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Review of the best varieties of zucchini for the suburbs with photos

Review of the best varieties of zucchini for the suburbs with photosGardening

Most gardeners appreciate zucchini as dignified, unpretentious vegetables used for cooking vegetable dishes and canning for the winter. This diet product is also recommended in baby food....

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Planting gooseberry varieties Ural emerald on the garden and care for him

Planting gooseberry varieties Ural emerald on the garden and care for himGardening

Content of the article: Details about the gooseberry Ural emerald Description of the gooseberry variety Ural emerald: Correct planting Proper care How to comp...

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"Dropper" for the garden, or how best to organize watering the garden plot

"Dropper" for the garden, or how best to organize watering the garden plotGardening

Contents of the article: Why is the "dropper"? How to start? Video about the organization of drip irrigation at the cottage As spring app...

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