How to make a gate from a shaped pipe

Content of the article:

videoproperty from unnecessary outside views and encroachments on it. Installation of wickets from the profile pipes with their own hands will be an excellent alternative to ready-made options in the construction market. In addition, the manufacturing process itself will refine your skills, and the result will please you over the years.

How good is this gate?

This product has been in demand among people of different social status for many years. This is due to the presence of many advantages:

  1. Easy to assemble and install. The master may have a low qualification.
  2. . Accessibility and variety of
  3. profile pipes. Resistant to environmental influences.
  4. instagram viewer
  5. . Acceptable total cost
  6. . You can create a unique design.

Preparing for work and developing an

drawing.nuances: selection of materials and tools, selection and layout of the installation site, development of a detailed drawing.

If you are not using ready-made development and already have some experience in creating such structures, you can immediately begin marking the territory and drawing up a drawing. So you can save time and resources.

List of required materials:

  • profile tubes for frameworks with a cross section of 40 × 20 or more;
  • pipes for supports with a square( rectangular) section of 60 × 60 or more;
  • paneling( from wooden boards, all-metal sheets or sheeting);
  • screws for fastening the skin to the frame;
  • wicket hinges with mounted bearing;
  • lock and handle;
  • anti-corrosion agent, primer and paint;
  • cement, sand, crushed stone.
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You need to buy all this with a small margin of about 10-15%.

Required tool:

  • electric drill and drill;
  • Bulgarian and cutting( grinding) circle;
  • electric welding machine and electrodes, for example: ANO-2, OMA-4, MP-3 up to 2 mm;
  • level, tape measure, protractor, capron thread reel;
  • hammer machine( with square striker);
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • shovel.

We turn to the drawing of the wicket and determine on it: the dimensions and cross-section of the profile pipe for the frame and the supports, the dimensions of the frame itself and the casing, the height of the gate above the ground, the location of the loops and the lock.

Try to observe maximum accuracy in the calculations. The result of a poorly designed drawing can be a behavioral, asymmetrical frame.

The first stage is the installation of

supports. After marking the ground in the preparation process, holes are dug out for supports. Pre-purchased pipes for support pillars should lie in the ground at 1/3 of the total length( must be provided in the drawing).The pipes are treated with an anti-corrosion solution and are leveled in the pit using a building level. The pits are filled with rubble and concreted with a solution of sand and cement in a ratio of 3: 1.

After pouring, do not press the poles for several days.

After solidification, loops are welded to the pipes. Priming and painting in progress.

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The second stage - welding frame

At the time, while the solution is frozen, it is possible to start making a wicket frame from a shaped tube. On the metal bench or any other flat surface laid out cut to the drawing dimensions of the frame segments. Places for welding are cleaned with a grinder, a file or sandpaper. We place the segments in the intended construction and fasten them( preferably with clamps).

Next you need to decide: cook the frame on your own or hire a welder. For independent work with manual arc welding requires appropriate qualifications.

In no case do not try to cook yourself, if you do not have the skill. It is dangerous to health and life.

Welding is carried out in stages:

  1. The external contour of the pipes is seized.
  2. The perpendicularity of the corners is checked with a thread and a goniometer.
  3. The internal partitions are grabbed and checked again.
  4. All connections are securely welded.
  5. Scorching, scaling, bumps.
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The network has enough videos on the topic: “how to weld a wicket from a profile pipe”, but for the first time it is recommended to work together with a specialist.

Loops of supports and kerchiefs under the lock are welded to the finished structure. It is advisable to check the opening / closing of the frame on the supports. It remains to prime and paint the product with a spray. Such a frame of the wicket from the profile pipe is shown in the photo.

The third stage is the fastening of the

sheathing. If inside the formed wicket cells there are no decorative elements, then it can be sheathed with sheets of steel, wood, carbon panels, corrugated flooring and other materials.

To begin with, we mark up the sheet we need by the size of the frame, after which we cut it off with a grinder. Holes are drilled in the frame and the sheet fixed on it at an equal distance. Drilling is also carried out in kerchiefs under the lock, and a handle in the casing. With the help of a screwdriver and screws we attract the sheet to the profile.

The final stage - installation of the gate. After all the operations done, you can put on the hinges a finished sheathed and painted wicket. We fasten the lock to the kerchiefs and the handle to it.

That's all. Our own made gate from a profile pipe is ready.

Making wickets from a profile pipe - video

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