Basic rules for using a home yogurt

Basic rules for using a home yogurt


The desire of modern citizens to always have on their table fresh and quality dairy products yogurtnitsy almost the most popular devices of the new generation. All about how to use yogurtnitsy correctly so that it does not disappoint you, we will tell in this article.


  • 1Basic rules of operation.
  • 2Competently choose the ingredients.
  • 3On the important nuances: temperature and time.

Basic rules of operation

In yogurtnitsy you can prepare sour cream, cottage cheese, dairy desserts and, of course, yoghurts. That they turned out and were useful and tasty should adhere to a number of recommendations.


A yogurt girl should always stand on a perfectly flat surface. During the fermentation program, it can not be moved, tilted or lifted.


The thing is that such actions violate the uniformity of heating, as a result, some of your sour-milk products may not work.

The dishes (bowl, jars) for yogurt must be perfectly clean, without detergent residues. The main advantage of homemade yogurt is their incredibly useful microflora for the human body. Any residues of organic or inorganic compounds in the dishes for the preparation of fermented milk products are a potential serious health hazard.

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Competently choose the ingredients

It is important to choose the right starter - the basis for homemade sour-milk products. For these purposes, you can use:

  • ready-powdered starter cultures, which are sold in pharmacies or large shopping centers;
  • part of yogurt from the past, the party you prepared;
  • store-bought natural yogurt without sugars and dyes.

Pay attention to the shelf life of dry starter cultures and the optimal conditions recommended by manufacturers for their use.


It is worthwhile for household yoghurts to choose either pasteurized milk with a high fat content, or homemade milk (you need to boil beforehand). Milk must be fresh. Boiling allows you to kill germs, while the finished sour milk product due to the action of the starter will be really useful. The fatter milk, the more dense the consistency of yogurt, most likely, you will succeed.

Despite the fact that you can cook enough yogurttnitsa a limited number of dishes, it can significantly diversify with the help of various additives and new components. So for yoghurts you can use cherry, strawberries, raspberries, all kinds of berry jams, jam, pieces of fruit. Grated white or dark chocolate, cocoa, can be added to the dairy curd desserts. Some modern multivarkas also allow you to prepare ice cream.

On the important nuances: temperature and time

The operating time of the yogurt is usually set in the range of 8 to 12 hours. Other things being equal, the longer you ferment the product, the thicker it will eventually turn out. When an 8-hour program is most often prepared:

  • baby yoghurts;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • dietary curd.

It is not worthwhile to increase the operating time of the device, as the quality of the finished product in this The case will deteriorate significantly: the balance of nutrients will drop sharply, and the consistency will lose homogeneity.

The most delicious yogurt is freshly made yogurt, so a particularly significant function in this device is "deferred start you can program the yogurt girl at the right time and she will finish cooking for a specific hour - practical and conveniently. The option is available almost in all models.

The temperature regime plays an important role in the preparation of fermented milk products. For different starter cultures, manufacturers recommend different temperatures.


Overheat milk with leaven can not: first, all the useful microflora in this way you kill, and secondly, the yogurt of the usual, homogeneous consistency in this case will not work. Measure the temperature of the products conveniently with a special thermometer for liquids.


Yogurtnitsa is convenient because you can coordinate the composition of your favorite products. This is especially true for people with allergies. This device, which allows you to prepare daily delicious and actually useful food. The principle of yogurttnitsy is very simple and in many respects similar to a conventional thermos, but this does not detract from its merits. Yoghurts of home production are much more delicious and, most importantly, many times more useful than purchased ones.

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