Tree peony is propagated in different ways: by dividing a shrub, by cutting it off, by cuttings, sometimes by grafting. Seed variant is mainly used by breeders, but we will also tell about it.
How a tree-like peony
reproduces ↑ to content ↑Tree-peony propagation by dividing the bush
This method is used when the plant is already 5 or 6 years old. Tree peony is carefully dug, the roots are washed, they are separated so that at least 3 shoots are present in each fragment. It is advisable to rinse the places of separation with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with chopped wood or activated carbon. Before digging into the soil, each separated part is dipped in a solution of water and clay for about half an hour. This process is best done in the fall. The method of division is rightfully considered to be one of the most convenient and effective ways to reproduce this type of pion.
Tree Peony - reproduction by cuttings
This process is best carried out in July - mid-summer. A healthy and strong shrub is chosen, semi-lignified shoots are separated from it, with a bud( heel) and leaves. The leaves are cut in half, and the shoots themselves are placed in the sand-peat substrate about 2-3 cm( by the way, vermiculite can be used for this purpose).To make the process more productive, it is better to cover the cuttings with plastic transparent glasses or cut plastic bottles - to create a kind of “greenhouse”.Livestock cuttings often need to be ventilated and watered. After 2-3 months, the seedlings are planted in separate pots and “kept” in such greenhouse conditions until the arrival of spring. From the moment of active growth of the cutting, it can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence, to the site.
Tree peony - reproduction by layering
This method was briefly described just above: an escape is selected, located at the bottom of the bush, is cut, pressed to the ground( for example, with a wire pin), sprinkled with soil. To do this procedure better in May, and with the onset of autumn, this escape is finally separated from the bush and planted separately. Sometimes you can find recommendations for wrapping a shoot with a film or putting it on with moss instead of backfilling with earth. If this business goes well with you and the method itself is to your liking - try, look for a convenient option.
Tree peony - reproduction by
grafting The best time for this procedure is the second half of August. Caring for a tree peony with this approach is quite tedious, but, from some point of view, it can be called creative. The previously separated and processed part of the root is taken, an incision in the shape of the letter “V” is made on it, a graft is inserted into this incision. Butt seats are tightly tied with a special garden or grafting tape( as it is called), and are additionally covered with garden pitch.20 days before planting in the soil, this “construction” can be placed in a container with sawdust, under the film, creating a kind of greenhouse for it. These containers should be placed in a room where there will always be partial shade. In the case of side-type vaccination, everything happens in the same way, only the shape of the incision differs - or rather, a diagonal cut is made for the stock and the scion.
содерж to content ↑Tree peony - reproduction by seeds
This is the work of breeders, this method requires strict adherence and consistency of actions. Alternating cold and heat treatment is only a small part of all manipulations. In addition, the seeds should be the freshest, because even with not very long storage, they still quickly lose their ability to germinate. If everything works out and this method will bring a positive result, then such peonies will be able to germinate at 2 or 3 years of life, and will only bloom after 5-7 years.
From the above it can be concluded that the tree peony, the reproduction of this flower, gives the best result when dividing the roots. For grafting, you also need skills, layouts - the method is quite affordable for beginners, along with the division. Vaccination should also be carried out if not a breeder, then a sufficiently experienced gardener. It will take about a couple of years for the layouts to give a result, a half to two years to be vaccinated, and heel breeding will produce results much faster. Well, then the choice is yours - to whom it is more convenient, more interesting.
↑ to content ↑How to grow tree peony from seeds at home?
If you are set on trying to translate this hard task into reality, then why not! The process will be long, but with proper observance of all the nuances of the case will be crowned with success. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that growing a tree-like peony from seeds will take a lot of time.
Pod with seeds, photo:
How to grow a tree peony from seeds at home:
- Seeds need to be taken only fresh. Best of all those that are collected immediately after the disclosure of the "ripe" pods. With the onset of autumn in place of flowers in some varieties of peonies appear pods, in which there are seeds. A sign of maturity of seeds is the dark brown color of the pod. Once the pods have reached this stage, they should be carefully opened and the black kernels taken out. The seeds themselves are quite large, they are about the size of coffee beans or peas of black pepper.
- The collected seed should be carefully examined, damaged or suspicious specimens are discarded immediately.
- After that, we take comfortable containers, fill them with vermiculite( or calcined river sand), moisturize( but not much) and do not immerse the seeds in them very deeply for 30-35 days. These containers should be in a dry and dark room, where it is always warm. You can place them on a radiator, for example( or on an electric heater with adjustable temperature).During the entire time, the air temperature near the tanks should be approximately + 30 ° C during the day, with the onset of night it should be lowered to + 15 ° C.Vermiculite or sand should always be in a moist state, which is easy to maintain with a spray bottle.
- When small roots appear in the seeds, they should continue to produce the so-called cold stratification. To do this, they take already other containers, fill them with emerald containing peat and / or humus, gently transplant the sunflower seeds together with the roots. During this period, the air temperature in the room with containers should be approximately +7. . + 10 ° C.
- Now you have to be patient and wait for the first leaves to appear, after which the air temperature should be raised to +18. . + 20 ° C.You should not forget about periodic irrigations, it is also possible to add growth stimulants to the water. Young shoots are transferred to a permanent place of residence at the end of August.
If you purchased seeds from a flower shop, then most likely they can be pretty dried. In such seeds, the shell hardens, pecking occurs with difficulty, the germination of crops is greatly reduced. If you got just such a seed, be sure to first place it in room temperature water for two days.
Young peony in a pot, photo:
There is another way to grow a tree-like peony from seeds at home - sowing them in the soil immediately after harvest. Winter cold will provide natural stratification of seed. Sunflower seeds planted in this way can germinate in the same autumn( at the very end), or in spring. In the process of sowing there is nothing difficult: the seeds are buried in the soil by about 4-5 cm, the distance of the seed from the seed should be at least 3 cm. Water this area regularly, but not too copiously, in order to avoid root decay.
With the onset of the first cold weather, cover the beds with fallen leaves( silence).When September comes to an end, watering should be stopped, you can additionally lay a layer of foliage on top. If everything was done correctly, you will see the first sprouts in the spring, but remember the time - some seeds can germinate even in a year, the next spring. Moderately water young plants in summer, feed them with small doses of appropriate fertilizers. With the onset of autumn, young tree peonies can be planted on more spacious distances from each other. The full-fledged foliage of such a seedling appears around the 3rd year of life, during this period the plants should receive enough sunlight to be able to develop normally further. We have already mentioned a little bit about choosing a place for planting tree peony.
When does a tree peony bloom? With normal care and compliance with all planting requirements such seedlings can give the first flowers already in the 4th year of life. Be prepared for the fact that it can take 5 or even 6 years before a tree-grown peony pleases you with its first flowers. When choosing planting material, be sure to consult with more experienced florists or, for example, study the information on the Internet. Some varieties of tree peonies( "Madame Forell", "Mont Blanc", "Marshal Mohon") do not form seeds at all. But even those peonies that produce seeds, when growing new livestock, can only partially preserve the “maternal” qualities. This process is fascinating and really is in some way creative, because it is always interesting what will happen next, what flower will come out of a small seed, grown by own hands.
Not really, I scared you the difficulty of reproducing a tree peony? Of course they are. This is the waiting time, when your pet will bloom after planting the seedlings or after the rooting of the cutting is and the unpredictability of the result when planting seeds. But, the gardener always believes in good luck, when he really wants to have a plentifully flowering bush on his plot - a tree peony. Reproduction in one of the ways described above( and you choose the one that interests you most) will not seem an impossible task.
Good luck!