Interesting properties of ginseng rootvalued by people of China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula. To Europeans, ginseng root recently began to reveal their abilities. The study of its composition helps to find the best use of vegetable raw materials and to identify all the available contraindications to receive.
In nature, ginseng lives in moist deciduous forests from the Russian Far East to South Korea, as well as in several regions in the east of the United States. But due to the slow growth and rarity of the species, wild plants cannot cover the growing needs of pharmaceutical companies, traditional healers and anyone who wants to improve their health. Therefore, most of the dry ginseng root, tinctures and other preparations based on it are made from raw materials grown on specially planted plantations.
The interest in culture and its beneficial properties led to the development of an entire industry of fraud. To avoid becoming a victim of cheaters, ginseng root must be purchased only from vendors who are completely trustworthy.
Description, features and composition of ginseng root
The plant ginseng and its root system is very memorable appearance. A rosette of dense green leaves with three- or five-blade leaf plates, as well as umbrella inflorescences are visible above the ground at perennial. After pollination, in place of small white flowers, oval or rounded red seeds appear. The aerial part has no medicinal value.
The main treasure of the plant is hidden underground. This is a powerful perennial rhizome, often in form resembling a bizarre human figure.
Useful properties of ginseng root and contraindications for use are due to its biochemical composition. In purified vegetable raw materials per 100 grams accounts for only 41 kcal, while the rhizomes contain a lot of vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids, peptides, essential oils, unsaturated fatty acids and saponins.
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The consumer’s ginseng root most often comes in the form of ready-made infusions, teas, capsules containing medicinal powder, and also dried using a special technology. Such rhizomes are called "red ginseng".
Useful properties of ginseng root
The healers of Asian countries became the pioneers and first researchers of the beneficial properties and contraindications of ginseng root. The “root of life” for many millennia in China and other countries in the region is recognized as the most effective tonic and tonic remedy.
Today, representatives of traditional European medicine fully agree with them. Thanks to a comprehensive study of the composition of the root, it was possible to prove it:
- the ability to stimulate the heart and vascular system;
- impact on the speed of human adaptation to intensive loads and recovery after them;
- stimulating effect on the course of rehabilitation after diseases;
- antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
- anticonvulsant effect;
- active influence on the sexual sphere.
The main sphere of influence of ginseng root is the nervous and circulatory systems of a person. With regular controlled admission, a person better adapts to stressful situations, and it is easier to tolerate serious physical and psycho-emotional stress. According to the instructions for use, ginseng root improves:
- tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
- blood supply to tissues and organs, as a result of which potency increases, breathing improves, and endurance increases;
- brain activity.
What kind of health problems and how to take ginseng root?
The plant belongs to medicinal, contains a lot of bioactive components. Therefore, it is better to use it for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes after consulting a doctor.
Ginseng Root for Men
Ginseng and preparations based on its root increase pressure, improve blood supply, supply the body with minerals, amino acids, essential vitamins, and have a stimulating effect on many organs and systems.
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Ginseng is often used as a natural herbal preparation to increase the body's endurance. For a huge number of men, ginseng root is an indispensable aid in their sexual life.
Thanks to rich microelement effects, the presence of saponins and other components, ginseng is recommended for the stronger sex, who note that with age, after any diseases or for other reasons, they cannot maintain their previous level of sexual activity.
In case of problems with potency, ginseng root, not only by improving the blood supply to the genitals, increases erection, but also increases endurance, which invariably affects the duration and quality of intimacy.
Abundance of vitamins, valuable oils, amino acids and minerals:
- has a positive effect on spermatogenesis;
- allows you to delay the appearance of signs of aging in men and a decrease in testosterone levels.
When and how to take ginseng root
Preparations based on ginseng root are shown under reduced pressure, overwork, or a long period of intense stress. The Green Doctor strengthens the immune defense. In older people, if there is no tendency to hypertension, it helps to maintain low cholesterol levels and fight manifestations of atherosclerosis.
Ginseng, as one of the bioactive agents, is prescribed for diabetes. Plant material has the ability to effectively reduce blood sugar levels, promotes the breakdown of glucose and improves blood quality.
Unlike men, women with all kinds of ginseng root need to be careful.
Herbal medicine is indicated for IRR and signs of anemia. However, about the time of long course taking ginseng can cause irregular menstruation, cause hormonal disruptions.
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Before brewing ginseng roots, vegetable raw materials are carefully but thoroughly washed in cold running water. Then the rhizomes are dried on a napkin and crushed. A glass of infusion take a tablespoon of prepared mass, which is poured with drinking water and over a slow fire bring to a boil. After several hours of infusion, the drink is ready. It is taken three times a day, half a teaspoon 30 minutes before a meal.
Contraindications to the reception of ginseng root
In the presence of a mass of useful properties, ginseng root has contraindications. Reception of active preparations is inadmissible during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because of the increase in blood pressure, you cannot drink infusions, pills or tea with ginseng for hypertension, as well as for systemic heart rhythm disorders.
Due to the development of hyperactivity in children under 16 years of age, sleep disorders and other unpleasant effects, ginseng is not used in pediatric practice.
Restrict the use of a herbal preparation:
- for mild nervous excitability;
- in the presence of inflammatory, especially purulent processes;
- with excessive activity of the endocrine system.
The diagnosis of prostatic dysplasia is a contraindication to male ginseng in men. A general ban on ginseng treatment exists when detecting benign tumors.
Even in the absence of visible symptoms of the disease, do not self-medicate. The use of ginseng in the treatment should take place with the consent and under the supervision of the attending physician.
Interesting about the properties of ginseng - video