What is so good jojoba oil for hair?

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A wide application in cosmetology and self care has jojoba hair oil. Among the many essential oils, it is the jojoba extract that has the most pronounced beneficial properties. In addition, it is completely organic - it is a natural wax, which owes its popularity to the unique chemical composition.

Jojoba Hair Properties

Jojoba oil is extracted from plants growing in Mexico and the USA.Even the indigenous tribes who inhabited the desert land several centuries ago, constantly used this essential oil, calling it "liquid gold."This name oil was obtained due to the fact that with its help it was possible to successfully treat skin diseases, inflammation of mucous membranes and eyes, and it also served as an excellent cosmetic product for beauties from the past.

Modern beauty industry actively uses jojoba oil in all areas: for skin and hair care, for cell regeneration and for the treatment of inflammation. The composition of the product, rich in vitamin E, is the best natural antioxidant. It quickly penetrates the skin cells, saturating and nourishing it with useful elements.

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The effect of using jojoba for hair is obvious already after the first use:

  • removes excess sebum during rubbing into the head, freeing hair follicles;
  • accelerated growth of healthy and strong hair;
  • treatment of dandruff, irritation and itching of the scalp;
  • cessation of hair loss;
  • protection against the influence of negative environmental factors: low and high temperatures, direct sunlight, hard water, chemically active substances;
  • nutrition and strengthening of hair follicles.

9 out of 10 women noted that with constant application of jojoba oil, their hair becomes more beautiful and more obedient. They are better tolerated perm, straightening and hairdryer drying, they remain soft to the touch, smooth and shiny - in appearance.

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8 out of 10 women are sure that this essential oil saved them from the problem of dry and split ends, helped them grow long and healthy hair, minimized the negative effect from coloring, straightening and constant usespecial cosmetics for hair.

Jojoba oil is a universal cosmetic that can be used both independently and as part of various cosmetic masks.

Uses for

Hair There are many options for how to use jojoba oil for hair. Practice and reviews show that 40% of women prefer to use jojoba oil in its pure form:

  1. The course of treatment, nutrition and hair restoration using the ether extract begins with regular rubbing of the product into the scalp before going to bed all night.
  2. During the application procedure, it is recommended to make a light massage of the head using special equipment or just fingertips.
  3. It is recommended to wrap hair for several times a week. One tablespoon of jojoba oil is distributed over the entire length of the hair, you can put a cellophane cap on top and roll it over with a towel to create a sauna effect. For a complete result, 2-3 hours are sufficient.
  4. For complex care, you can add other aroma oils to this product: grapefruit, orange, grape seed, ylang-ylang or rosemary.

Jojoba oil is added to the ends of the hair or for the entire length as part of the cosmetic masks.

Two options are allowed:

  • as the basis for home masks;
  • as an additional ingredient in a product from a cosmetic store.

Both alternatives have the right to life and give an equivalent positive care effect.

Recipes best home masks

The scope of application of jojoba oil is quite wideIn their homemade recipes, women invented the most sophisticated combinations of essential oil with other ingredients. These balms at the same time cope with a variety of tasks:

  • food;
  • moisturizing;
  • reinforcement;
  • smooth and silky;
  • receiving basal volume;
  • growth acceleration;
  • anti-fallout;
  • removal of static;
  • Treatment and prevention of dryness and chipping of the tips.
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orange oil. For everyday care, add a few drops to your favorite shampoo. But if the hair needs nutrition, restoration and protection, it is better to use one of the recipes for hair masks with jojoba oil:

  1. In a ceramic dish or cosmetic mortar, mix a couple of honey spoons, egg yolk and two teaspoons of essential oil. At your discretion, you can also add a few drops of apricot, peach or grape seed oil. Apply the mixture over the entire length and massage thoroughly into the scalp and hair roots. Leave for an hour, then rinse with any shampoo.
  2. This course is designed for growing hair and treating split ends. The home remedy is applied 2-3 times a week, the course lasts 1.5-2 months. For cooking you will need one avocado, which is rubbed on a grater to a state of mashed potatoes. In it you need to drop a few drops of jojoba oil and apply to the entire length of hair from tip to root for 20 minutes. Please note that the balsam is washed off without shampoo - with ordinary warm water.
  3. And this recipe will be a panacea for those who are desperate to grow a long and beautiful hair. Most women spend huge sums on expensive and sometimes unpleasant procedures in beauty salons without even realizing how well simple jojoba oil helps for hair growth. This mask has been tested by time and thousands of women, and its ingredients can be found in the nearest pharmacy. There is also nothing difficult in preparation: 2 tablespoons of essential oils of jojoba and burdock are mixed in the container. The resulting mixture is applied to the scalp and the entire length of the hair( special attention should be paid to the tips), hold for at least half an hour and wash off with shampoo. The balm not only cleans the scalp and hair from sebum, dust and dirt, but also nourishes them, accelerates growth and even “seals” forked tips.
  4. To combat the rapid pollution and oily hair, it is enough to apply a mask a couple of times a week: kefir( or yogurt) is mixed with two tablespoons of jojoba oil and a spoon of fresh tomato pulp. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, then you need to wear a plastic cap, roll up with a towel and leave for an hour. After that, the mixture is washed with a special tool, and the hair does not get fat for at least two more days.
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And this miracle secret can greatly facilitate the life of women who are already tired of unruly hair. The secret of Hollywood styling, even for the most obstinate curls, is as follows: half an hour before the start of creating the hairstyle, strands must be smeared with a combination of jojoba oil, grape seed( and, if desired, sea buckthorn oil).From such a vitamin complex, any hair will be delighted, and the styling will be chic and durable.


The delightful properties of jojoba oil for hair make it an indispensable tool on the bathroom shelves of every woman. Versatility in use and a wide range of actions - a pledge of a large circle of admirers. Some use jojoba as a panacea for hair loss and cross-section of hair, others struggle with too intensive sebum production, and still others prefer only natural remedy to make hair shine and soft. Whatever your hair suffers, jojoba oil will cope with this for sure!

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