During the spring-summer period, the life cycle of insects reaches a peak of productivity. Bees collect nectar, obtaining food and performing the function of pollination of plants.
The little bee admires a child and is respected among adults. But everything changes when she leaves her sting under the skin of a person.
Table of contents
- The damage to a bee sting and the reaction of a person
- Why can they sting?
- Why remove the sting and how to remove it?
- Medical first aid measures
- How to treat and smear: medicines, ointments and gels
- Bee sting in the head, neck, arm
- Bee sting into the eye
- How to remove swelling and swelling of the
- how to get rid of the effects of
- What is the beneficial effect for a person?
The harm of a bee sting and the reaction of a person
By exercising it, it instinctively defends itself, dying in the process. The poison that gets under the skin along with the sting is distributed in the blood. Depending on the response of the individual, the consequences are different.
Normal is the presence of redness and a small swelling of the damaged area.Why can they sting?
Low-informed individuals may mistakenly identify a bee sting and a wasp. First, wasps do not leave a sting and can sting many times. A working bee can bite only once, leaves its “tool” and dies. Secondly, wasp's character is more aggressive than bees.
The risk of “buzzing injury” increases in the following situations:
- The sharp aroma of perfume, alcohol, spices. While relaxing in nature, in the village, visiting beekeeper, avoid excessive self-flavoring.
- Incorrect behavior in proximity with an interested bee: waving hands, shouting, trying to kill her. It will be rational to "freeze" by covering your head, or quietly hide in a room. No need to try to run! This increases the degree of its aggressiveness.
- Being in the apiary near the hives. A buzzing toiler may even happen to be close by if a person falls sharply into the trajectory of her departure from the “house”.Beginner beekeepers should be dressed in long-sex clothing, a mask and high gloves. Be sure to support a specialist in this.
- Pumping honey from bees in the nearby area. During this period, even the kindest of them turn into attacking aggressors. Knowing about the honey fence from a neighbor in the country, it is better not to go out for a few days, to follow the safety rules.
- "Barefoot" walks in nature, in the village, especially if there is an apiary nearby. Aged or damaged honey earners no longer fly. Completing the life cycle, they crawl on the ground. You can accidentally step foot. Great risk of this situation for children. Strongly increased after inspection of the hives by a specialist beekeeper or pumping honey.
Why remove the sting and how to remove it?
The little worker bee has an individual protection mechanism. It includes a stinging needle and the poisonous glands associated with it. At rest, the point is hidden in her body. When danger it thrusts into the enemy.
If the opponent is another insect, then such a “duel will not be fatal for a honey wedge. During the interaction with animals and humans, his small notches pierce the sacrifice. The bee escapes, leaving a part of the glands at the opposite end of the "tool", dying in this case.
The longer the “poison protection tool” is under the skin, the deeper it penetrates, the more the amount of poison that has entered the blood increases. Trouble is also increased by the risk of inflammation of the bite site, due to the presence of a foreign body in the skin.
The sting has acquired a well-known appearance and functionality during its evolution. In the "prehistoric" bees in his place was a tube through which they laid eggs.
Medical First Aid Measures
Most often, adults know how their body reacts to a bee sting. With a child, the situation has an unknown outcome. In any case, primary actions must be carried out quickly. The extent of the spread of toxic substances through the victim’s blood depends on this.
- Immediately get rid of the sting .It is better to do this with sterile forceps or clean disinfected hands. It is important that no residues remain under the skin. Otherwise, and if dirt entered the wound, inflammation is inevitable.
- Soak a clean cloth or gauze with ammonia or ethyl alcohol, vinegar, soda solution or potassium permanganate. Attach to the wound. Hold as long as possible, repetition is possible. This minimizes pain, disinfects and slows down the development of edema.
- can be used to wash the damaged area of the body with soap( a household cleaning is better than 72%) and apply ice.
How to treat and smear: drugs, ointments and gels
With severe itching, a bitten place on the skin, you can try to remove it. It is necessary to anoint with Phenystyle-gel, psilo-balsam, hydrocortisone ointment. How much and how to smear read the instructions. An important condition: scratching the inflamed area can not be!
- If you are at risk for severe allergies, take the antihistamine .Some allergy sufferers have a syringe and appropriate medication for injection.
- Abundant warm drink and bed rest.
- Control body temperature .For chills without fever, take a sedative or anti-stress medication. When fever drink antipyretic.
- Control pulse and blood pressure.
- If a severe allergic reaction develops, it is urgent for to see a doctor.
- Artificial respiration and performing an indirect heart massage if necessary.
A bee sting in the head, neck, arm
A bite in the head or neck is much more dangerous than a bite in the arm or leg, for example. So, if an individual normally reacts to bee venom, then in this situation the degree of allergization increases.
Exacerbation of symptoms due to the presence of a large number of blood vessels, including large, lymph nodes, nerve endings and vital points. As a result of stinging in the neck or head, severe weakness, rapid heartbeat and breathing, the development of fever, urticaria, neuritis, convulsions and even angioedema are possible.
Urgently seek specialized medical care.
The ingress of bee sting into the eye of
A bite in the eyelid, at first glance, does not threaten anything other than its edema. The eye may swell up. The consequence may be the strongest diseases of the eye apparatus, which cause vision loss.
These include inflammation of the eyelids, mucous membranes, purulent inflammation of the eye tissue, cataracts and glaucoma.
. If such a dangerous situation arises, you cannot delay , use folk methods and hope that it will “go away by itself”.
Treatment and supervision of a professional ophthalmologist.
How to remove swelling and edema
A bite to other parts of the body is not so dangerous, but the consequences are purely individual. In addition to the harm that entails beekeeping in the facial area, it also causes a number of cosmetic problems.
Severe swelling of the lip, nose, cheek, chin, ear occurs with a corresponding "injury."Trouble forces to postpone meetings and events. Especially painful is the situation with the female sex.
On average, the tumor lasts for 2-3 days. Its reduction entails unpleasant itching, as when healing any other wound.
Helps timely use of the appropriate cold compress , alternate use of several local antipyretic( for example, alternate lotions from sodas), ice, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory folk remedies( for example, herbal tea) reduces the degree of swelling and speeds up recovery.
If the bee bit the child
The danger of primary contact with the bee is the unknown reaction of the child's body and its helplessness. Most often, acute allergies are absent.
It is good to have a first-aid kit with a child's antihistamine, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory ointment, ethyl or ammonia for compresses when going on vacation or for nature.
Citric acid or dissolved aspirin tablets are also suitable. Well, if there is a special tool that temporarily protects against insect bites. However, in a situation with a child, they should be used extremely carefully, in small doses, avoiding application to hands and face. Do not forget to read the contraindications.
is accompanied by worsening of breathing and pulse, paleness of the skin along with swelling, the appearance of cold sweat, loss of consciousness.
What to do and how to get rid of the effects of
When a shock occurs, do the following:
- Remove the sting , make a cold compress.
- Whenever possible, apply an harness with the time of execution of this action. The operation is carried out to prevent the spread of toxic substances in the blood system.
- Call an ambulance.
- Provide bed rest in compliance with the “feet above the head” rule, ensure air access.
- If poison is introduced into the oral cavity and mucous membranes, thoroughly rinse the with water.
- A damaged area of can be crushed with adrenaline of dissolved in saline solution in a ratio of 1 to 10. When administering adrenaline intramuscularly, adhere to the permissible dosage of 0.1 ml / year, while it is impossible to administer one time more than 0.5 ml
If the child is known to be allergic, in open areas, you must follow the safety rules. It is necessary to have soft clothes, close fitting and as close as possible to the body, wear a hat, do not walk barefoot, use protective equipment carefully, be extremely careful and attentive while playing and eating food. In order to prevent dangerous situations may conduct special vaccinations.
Treatment with folk remedies at home
Home remedies and medicines of plant origin are excellent helpers in the implementation of primary and subsequent actions aimed at reducing edema and inflammation.
- Cold Compresses .You can apply citric acid or aspirin. Chopped activated carbon will do. Effective is acetic, alcohol or soda solutions.
- lotion with mint, parsley, plantain, dandelion, onion or garlic. Mint has a cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. Chopped parsley with plantain leaf, dandelion juice disinfects well and reduces local heat. These herbs are always nearby in the village or in the lap of nature. Juice of onions or garlic with pulp reduce puffiness, disinfect the bite site. Well treats also leaf or aloe juice.
- Abundant warm anti-inflammatory drink of plant origin: tea from chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort.
Benefit of beekeeping. How does it help?
A substance called bee venom has certain benefits and is represented by the composition of a large number of elements:
- proteins;
- peptides;
- amines;
- lipids;
- amino acids;
- pheromones;
- carbohydrates;
- fats;
- mineral components.
Some proteins( hyaluronidase and phospholipase), amines( histamine), peptides( melitinn) affect the development of allergies. At the same time, these components along with the rest have a favorable effect on the human body. Each of them has different properties.
What is the beneficial effect for human
? These include:
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect.
- Sedative effect.
- Normalize blood pressure and improve heart function.
- Stabilization of hormonal .
- Enhance the overall protective functions of the body's .
Together with this, the constituent components functionally treat many diseases.
- Dilute the blood , reduce clotting, prevent clogged blood vessels.
- Improve resorption of wounds, scars, adhesions .
- Stabilize kidneys.
- Reduce symptoms of in case of arthrosis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.
- Contribute to the successful work of the nervous system.
- They have an effect in the treatment of the female and male diseases of the genitourinary system .
- Affect the fight against overweight .
The direction of traditional medicine, studying and practicing treatment with the help of "sweet" insects is called "apitherapy."
When resorting to this technique, it is important:
- To have an medical conclusion about allergies in principle, about the reaction to disposable and massive bee stings.
- Contact only experienced specialists in this field and be observed with them.
All processes resulting from the interaction of this industrious insect with a human being are purely individual. You need to be informed about the dangers and state of your health, take precautions and continue to love nature to the fullest.