Preparations for the winter of lingonberries in their own juice

Contents of the article:

lingonberries Favorable preservation of lingonberries for the winter is canning in its own juice. Lingonberries in their own juice for the winter get an incredibly sweet-sour taste. It will perfectly serve as a dessert on your tables, as well as fill the body with a variety of nutrients in fierce weather. Lingonberry does not lose its favorable properties even when it is processed with a hot temperature, so safely close it in jars. Canned berries can not only be eaten right away, but also added as an ingredient to pies, cakes, desserts and even to make sauces. For those who want to learn: “How to cook lingonberries in their own juice?”, Are offered a couple of recipes with a step-by-step description and a photo. They clearly describe all the stages of canning delicious berries.

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The positive qualities of lingonberries

Vitamins A, C, E, citric acid, malic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron contained in the berry make lingonberry quite a useful fruit. Even lingonberry leaves have a positive value, containing vitamin C, carboxylic acid, tannins, tannin and arbutin. Such a cluster of nutrients, you just need to eat all year round, but the season of ripening at the berry begins in August, and you can enjoy its taste only until late October. Therefore, be sure to make provisions for the winter of lingonberries in its own juice. Benzoic acid in lingonberry allows it to be stored for a long time. Picked berries can lie up to a month at room temperature. Canned lingonberries will also be stored for a long time.

In folk medicine, decoctions of the leaves and berries of lingonberry are often used. The resulting drug is used for stomach tumors, internal bleeding, dysentery, gastritis, diabetes, rashes, and even as a febrifuge. The leaves collected in the fall from the cranberry bush, become an antiseptic for skin diseases.

Lingonberry juice and how to get it

Juice from the berries has positive properties, which means you need to close the vitamin cocktail “lingonberries in its own juice” for the winter, according to one of the presented recipes. As it was said, the berry contains benzoic acid, so among the ingredients you will not see citric acid or vinegar. To get a lingonberry juice, which will later be filled with a jar of berries, you can use a juicer, a juicer, a colander or a metal sieve. The rest of the kitchen appliances required to perform such a workpiece will be the most common: a pan, a bowl, a press for squeezing juice.

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How to get juice from lingonberries through a juicer?


  1. Pick berries from grapes, leaving no twigs and other greenery.
  2. Wash in running water.
  3. Prepare dishes for the future of juice and unprocessed pulp( cake).Place 2 containers under the openings of the juice extractor.
  4. Place the berries in the upper compartment of this kitchen appliance. Turn and recycle lingonberries. Every 3 minutes, stop to clean the built-in sieve from the meal.
  5. Complete the procedure. Wash all parts of the machine.

Different types and brands of juicers work in their own way. Therefore, before starting work, you should study the instructions.

Lingonberries in its own juice without sugar

Canning steps:

  1. Free berries from stems and greens, rinse. Sort: elastic and ripe will be the basis of provisions, sluggish - go to the juice.
  2. Place the selected quality lingonberries in a juicer and get the juice.
  3. Juice together with whole berries put in a saucepan and boil. Do not boil!
  4. Pour the mixture that just boiled over the cans and send for sterilization, covered with lids. Sterilize 15 minutes.
  5. Remove jars from hot pans with hot water, cover with lids and wait for cooling. After that, remove ready lingonberries in its own juice for the winter to the pantry. Bon appetit!

This recipe is recommended for diabetics because it does not contain sugar. And healthy people, uncorking berries in the winter, you can add honey for sweets.

Lingonberries in its own juice with sugar

Canning steps:

  1. Carefully selected 2 kg of berries free from greenery, washed and left in a colander to glass the water.
  2. Pour 1 kg of berries into sterilized jars.
  3. Thanks to the juicer, get the juice from the remaining kilogram of lingonberries and mix 200 grams of sugar into it. If there is no juice extractor, then pick up the same colander. Cover the cowberry fruit and squeeze the juice with a metal crush. Cake to put aside, in the provisions he will not participate.
  4. Pour the consistency into a saucepan and boil. Immediately pour on the banks and roll up. Sterilizing is not necessary. Enjoy your meal!
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Lingonberry, canned in its own juice for the winter, is eaten so quickly by all family members. From it you can make not only provisions in its own juice. Lingonberry berries come out excellent juice, jam, compote. It is in perfect harmony with other garden fruits in canning. Delicious preparations for the winter!

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