Learn to correctly calculate the power of the heater

Do you want the power of the heater not to let you down even in the coolest frosts? After all, it is in a warm apartment that even the greatest fans of a real Russian winter want to find themselves after a cold street. Then, before buying, it is necessary to take into account the square of the room, its thermal insulation, the temperature difference inside and outside. If the calculations turn out to be very approximate, you:
- Get a heater with more than the required power - incur unjustified losses;
- Save on cost and choose a device with less power - you lose in heating efficiency.
- 1 Types of electric heaters
- 2 Learn how to count correctly
- 3 Determine the power of an infrared heater
Types of electric heaters
Each type of heater has its own principle of action, the heating rate.
- Fan Heater - a device in which there is a glowing spiral in front of the fan. Heats that part of the room where the air is directed. Not intended for continuous heating.
- Ceramic heater due to the built-in fan and humidifier relatively quickly heats the air in the room, does not dry it.
- The convector copes well in order to maintain a certain temperature, but it cannot heat a large room thoroughly. During its operation, natural air circulation is used, on the basis of which the heating rate is rather weak.
- The oil radiator heats the air relatively quickly only around itself. Dangerous for the ubiquitous tracker children, because the surface of the device can heat up to 150 ° C. Not very effective for heating large areas.
- The operation of an infrared heater is based on the emission of electromagnetic waves. At first, various objects( walls, furniture), to which the waves are directed, heat up, and then the whole dwelling is completely heated. Relatively quickly raises the temperature in the room.
Learn to calculate correctly
The calculation of heater power depends on whether you will heat the dwelling additionally or completely. It is important to know that when choosing an infrared device, this method of calculation is not very suitable.
First you need to calculate the thermal power for the room where you plan to settle the heater. If you just want to maintain a certain temperature in the apartment, then apply the simplest formula, which, by the way, is used by sales consultants. It is enough to divide the cubature of the room by 30. For example, for a room with an area of 30 square meters.meters and a ceiling height of 3 m, you will need a thermal power of 3.0 kW( 30 multiplied by 3, we get quadrature and divide by the magic number 30).Roughly speaking, for heating every 10 square meters.meters you will need 1.0 kW.
If you put the heater in an unheated room, here you need to consider several indicators: the cubic capacity of the room V, the type of construction, on which the insulation coefficient K depends, the temperature difference inside and outside T. All the indicators need to be multiplied, divided by the magic number 860 to getrequired heater power: V * T * K / 860 = kW.The coefficient of thermal insulation is:
- 3.0-4.0 for wooden construction;
- 2.0-2.9 - single brickwork;
- 1.0-1.9 - standard design;
- 0.6-0.9 - improved.
For example, for the above room in 90 cu.meters, located in the Khrushchev, with a temperature difference of 23 ° C should be 4.6 kW: 90 * 23 * 1.9 / 860 = 4.6.Ultimately, the thermal capacity will be at least one and a half times higher than that of the previous formula.
Determine the power of an infrared heater
Such a device heats the air easily even with poor insulation of the dwelling, since it is not the air that heats, but the objects and people who are in the room.
- Additional heating. To calculate the power of the heater, use a power density of 0.01 kW per square meter.room meter. That is, for every 10 square meters.meters of heated floor will need no more than 0.5 kW.For a room, for example, an area of 30 square meters.meters will need a device whose power does not exceed 1.5 kW.
- Constant heating. Here complexity arises in calculating the density. It depends on the thermal insulation of the room, the expected temperature inside the house and the real outside. You can use a simplified calculation scheme:
Thermal insulation degree | Temperature inside( ° C) | Density( kW / sq. M) |
High | 19 | 0.1 |
Medium | 19 | 0.15 |
Low | 19 | 0.26 |
You will be multiplied by the multiplication.square meters of floor and get the necessary power infrared heater. In the living room it is better to put two devices, so the resulting figure must be divided by 2. Note also the fact that the infrared radiation heats up the objects themselves, so the temperature in the house seems much higher.
To make the right calculations, best listen to the advice of a specialist and choose the heater that is suitable for the power of your apartment.