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Not all gardeners have greenhouses to grow early crops or, for example, melon seedlings. Of course, greenhouse conditions are the best suited for these purposes, but you can get high-quality planting material at home, especially if we are talking about small-scale cultivation. Such seedlings are practically no different from greenhouses, and melons ripen in time, allowing you to get an early harvest.
In order to grow strong healthy seedlings of melons, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- choose the right seeds;
- determine the planting dates;
- to construct mini greenhouses out of improvised means;
- sow the seeds and provide proper care for the crops until they are transplanted.
Selection of seeds and sowing dates
For the cultivation of melon seedlings with its further planting in open ground, it is better to choose early-maturing varieties.
Melons such as Early Sweet, Fairy Tale, July have a good taste characteristics.
On the bag with seeds, the dates of sowing them for seedlings are indicated. For early varieties, this is usually the beginning of April. Thus, by the beginning of May, the grown seedlings will be ready for planting on the garden bed.
When growing seedlings of melons and gourds, you should choose a soil mixture for fruit plants.
From what to make a mini greenhouse for seedlings?
It is possible to build a small greenhouse from any available means. The main thing in this moment is to provide melon seedlings with a suitable microclimate, namely, high humidity and constant high air temperature.
For sowing seeds, it is convenient to use cut plastic bottles of large capacity or foam sudochki with covers not less than 5 cm high.
Fine points of sowing melon seeds for seedling
the bottom of the tray or other container pour good warm water approximately 1 cm of its height.
In the created greenhouse conditions, the seeds begin to peck very quickly, and on the 4th day you will see the first shoots.