Pipes for sewerage in the house: which tube is best used for internal sewage network devices

Uninterrupted operation of the sewer system depends on the proper choice of components and correct installation of the network. Often handyman equip their own engineering systems and are faced with the priority issue: what sewerage pipes in the house in the best technical and financial terms.

For a decision it is necessary to compare the characteristics of different materials, durability, cost and practice of their application.

The content of the article:

  • Requirements for pipes domestic sewage
  • Technical-operational characteristics of the different tubes
    • Iron - durability and strength
    • Polyvinyl chloride - practical application
    • Polypropylene - resistance to negative influences
    • Polyethylene - the flexibility and availability of products
    • Steel - "rigidity" of the sewer line
    • Alternative materials: asbestos and ceramics
  • The choice of the diameter according to the building regulations
  • Leading manufacturers pipe inner pipe
    • Rehay Raupiano - silent sewage
    • Wavin - Plastic piping systems
    • Ostendorf HT - noise absorbing polypropylene
    • Politek - domestically produced goods
  • Useful videos on the topic
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Requirements for pipes domestic sewage

Sewerage system at home - a network of utilities, intended for domestic wastewater masses with private and multi-storey buildings. Movement of waste produced by spontaneous gravitational according laws. All network communications complex includes inner and outer pipeline.

Domestic sewage consists of plumbing fixtures, systems for filtering preliminary cleaning drains, pipes, risers, headers and flowlines placed within the home.

External and internal drainage
sewage pipes have a different color, indicating the purpose of the product. Gray or white - installation intrahouse lines, red or orange color - arrangement of outdoor sewerage

Operating conditions, technical specifications, prices pipes for indoor and outdoor applications differ from each other. Sewerage system in the house is not experiencing heavy loads and are used in benign conditions - the pipe is laid inside the building and closed with decorative panels.

Basic requirements for intrahouse drainage lines:

  1. Strength. Despite the "light" operating conditions of the pipes must withstand the mechanical load and the pressure of the liquid waste flows.
  2. Biological and thermal. Material should be chemically inert to corrosive components (cleaning agents, etc.) contained in the allocated weights. Importantly - resistance to high temperatures.
  3. Smoothness. Lack subcoating gap tube provides smooth movement of waste. over time, even minor roughness can become a cause of reducing the flow section and fouling of sewage.
  4. Ease of installation. Lightweight and simple connection of the individual elements facilitate assembly of the waste pipe.

An additional requirement - the inner pipe compatibility with sanitary facilities objects and outer elements sewer network.

in-house sewage
Rules of organization intrahouse sewage system are set out in SP 30.13330.2012 and SNIP 2.04.01. The standards allow for the use of pipes made of materials that support stable flow resistance for 25 years

When choosing pipes for domestic sewage should take into account three main criteria: the manufacture of the material, cross-section diameter and the manufacturer. Let us consider in more detail on each of the parameters.

Technical-operational characteristics of the different tubes

The most popular are two categories of pipes: cast iron and plastic modifications. Over the past ten years, cast iron pipe yielded the palm polymeric counterparts due to their corrosion resistance, durability and lightness.

Iron - durability and strength

The basis of cast iron pipes - iron ore. Some characteristics of the material properties meet the steel, but due to the large oxygen content, cast iron products are characterized by high resistance to wear.

In the manufacture of sewer pipes used machinery centrifugal and semi-continuous casting. The first method allows the cast "reinforcement" of any diameter, length and thickness. According to GOST all return pipes are equipped with sockets.

Cast iron pipes
According to statistics, the lowest percentage of accidents in the iron drain pipes. Many manufacturers provide a guarantee - 80 years, in practice, this figure rises to 100 years

Advantages of cast iron systems:

  • high strength, subject to installation regulations;
  • environmental Safety;
  • a good indicator of sound insulation;
  • durability;
  • shape retention during the entire period of service;
  • fire;
  • resistance to different temperatures, atmospheric changes, chemical agents and mechanical factors.

In order to prevent corrosion "plaque" pipe fittings is processed inside the oil bitumen. In addition, this measure smoothes the roughness of the surface of the iron.

Despite the powerful arguments in favor of the traditional material, the high cost and complexity of installation work contributed to a slump in demand for cast-iron pipes. Additional disadvantages:

  • the presence of roughness to facilitate the emergence of deposits and blockages;
  • susceptibility to a point impact.

In order to ensure complete sealing of the line is necessary to accurately adjust the linear dimensions of the mating parts.

Typical pipe sizes
Pipe cast iron fixture designed for arrangement intrahouse sewage network, available in three common sizes: 50, 100, 150 mm

Polyvinyl chloride - practical application

Polivinlhlorid - a thermoplastic polymer having resistance to acidic formulations, solvents, alkali agents and mineral oils. Operating temperature range ranges from -15 ° C to + 66 ° C. Due to the technical properties of the material used in the production of tubes for the inner pressureless sewage.

The most promising material for low tide and sewage plumbing fixture experts believe unplasticized polifinilhlorid (vinyls) - variety of PVC having a rigid structure.

Distinctions unplasticized PVC-pipes:

  1. The duration of operation. Due to resistance to corrosion processes and "indifference" to chemicals lifetime of tens of years.
  2. The ease of the pipeline. Due to the small specific gravity material has a low weight, which facilitates assembly and accelerate the sewer pipe.
  3. The smoothness of the coating. Completely smooth, with no rough edges, the inner surface reduces the risk of clogging the pipeline.
  4. Arrangement of complex pathways. A wide selection of mounting elements simplifies the design and laying intricate thoroughfares sanitation.
  5. Affordable compared to metal counterparts.

In comparison with steel, copper and plastic pipes, PVC products are characterized by high physical and biological inertness.

PVC sewer pipes
PVC pipes have high hygienic qualities - on their surface bacteria are not retained and are colonies of pathogens

PVC system is convenient to reconstruct, if necessary, extra plumbing and "tie" outlet pipe to a common riser.

Giving preference to PVC backbones, nuances should be considered:

  • with prolonged exposure to high temperature (70 ° or more) plastic becomes brittle;
  • Concentrated organic solvents able to "erode" and change the structure of the PVC.

PVC and PVC-U-reinforcement comprises chlorine. In combustion smokes plastic and emits corrosive toxic substances.

Polypropylene - resistance to negative influences

PVC plastic pipes superior in some characteristics. Advantages of PP fittings:

  1. The elasticity of the material explains resistance to mechanical shock tubes - polypropylene insignificantly deformed, while maintaining the integrity, and is restored to the original state.
  2. Avoid contact with the acidic medium. This quality increases their durability and allows to speak about the safe disposal of PCB-waste.
  3. The high rate of heat resistance. Permissible temperature feedback to + 90 ° C, with intermittent raised to + 100 ° C PP-line stores claimed qualities.

Frost resistance depends on the raw material additives and quality of pipe products. Scatter parameters within 10-50 ° C below zero.

polypropylene tubes
PP-tube along with PVC products designed for continuous operation. Process engineers, referring to the laboratory tests shall declare the period up to 90-100 years

The above characteristics peculiar to products manufactured in accordance with GOST. Here the question of choosing the manufacturer will play a pivotal role.

Basic information about the characteristics of PP pipes can be found in its labeling. The full length product knurl applied at intervals of 4.2 m Marking displays.:

  • brand name;
  • feedstock type (B - blokspolimer, R - random copolymer, PP - polypropylene, H - homopolymer);
  • outer diameter (10-1200 mm) wall thickness;
  • allowable working pressure.

It should be remembered that high pressure rating should correspond thicker wall PP-tube.

Marking PP-tubes
To organize the internal sewer pipe is generally used pipe section 40-110 mm, thickness 1.8-2.7 mm. This is sufficient in a pressure-free operation

Polyethylene - the flexibility and availability of products

Wondering what kind of pipe used to intrahouse apartment or sewer, it is worth paying attention to the products of polyethylene (PE). Material formed during ethylene polymerization with the addition of catalysts. The performance characteristics depend on the qualitative composition and flow conditions of the reaction (pressure and temperature).

For sewer line used IPA-pipe. The polyethylene obtained by the polymerization of hydrocarbons at low pressure, has the following characteristics:

  • recommended operating temperature - not more than + 40 ° C, permissible short jumps to + 60 ° C;
  • capacity expansion by 5-7% from the initial state explains material flexibility and shock resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity - the formation of condensation on the pipes is minimal;
  • no reaction on contact with transported waste of different origin (organic, chemical reagents).

Polyethylene pipes are inherent in many of the advantages of "plastic trunk": low cost, corrosion resistance, ease of material and ease of assembly engineering drainage network.

polyethylene pipe
Coupling of pipe elements carried by a funnel through a rubber sealing ring or by heat-sealing via soldering for polymeric pipes

PE-PP inferior fittings and PVC pipes in terms of wear resistance - abrasive effect with regular trash waste polyethylene surface wears quickly.

Steel - "rigidity" of the sewer line

Steel pipes provide strength and rigidity engineering network. Material system retains slope angles and can withstand high-temperature load. However, the disadvantages of steel sewers more serious:

  • rotting - when used for discharging effluent require gray dyeing or processing bitumen; applying a waterproofing layer reduces resistance to temperature from 700 ° C to 60 ° C;
  • Pipe coupling performed threaded connection or welding - the two methods makes steel more susceptible to corrosion.

A steel pipe characterized by high frequency formation of blockages - pipe diameter is narrowed due to the appearance of rust deposits.

Steel tubes
Steel pipes plastic more expensive counterparts, so their use is not justified as a practical and financially

Alternative materials: asbestos and ceramics

Asbestos and ceramic pipes are rarely installed in private households and apartments. However, it should be noted and their technical and operational nuances.

Asbestos cement pipes are manufactured on the basis of portland cement and asbestos fibers. In view of the complexity of installation, limited standard sizes and low durability of their use in the sewer system is overdue.

asbestos-cement pipes
Characteristics of asbestos cement: lifetime - 25 years, available diameters - 10-50 cm, operating temperature - 160 ° C. Frequency of clogging is the same as that of the iron communications

Technical ceramics are several options superior quality pipes made of cast iron:

  • corrosion resistance - 100%;
  • resistance to alkaline, acidic compounds and other aggressive components;
  • temperature resistance - ceramics can withstand temperatures of 1000 ° C or more;
  • dimensions - 15-60 cm, wall thickness - 19 mm.

Ceramic pipes little demand because of the high cost and complexity of self-assembly of engineering networks.

ceramic pipes
Clogging is minimal - a consequence of the smooth inner walls and the absence of corrosion buildup. The service life of ceramic line - up to 150 years

The choice of the diameter according to the building regulations

Unlike Chugunin number of plastic molded versions are much richer. Manufacturers produce products of plastic pipes with a diameter of 16 mm to 6000 mm. The need for a diverse range of makes sense:

  • expanding opportunities pipeline engineering systems;
  • pipe size is chosen with the specific task;
  • it is possible to replace the mains pipe section with the smallest possible diameter - the laying waste of the private home system this will reduce the budget repairs.

Most running sizes for the internal drainage network: 50/100/150 mm.

Internal wiring of sewage
Pipe diameter is selected according to the service site. For example, a vertical standpipe and toilet settling conduit 100, 110 or 150 mm

Scope of the pipes on the basis of the flow cross section:

  • 16-25 mm - removal of ventustanovok uncontaminated fluid, air conditioners and dehumidifiers;
  • 32 mm - connection washbasin or sink, conventionally used for washing clean dishes (cups, glasses and so forth.);
  • 40 mm - drain under the bath, shower, kitchen sink, dishwasher or washing machine;
  • 50 mm and more - simultaneous connection of shower and bath, laundry room;
  • 60-75 mm - combined connection of three and five units respectively, the exception - the toilet.

Dimensions measured and displayed inside a conditioned line passage. Considering the wall thickness, the external value exceeds the internal resolution.

Leading manufacturers pipe inner pipe

To determine which tube is best used for drainage, you should compare features and prices for products of the leading companies of piping systems. Market leaders are companies: Rehay, Wavin, Ostendorf, Politek, Polytron and KORSIS.

Rehay Raupiano - silent sewage

The German company has developed a multilayer pipe Rehay - Raupiano Plus.

Rehay Raupiano
Rehay Raupiano trilayer structure comprises: an outer shell of impact resistant polypropylene, mineral reinforced lining the middle and a smooth inner PP layer

Track record of advantages:

  • improved noise isolation - sound absorption efficiency is increased by 30%;
  • aesthetics - Pipes white fit different room design;
  • Reliability - layering provides protection against leaks, shock and unpleasant odor;
  • Flexibility - possible floor and wall mounting.

Raupiano Plus - universal sewerage compatible with adapters and pipe fittings from other manufacturers. To improve the heat resistance of polypropylene manufacturer offers to set fire cuff blocking the spread of fire by engineering system (release temperature - 120 ° C).

Wavin - Plastic piping systems

Wavin - European leader (the Netherlands), with forty years of experience in manufacturing plastic pipes of water supply, sewerage, drainage and cabling. The company has gained a reputation as an innovator and supplier of high quality products.

pipes Wavin
Wavin offers comprehensive solutions on the device of internal sewerage: PVC and PP pipes, sound-absorbing system of the AS Wavin, fittings, fasteners straps and associated fittings

Product features:

  • various - 32-110 mm;
  • producing raw materials - PP and PVC;
  • thickness - 2.6 mm;
  • the pipe section 50, 100 mm produced in dvuhrastrubnom embodiment;
  • temperature resistance: 75 ° C - permanent contact, 95 ° C - short-term exposure;
  • white and gray color.

Systems Wavin Asto - the premium segment of the sound absorbing sewage. The wall thickness of 5.3 mm at a diameter of 110 mm. Thick tube keeps the noise and suppresses acoustic vibration. Thermostability reaches 90-95 ° C.

Ostendorf HT - noise absorbing polypropylene

Ostendorf (Germany) specializes in the production of pipes and fittings for sewage arrangement.

Ostendorf HT
Characteristics pipes Ostendorf HT series: Material - PPH, boundary temperature sinks - 95 ° C, the working environment - waste water, docking elements into the socket

Products made with the noise-reducing properties based polymer and mineral compounds.

Thanks to new technology Remove improve the acoustic quality and an indicator of strength. Product range - pipe section 50-200 mm, product length - up to 3 m.

Politek - domestically produced goods

The company specializes in the production of components of plastic pipes. The products meet the European standards, each batch of laboratory tests, the results of which are supported by a certificate.

pipes Politek
The material of construction of pipes internal wiring - sopolimezirovanny stabilized polypropylene. The composition of the raw material introduced antipereny complicating inflammation and contribute to damping

Characteristics of domestic sewage Politek:

  • Increased stability due to the annular two-layer structure of the pipes;
  • good temperature resistance - 70 ° C;
  • Model: pipe with socket and without;
  • sizes: 32/40/50/110 mm, wall thickness - 1.8-2.7 mm.

Politek products are resistant to chemicals, therefore, recommended for internal wiring of the sewer line on industrial sites, hospitals, laboratories and commercial buildings.

Useful videos on the topic

Comparison of sewer pipes intended for arranging the outer and intrahouse sewage network:

Evaluating the effectiveness of sewage Raupiano silent and Skolan:

In terms of financial benefits and practicality, polypropylene pipes are the best choice organizations intrahouse part of the sewers. PP line is affordable, easy to implement and ensures trouble-free long-term operation of the new engineering systems.

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