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, in your life, in your life, in your life, in your life, in the winter, in a beeing;, if you responsibly treat its storage in the offseason and ensure proper care of the flower in winter.
Types of Begonias
Before talking about how to save begonia in winter, let's start with the fact that there are several types of begonias:
- decorative leafy;
- bushy;
- are tuberous.
Each of them in the winter period requires certain conditions of detention.
Bush and ornamental deciduous species do not need special wintering conditions. So that they do not die in the winter, it is enough to prune the faded stems when cold weather comes in and to shred the bushes with straw or garden leaves.
Tuberous begonias are most demanding for winter care and maintenance.
The beauty and duration of flowering of this magnificent flower directly depends on how to take care of begonia in winter.
If the begonia does not bloom for a long time, or if it has small and small numbers of flowers, this indicates that it was stored incorrectly in winter.
Care for ground-grown begonia
Adult plants have fairly large tubers. If they grew up in open ground, then they, trying not to damage, are dug out at the onset of the first frost.
However, you should not rush to dig the plant, because the autumn frosts do not damage the tubers.
We need to wait until the flower prepares itself for wintering - that is, the vegetative part will die, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.
January In addition, at the end of the growing season, the tubers significantly increase in size and increase their weight, since all nutrients go to them when the above-ground part dies. At the same time, renewal buds are laid, from which new shoots will develop after wintering begonias.
Having dug out, it is necessary to cut frostbitten stems, leaving processes( hemp) on the surface not more than 3 cm high. This procedure prevents the formation of pathogenic fungi that contribute to infection of the tubers.
Then clean the plant from the soil, put it in a box and place it to dry in a well-ventilated, warm, dry room. Two weeks later, when the roots dry out, remove the dried-up processes and the remaining ground.
Next, the tubers are laid in wooden boxes in several rows and poured with river sand or dry peat with the addition of vermiculite.
It is very desirable to add vermiculite because, due to its ability to regulate the moisture of the substrate, the risk of root rot is significantly reduced.
Important: sprinkle the tubers with sand mixture so that they are isolated from one another - this reduces the percentage of their lunge.
The begonia prepared for wintering is placed in a cool place where the temperature should not exceed 10 ° C, the humidity of about 60% is usually the basements and cellars.
The plant stays in a dormant period for almost three months - from mid-November to almost the end of February, it’s impossible to water during all this time, otherwise sleeping buds wake up.
Periodically, but at least once a month, they review the condition of the tuber for the presence of mold and root rot.
When a lesion is detected, it is cleaned and treated with colloidal sulfur or brilliant green. If the lesion is extensive, the plant is removed to prevent the spread of infection.
In early spring, in March, when dormant flower buds begin to awaken on the tubers, they are removed from the sand and placed for germination in a moist substrate prepared on the basis of peat with the addition of high-quality humus and river sand taken in the same volume.
Tanks with germinated tubers are set closer to light, watering is limited, the temperature of the content is about 18 ° C.
Tubers sprout rather slowly and unevenly. First of all they take root. Sprouts that appear later, you need to shade from the sun and more often to air, but not to allow drafts.
This time is well suited for the division of tubers, their reproduction. The cut is treated with colloidal sulfur in powder or pulverized charcoal.
Many people manage to successfully save begonia in winter in boxes with a clod of earth on the loggia, if it does not freeze through, or in the coolest places in the apartment - at the balcony or entrance door.
How to preserve young tubers of begonias in winter
All these actions are good for healthy and strong tubers. In the case when they are very small and flabby, will have to act differently.
The fact is that the behavior of a young plant and an adult flower vary considerably, therefore, tubers of different sizes are kept differently in the dormant period.
- Small nodule-first year of a flower in winter must be kept in a cool place and must be watered periodically, otherwise the root system may shrivel.
The rest period of the first years is rather arbitrary, since for the winter period their shoots do not disappear, although the growth stops. - Having dug such a nodule, it is placed in a plastic bag filled with dry peat and placed in a household refrigerator. Periodically inspect the begonia. In the case of premature sprout emergence, they are necessarily broken out, since they are not viable.
- Young begonias can be left to hibernate in drawers installed in a cool, bright place, water moderately. With the onset of spring, they are seated in separate pots with a substrate.
In the ground transplanted at the onset of a stable positive temperature.
Winter home begonia care
Begonia, grown in pots in summer, blooms until late autumn. With the onset of cold weather, she plunges into a state of rest. At this time it is not recommended to transplant begonia, but it is necessary to reduce watering. It should be watered only when the ground in the pot becomes completely dry, because excessive moisture can cause rotting of the roots.
With the beginning of the heating season, the air in the apartment is made very dry, so you need to spray the air near the flower every day using a spray bottle.
As you can see, it is easy to care for the begonia in the winter, you just need to show a little attention to it, the answer to which will be a rich and brightly blooming garden.