Flower beds of perennials - the choice of lazy people or a reason to create a masterpiece

Contents of the fieldAutumn

  • Pre-winter
  • Perennial care
  • Video - perennial flowers for the garden

  • Flowers are the decoration of any garden, wherever it is and howa size may be. Thanks to the color spots replacing each other, even the most inconspicuous corner comes to life, only each flower garden requires careful and painstaking care.

    The only way out of this situation is perennial flowers for a flower bed, which should be successfully picked once, and the problem of annual planting and digging for several years will be forgotten. Only to plan such a flower garden will have to take into account several important rules.

    Planning a flower bed of perennials

    First of all, you should choose a site for the future flower bed and decide on the shape of the flower bed. There are no special rules and restrictions, but from any side of the constructed flower bed should look decent way.

    As for the selection of perennial plants for flower beds in the country, it is important to proceed not only from the preferred color scheme, but also from the type of parameters of the plants themselves.

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    • The center of the composition should be perennials with the largest and brightest colors.
    • They should be supplemented by more modestly flowering plants.
    • Small and stunted perennials are used to fill gaps and edging.

    It is important when choosing to see not only flowers, but also leaves: their shape, color and size. Greens are no less decorative than flowering plants.

    Tall plants are planted away if the flowerbed is against a wall or fence. If the flower garden can be circled around, then the largest plants should be in the center of the composition. In this structure, you can enter already existing planting: trees, shrubs or garden buildings, such as an arch or gazebo.

    The best perennials for flowerbeds

    These perennials are the most popular, unpretentious and spectacular at the same time, only on their basis you can create many options for original flower beds that will decorate the garden for several carefree years:

    • Astilbe - is a unique plant that can be extremely decorative even in thick shadow, and depending on the variety, they can be of different sizes and have different colors of fluffy panicles - flowers that work for a record time, up to ten weeks.
    • Gelenium .Its bloom is abundant and long-lasting, from June to frosts.
    • Geranium is a magnificent - famous not only for large flowers, but also for decorative foliage, it grows in partial shade, under trees and in mixborders with other perennials, flowering from May to June, and then delighting glances with feathery reddish leaves.
    • Kotovnik - unpretentious, resistant to any conditions and any light, but especially magnificently blooms in the sun.
    • Mac Oriental - unique in size of gorgeous colors. There are varieties that bloom in May - June, and later in June - July.
    • The cuff is one of the most hardy and unpretentious perennials for a flower bed with spectacular leaves.
    • Sedum - able to revive the landing at any time of the year, it is unpretentious and multiplies quickly.
    • Rudbekia - illuminates the garden with its flowers in late summer and autumn. The plant itself loves light and nutritious soil.
    • Yarrow - its baskets of different shades adorn the flower beds from June to September.
    • Hoste is one of the few shade-loving perennial flowers for a flower bed. Khosta is classically combined with astilba.
    • Sage - decorates the garden with inflorescences of all edema violet, and delicate aroma from June to autumn.
    • Japanese Anemone is the most beautiful perennial among the undemanding. Delicate flowers of various colors are great not only in the beds of perennials, but also in bouquets.
    Read also: Making at home and instructions on how to use Kalanchoe juiceIn order for plants to enjoy friendly and long flowering, the characteristics of plants that are useful when planning a flower garden are much more important.

    Do not chase the number of species, it is more important to choose plants by color and timing of flowering.

    First, they determine the size of the future planting and, based on the surrounding landscape and personal preferences, select specific perennial flowers for the flower bed.

    This takes into account:

    • the flowering time of each plant, so that at least three species constantly bloom on the flowerbed;
    • growth and care conditions;
    • harmonious blend with other species, such as color size or color.

    Further on the paper plan transfer the plan. It is better if it is graph paper, then the calculation of the number of plants is not difficult.

    A certain amount of plants is planted per square meter depending on the growth of a perennial.

    • At a height of 1 to 2 meters, 2-5 plants are planted.
    • At a height of 50 cm to 90 cm, 5-9 plants are required.
    • 7-12 plants are required for heights from 20 cm to 40 cm.
    • Ground-cover and undersized species are planted in the amount of 10-16 pieces.
    • Bulbous plants, regardless of growth, are planted at the rate of 12-25 pieces.

    Drop perennials better on pre-applied markup.

    In order to achieve a tight cover on a flower bed, do not plant perennials too heap. This will not allow the plant to grow in the future and bloom in full force.

    A flower bed of perennials for beginners

    1. Phlox purple or crimson color;
    2. Astilbe with pink tassels, flourishing magnificently throughout the summer;
    3. Daylily with purple or purple cups of flowers;
    4. Geicher with decorative frost-resistant leaves;
    5. Geranium magnificent, pleasing and flowering and variegated foliage.

    Only five types of common and very unpretentious perennials for a flower bed, it turns out, can be the basis of a very attractive composition of long flowering.

    A flower garden of perennials on the background of the lattice

    In this flower garden not only the horizontal plane, but also the vertical one is used. This is a decorative lattice, on which the landing clematis( 15) and the tender lavatera( 14) are based. Slightly closer to the viewer is medicinal echinacea( 13) and decorative balls of allium( 7), tall Korean mint( 12) and a lofant.

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    In the center of the composition is a cone-shaped box( 10), silver-feathered wormwood( 11) and richly purple multicolon( 8).On each side, a flowerbed is bordered with verbena( 9), hybrid yarrow( 6) and one type of Potentilla( 5).

    In this example, the lowest species were closest to the edge of the flowerbed: geranium with azure colors( 3), stonecrop( 4), thyme( 1) and cuff( 2).

    It is not at all necessary to copy, with maximum accuracy, the schemes and photos of flowerbeds with perennials that you like and found in the network or gardening magazines. Any of the plants can be replaced if you choose another, with similar flowering periods and conditions of comfortable growth. In the same way, you can replace the color gamut of the flower bed, reduce or increase its size, adjusting to fit your needs.

    Healing flowerbed of perennial plants

    Perennials are good because they allow you to experiment and create unique flowerbeds from even the most ordinary plants. For example, why in some unattended, but not deprived of the sun corner not to make a flower garden of healing herbs?

    The following diagram shows how the planting of each plant is arranged, and also gives the concept of color gamut.

    In the creation of the lawbright spots, or oregano,

  • Fragrant basil,
  • Plantain lanceolate,
  • Mullein decorating a flower garden with powerful peduncles,
  • Pulmonaria,
  • Yarrow.
  • In a similar way, you can plan a bed of spicy-flavoring herbs, replacing tall and short-growing perennial flowers for a bed, the photos and names of which are indicated in the source with equally attractive cultures. In the background of such a gastronomic flower bed, you can plant juniper, catnip, lavender and melissa, put mint, sage, all sorts of onions and oregano closer in the path, and you can trim a flower bed with thyme and borage grass.

    Perennials require control over their reproduction, otherwise they will run wild, flowering will decrease, and the flower bed will lose shape.

    A flower bed of continuous flowering perennials

    However, the dream of every gardener is a flower bed, blooming from the moment it snows until winter. It is difficult to plan such a miracle, but if we take into account the sequence of flowering plants and ensure proper planting care, the task will be quite within the power of many flower lovers.

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    1. Muscari or Pushkinia;
    2. Pulsatilla meadow;
    3. Arabis;
    4. Tulips of low-growing varieties of cream color;
    5. Parrot or double yellow tulips;
    6. Aquilegia;
    7. Narcissus delicate colors with a short crown;
    8. Yellow large-flowered daffodils;
    9. Fringed yellow tulips in a flowerpot;
    10. Oriental wintering;
    11. Multi-flowered rose pastel color with medium-sized flowers;
    12. Lilac medium flowering period.


    The dominant flower in the perennial flowerbed in the summer is the biennial stock-rose, but it can be replaced with a digitalis or a different shade of dolphinium.

    Decorative appearance of the landings in the summer months:

    1. Multicolor rose;
    2. Lilac;
    3. Rabbit;
    4. Eringium;
    5. Lavender;
    6. Blue Cereal;
    7. Cosmea;
    8. Lily of Tibet;
    9. Feverfew pink;
    10. Mallow or foxglove;
    11. Origanum ordinary;
    12. Delphinium.

    When planting, it is important to take into account competition among the planted plants.


    In the fall, many perennials bloom end, but changing the colors of foliage and cereals takes on the task of providing decoration.

    1. Small flowered shrub rose;
    2. Rabbit cabbage or stonecrop;
    3. Eringium;
    4. Blue Cereal or Wheelless;
    5. Cosmea;
    6. Feverfew pink;
    7. Siberian Chrysanthemum;
    8. Hubei Anemone;
    9. Klopogon simple.


    Decorative beds up to the very snow they keep naturally turning into dried flowers, which finished their flowering in the fall, as well as:

    1. Eastern Zimovnik;
    2. Slick;
    3. The Eryngolan Giant;
    4. Moliniya.

    Perennial care

    Perennials cannot be called overly whimsical, but they have their own preferences and requirements for planting and care conditions:

    • Perennials are preferred for loose, light, nutritionally rich soils.
    • If wild plants are planted on a bed, it is important to create conditions as close as possible to the natural ones.
    • To preserve moisture and create protection for plants for the winter, you can use mulch, sawdust and pine needles.
    • Watering and feeding even the most unpretentious perennials for flower beds should be done very carefully to prevent over-wetting under the sockets.
    • Create a reliable protection of the flower garden from the wind.
    • Marigolds and lavender planted along the edges of the flowerbeds will become a natural protection against pests.

    A careful approach to the selection of perennial plants and their care is the key to creating a model flower garden, which for many years will be a true decoration of the site, and a source of pride for its creators.

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