Proper cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke and how it is useful

Indians gave the world a lot of vegetable crops: corn, tomatoes and potatoes. Among them is the topinambur family. In XVII, this root vegetable saved Canadian immigrants from starvation. And after hundreds of years it became known that the earth pear is able to prevent cancer, heart attack and stroke. Growing vegetables is possible in the open field and at the cottages near Moscow, and the middle band. The main thing is to observe the proper care of the plant and prepare the soil before planting it.

; Contents

  • Freezer
  • Description and characteristics of Jerusalem artichoke

    Jerusalem artichoke - perennial plant, with a strong root system and a straight stem up to 4m tall. The leaves are large, 20-25 cm long. The flowers are small, up to 10 cm in diameter, yellow or golden. On the underground shoots are formed tubers ( white, red, purple), taste reminiscent of turnips, with white flesh.

    They are very nutritious.)

    Jerusalem artichoke tubers are very nutritious and contain a large number of trace elements

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    Earthen pear - a high-yielding, drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant. Stalks of vegetable culture will withstand a cold snap to -12 degrees. Tubers are able to freeze the month in the ground at -10 degrees, thawed and climb in the spring.

    Topinambur brings a bountiful harvest regardless of the weather. It is considered an insurance crop.

    The origin and distribution of the plant

    Topinambur is from North America. The name he received on behalf of the Indian tribe Topinambo. They grew and ate root vegetables long before the arrival of the Europeans.

    Vegetables from Europe came from Europe in the 17th century to Europe. Unpretentious plant quickly settled down on a new continent. Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally used in the kitchens of England, Holland and France. In Germany they called him an earthen pear and schnapps potatoes ( here they make vodka based on it).

    In Russia, vegetable culture became known in the middle of the 17th century. Wine based on root vegetables treated heart disease and blood vessels. Then he was considered a rarity, it was eaten only by the rich.

    A hundred years later, an earthen pear spread everywhere. Fruits stew, boil and fry , you should not eat raw. Roasted Jerusalem artichokes taste like sweet roasted potatoes.

    Topinambour fruits can be stewed, fried, boiled

    Medical Applications

    Topinambur contains inulin .Once in the human body, this polysaccharide purifies the blood from cholesterol and degradation products.

    In addition, Jerusalem artichoke:

    • Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract : gastritis and pancreatitis. Eliminates dysbiosis, relieves constipation and colic.
    • Excretes toxins and salts of heavy metals.
    • Has a diuretic effect. Useful for people with kidney stones.
    • Lowers pressure .Recommended for hypertension.
    • Reduces the level of sugar in the blood due to inulin( help with diabetes).
    • Strengthens the heart and prevents the deposition of salts in the body( useful for osteochondrosis, arthrosis, gout).

    The right choice of soil for planting Jerusalem artichoke

    Earth pear grows on any soil, except for strongly acidic and waterlogged .Abundant shoots are provided on:

    • loose chernozem
    • light loam
    • floodplain soil
    The plant is responsive to humus and mineral fertilizers.
    Topinambur is resistant to diseases and pests and does not require treatment with pesticides.

    The root crop is resistant to many diseases and parasites( Colorado potato beetle, nematode and phytophthora) and does not require treatment with pesticides.

    Cultivation and care in the open field at the cottage or garden

    Tubers need to be planted in the ground in early May , when the air warms up to 18 degrees .In the autumn, the plot is prepared:

    • digging up to the depth of future planting of tubers( 15 cm)
    • remove litter from the ground
    • add

    manure to the soil For planting and breeding large tubers are selected. Sick spots are cut and powdered with coal. The more healthy tubers, the more abundant the crop will be.

    The soil before planting is loosened and leveled, dividing into 70 cm rows. Tubers should be planted at a distance of 40-50 cm apart .This is important, because in summer the shoots will reach two meters in height. The foliage of the Jerusalem artichoke is thick, with close planting intertwined. This can seriously impede the care of crops.

    Before the emergence and after the emergence of the soil, the soil is loosened and hoisted by .From planting to harvest, the root crop needs in abundant watering of .It is important not to pour the plant. Excess moisture is dangerous rotting and the appearance of slugs. And the disadvantage - slow development and small fruits. Once a month, Jerusalem artichoke feeds with potash and nitrogen fertilizers.

    It is important to observe plant growth. If they grow sluggish, lose leaves and become covered with bloom, then this is a sign of illness or pests. Affected plants are removed and burned.

    Jerusalem artichoke bushes can reach a very large height, then you need the

    garter. When the shoots rise to 30 cm, their is tucking the .Once again, plants are milling in the middle of summer. When the stalks of the earthen pear reach the height of a meter, they are tied to strong supports. For example, to wire supports for shrubs.

    As soon as the stems grow, they are carefully cut down to to a height of 1.5 m , the flowers are also removed. It stimulates root development and tuber formation.

    When to Collect

    Tubers Tubers will ripen after 120 days of since the emergence of seedlings. One month before harvesting, feeding is stopped, and after two weeks, the stems are pruned to 30 cm tall. This will help the fruits to form a dense skin and increase their shelf life.

    If the tubers are left in the ground, they will remain until the spring .To protect from the cold beds sprinkled with earth mixed with humus and covered with straw. Stems cut off. Temperature drops will not affect the fruit of the earthen pear. They will thaw and freeze again. But the green mass of plants will die if left.

    In the spring, the fruits in the beds are determined by cut stalks. They grow quickly, and if they do not control their growth, the earth pear is able to push other plants from the beds.

    The best time to harvest is October or November. Later, nutrients will flow out from the tubers to the stems and leaves.

    If it is planned to grow other crops on the site, then the soil is first sown with silage plants. Then they are collected on green fodder, and the land is deeply dug up and herbicides are introduced to destroy Jerusalem artichoke.

    The best time to harvest is October or November.

    Crop storage

    In the land

    is stored here for the longest time .To do this, lay them in layers in a small pit and fall asleep on top of peat or sand. Storage place choose dry and sublime. A moat 30 cm deep is dug around the embankment to drain water.

    In the basement

    Collected tubers are stored in a dark and cool place. Suitable basement or cellar with temperature from +1 to +4 degrees and humidity to 90% .Root vegetables are stored in wooden boxes. They are covered with sand and covered with plywood.

    In apartment

    A glazed loggia or balcony is suitable for storage. If the roots are frozen, then they will not lose their nutritional properties. They are stored in boxes or bags filled with sand for two months.

    It is important to remember that the Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate direct sunlight and heat.
    If the roots are frozen slightly, they will not lose their nutritional properties, but they cannot stand the direct sun.

    freezer. Root vegetables are thoroughly washed and dried. For storage use bags or sealed containers. Fruits are thawed by placing them in cold water. Fresh Jerusalem artichoke is stored in the vegetable section for up to 3 weeks , in the freezer for up to 3 months .

    Considering that once an earthen pear is an unpretentious plant, then you will not need to care for it - an error. To grow a vegetable and get a bountiful harvest, you need a grain of attention and a little work. These are easy and pleasant chores. They are more than worth the useful properties of the earthen pear. After all, health is the main wealth to be protected.

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