If you have the opportunity to carry an additional canister with fuel, then this figure does not matter. Rechargeable Bulgarians have a battery capacity of 2-4 A / h. Due to this, the spindle rotation speed reaches up to 11000 rpm. Accordingly, the larger the capacity, the longer the tool life. For short-term work, a minimum indicator is sufficient.
    • Pressureand feed rateof air- for pneumatic models. Speed ​​is important in maintaining high speed. This figure reaches from 100 to 540 liters per minute. The larger the diameter of the disc, the higher the feed rate. The pressure in this case reaches from 6 to atmospheres.

    5. Useful additional functions

    More expensive models are equipped with a number of additional features. For example:

    • Casewill be very useful, if it is assumed that the tool will be transported frequently, and simply for storing and protecting from dust, from accidental shocks. The Bulgarian must reliably be fixed in special indentations. In the case, you can place all the necessary keys and disks.
    • Systemsmooth startallows you to make the load on the engine minimal. When the tool is turned on, the speed of rotation will be minimal, gradually increasing. This will protect the internal elements of the gearbox from a sharp impact and from the biting of the disc in a hard surface. Accordingly, such a tool is easier and more convenient to use.
    • Lock start buttonalso greatly facilitates the work. Do not constantly hold the power button in the clamped state, which is always quickly tired hands. With the help of a small additional button located next to the starting button, you can fix it in the on position.
    • Speed ​​controldisk - this function is present in expensive professional models. You can independently set the required rotation speed, depending on the work performed and the diameter of the working disk. This will eliminate the need to purchase several tools. But if you do not have the skills to work with a Bulgarian, it may be difficult to select modes yourself, and the end result will not meet expectations. Cuts and other troubles can come out.
    • Speed ​​stabilizationdepending on the load on the disk. This function is useful regardless of the user's skills. The tool automatically selects the optimal rotation number and optimizes the workflow automatically. It is very useful when working with non-uniform materials that have a soft outer coating and a solid core or vice versa. Electronics will recognize the change in load and instantly adjust the speed.
    • Protection against dustIt is very important when working with concrete surfaces. The reduction gear and shaft will be reliably protected against the ingress of fine abrasive particles into them. The life of the Bulgarian depends on this. Models with this function are very expensive, so if you are not engaged in construction, then in the domestic environment you can do without it.
    • Automaticdisk balancingis inherent in very high-quality tools. The point is that the UWB smoothes out the beating that occurs when the working edge of the disk is unevenly erased. This is very useful when polishing. You will notice a difference in working with the tool with and without this function after an hour.
    • Opportunityconnectivityconstructionvacuum cleanermakes the work more comfortable, allows not so much to pollute the surrounding space, the instrument itself and the respiratory ways of the worker. It is an alternative to the built-in dust protection function at a more affordable price.
    • Automaticpower offIt will be useful for interruptions with electric power supplies. If the light turns off during operation, the machine will turn off, which will turn off the power of the grinder, and it will not start rotating when the power supply resumes.

    6. Proven brands and price range

    To buy a reliable tool that will serve you for many years is worth considering only the proven manufacturers and do not skimp on buying. Analyzing the reviews of ordinary consumers and professional users, we identified a few of the mostpopular brands:

    • STURM- a proven joint production company in Germany and China. You can select one of the popular models, which is suitable for home and dacha use - AG9512P. The diameter of the working disk is 125 mm, while the machine produces a power of 1 kW with a speed of 4 to 11 thousand rpm. It has a convenient weight - only, kg and an acceptable price - about 3800 rubles. It is equipped with such additional functions as speed control, soft start, anti-jamming. The handle can be installed in three different positions.
    • Makita- a well-known brand for the production of hand tools. The production of Japan, there are factories in China and Romania. Inexpensive, but high-quality model, which is suitable for both home and professional use, is model 9555 HN. The diameter of the disk is also 125 mm, the power is slightly lower - 1 kW. The number of revolutions reaches 10 thousand rpm. This model is lighter kg, but not equipped with any additional functions. Its cost is about 3600 rubles.
    • Metabo, Germany. For more severe construction works that involve the processing of stone or concrete, the W 2000 model is suitable. It has a maximum diameter of the working disk - 230 mm, impressive power - 2 kW and weight kg. The number of revolutions is about, thousand rpm. Equipped with the function of protection against premature starting. The price of this model is about 6900 rubles.
    • DeWALT- does not even need a description. Production of the USA. Of the more powerful and professional models, we can single out a medium-sized model - D 28136. The diameter of the disk is 125 mm, the power reaches, kW, and the number of revolutions lies in the range of up to 10 thousand rpm. The instrument weighs, kg. Sold complete with case, has the function of adjusting the number of revolutions, smooth start and protection against deliberate starting. For one-time use at home, it has a high price - 7800 rubles. But for professional use it fits optimally.
    • Sparky- a real "Bulgarian made in Bulgaria, where this name came from. Among the entire model range most suitable for home use, reliable and compact is the model M 850E. Its weight is, kg, the diameter of the working circle is 125 mm. The machine has a power of 5 kW and a speed of 3 to 10 thousand rpm. Equipped with a speed control function and a smooth start. The price is about 3700 rubles.
    • Amongdomesticmanufacturers can identify the brandEnergomashand its model USM-9512P, which is suitable for work in an apartment or in the country. This model is not recommended for continuous operation for a long time, there is a risk of overheating. The instrument weighs, kg, has a power of 5 kW and a rotation speed of 3-10 thousand rpm. The diameter of the disc is 125 mm, the price in the district is 3700 rubles.
    • "SPECIALIST"- another worthy representative of domestic production. The model BSHU-1050 has a low cost - only , 00 thousand. and good value for money. Suitable for small housework. No additional functions. The working diameter is 125 mm, the power is, kW. The number of revolutions is 11 thousand rubles per minute. Weight of machine kg.

    Choosing the right tool, you should not buy it in strange places. It is better to go to a specialized store, be sure to check the operability on the spot, carefully inspect all the connections, clarify whether there is a guarantee, and what kind of bundle of goods. Pay attention to the start button, more precisely on its size. It should be large enough so that even in rough gloves you do not have difficulty with turning on.


    7. Usage rules

    Repairing the Bulgar is quite expensive. To maximally delay this moment, it is necessary to correctly handle the instrument. Considerbasic moments:

    • Without critical need, it is not necessary to remove the protective circuit above the abrasive wheel. If the need has arisen, be sure to use safety goggles so that fine particles of the abrasive do not damage the vision organs. In addition to your own protection, you need to ensure that the tool itself does not touch anything with unprotected sides;
    • Drevesnostruzhechnye materials are not recommended to handle the Bulgarian, only with a hacksaw or saw;
    • At work it is necessary to hold the tool very tightly. If the disc jams, the bulgarian can fall out of the hands and cause serious injury or fail;
    • When working with metal surfaces, sparks and small scales are inevitable. Protect the skin of hands and eyes and ensure that sparks do not penetrate the wiring or flammable materials;
    • When cutting any material in any case, do not press on the subject of cutting, in order to speed up the process. Pressing is only necessary on the tool and then, not too much.

    Preventative caretoo, no one canceled. It consists in periodic cleaning and lubrication of the tool from the inside, for this purpose the part or the whole device is disassembled, the dust is blown out and the surfaces that need lubrication are treated. Replacing small parts that wear out quickly is very simple. But if you do it in a timely manner, you can protect more responsible and expensive parts from wear and tear.

    If the appliance refuses to start after pressing the button, do not immediately try to disassemble it completely. Start offproblem identificationstands with the most simple places. For example, to start checking the power cord, there might have been a strong kink somewhere, then replacing the power cord will solve the problem.

    If the wire and plug are not damaged, then the case may be in the starting mechanism. It must be disassembled and cleaned, or replaced completely. If too much construction dust accumulates inside the device, this too can cause failure. To eliminate, it is often necessary to replace brushes that have become soiled that they simply stop receiving electric current.If this did not help, then it's worth asking for help from a specialist, otherwise the subsequent repair without the proper skills can only aggravate the situation.

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