Quartz heaters for dachas: advantages and disadvantages

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Quartz heater - an interesting novelty in the market of heating technology for home and cottages. These heaters are characterized by a large number of advantages, which favorably differ from other types of heating appliances.

Recently, such a heating device is very popular due to its high level of fire safety and economy. This device is surprisingly simple - in design and application. It can not be called high-tech, since it consists constructively of a monolithic plate into which a chromium-nickel heating element is placed. The monolithic slab is made from a solution with natural quartz sand.

The principle of operation of the quartz heater "TeplEko" (video)

Pros and cons of quartz heaters:

  • They differ in fire safety, heating up to a high temperature;
  • Do not overdry the air in the room;
  • After the operation of this heater, the air remains fresh, due to the fact that it does not burn the dust.
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  • Heaters with quartz sand are different in structure. The advantage is that air does not have access to the heating element, which excludes the possibility of oxidation of the device. Monolithic structure extends the life of the product.
  • The heater is characterized by its massive dimensions, but rather reserved, neat design. The product has the property of keeping heat, and then for a long time to give it to the room - even if the device itself is turned off.
  • The quartz type heater quickly heats up to the required temperature.
  • Quartz devices are safe for the residents of the house and are environmentally friendly.
  • You can choose the way to control the heater: the device can be operated manually or in automatic mode. Automation allows maintaining the temperature in the room at a certain level. If the room cools the air, the automatics turn on the heater, and it starts to warm up the room. After reaching a certain temperature, the heater switches off. Automation adds one more advantage - an economical energy consumption.
  • Due to the quartz plate, the room is heated evenly, there is no danger of overheating, fire, short circuit.

Quartz heaters are characterized by economical energy consumption, compared to other types of similar devices.

One of the main features of the device is its versatility. Monolithic quartz heater can be used in the house, apartment, cottage, in the country and, even, in the car. In the latter case, you need a special stand.

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Using this kind of heater in the house:

  • It can be used as an auxiliary heating device;
  • It can be used as the main device for heating indoor air.

Depending on the area of ​​the room, one or more heaters can be used. For a large room, a system of several modules with parallel connection is installed.

How to mount a quartz heater?

  • The heater is fixed with brackets. Quartz heaters for the house Teplako are conveniently mounted to the wall.
  • Heaters can be installed on a special stand on the floor.

Quartz heaters Heatpipes are characterized by unlimited lifetime, low cost, safety, a wide range of applications, easy to use - they are easy to install and you can not worry about cost-effectiveness devices. These heaters will be an excellent option for use in the country, in the cottage. On a heater of this type, you can safely hang things for drying - it's not dangerous, there will not be a fire. This property is reminiscent of the possibilities that central heating batteries give.

Read also:Infrared heaters: types and rules of choice

Comments on Quartz heaters Teploeco speak about the practicality and versatility of these products. Users recommend such heaters for summer cottages, as they allow to warm up the room and not take up a lot of space.

What is an infrared quartz heater?

A convenient and economical device for heating the room is an infrared heater. These devices have their advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages of quartz heaters of this type are compensated by their advantages:

  • They are versatile in use;
  • Made of quality materials;
  • Safe for residents of the house;
  • They are durable and economical.

Structurally, the main element of the device is a special radiator - a spiral in a quartz tube, which directs the flow of infrared rays to heat the room. To heat the room was effective, use a reflector. This device allows you to correctly distribute heat in the room, thanks to the material of manufacture - a high-quality metal with good heat resistance and reflectivity. In addition, the reflector protects the heater body from overheating. Reviews of quartz heaters confirm that devices of this type are popular - they are convenient and safe to use.


Infrared quartz heaters make it possible to divide the room into different heating zones. Many consider this an important advantage of heaters of this type - it is possible to equip the local heating of the room. For example, places for work or leisure. At the same time, the rest of the room is also heated, but not so intensively.

Infrared quartz heaters allow you to comfortably equip your life and save energy. Such heaters are heated evenly - without a significant difference between the temperature near the floor and under the ceiling. They heat a small area quickly. The effect of radiant heat is felt almost instantly when you turn on the infrared heater.

Read also:How to choose an oil heater

Disadvantages and limitations of infrared quartz heaters:

  • Infrared radiation passes in a straight line, so that they will affect objects only in direct access. Infrared heaters have an element that shines the heat directly to you. If the heater is above you, for example, and you are sitting at a table, your legs can be cold.
  • Sometimes such heaters are considered unaesthetic, but for a dacha or cottage this option is considered successful.
  • It is better to have such heaters in a place inaccessible to children.
  • Such devices are suitable for small rooms.

In any case, the infrared heater will last longer and safer than the oil analog. With the help of a quartz heater of infrared type, the room can be warmed evenly.

Quartz heaters are most useful if you want to provide heat for one person or one room. The heater operates noiselessly, does not create vibration. Some devices are equipped with a timer that will allow to regulate the work of the product. Harm from the infrared heater is minimal.

The review of quartz heaters for the home made it possible to establish that most of them are distinguished by advantageous advantages in comparison with other types of heating devices.

Infrared technology does not require any chemicals to work, the device does not pollute the air in the room.

Which quartz heater is better to choose for a summer residence? Depending on the wishes, you can choose the option of an infrared or conventional quartz heater.

Video review of quartz heater

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