They say that the eyes are the mirror of our soul. And the windows around the house are his “eyes”.How to choose windows to give, on which to choose? Before ordering windows to the country, you should choose the material, design, design, protection. On this depends the internal comfort of the cottage, its external beauty. Even the most inexpensive project can be made attractive, making it thoughtfully, with love.
- Ready-made windows for gardening - from what material to choose
- Protection of windows against penetration at the cottage
- Shutters for windows at the cottage
- Lattices on windows for giving
- Roller shutters on the windows at the cottage
models Simplicity, practicality, convenience - these are the things to be remembered when designing windows for summer cottage. Cheap solutions are more appropriate here than expensive ones, of course, if we are not talking about a luxury cottage. However, inexpensive and ugly are not synonymous. On reflection, you can save the budget, but the windows will be pretty.
содерж to the contentReady-made windows for questioning - from which material to choose
Once plastic windows were a rarity, a novelty, therefore, they were prohibitively expensive. Since that time, many people still have the erroneous opinion that wooden windows are always much cheaper, worse than plastic.
In fact, plastic, wooden windows are different. Their price may depend on the complexity of your project, on the quality of the design, on the ambitions of the installer. As a rule, the larger the window opening, the more you will be asked. But a small fancy window can cost even more.
We would advise you to avoid both expensive and excessively cheap window constructions. If in the first case you are overpaying for prestige with decent quality, then in the second one you run the risk of running into a one-day firm that quickly installs many cheap windows and then disappears, throwing disgruntled customers. It would be good to focus on the average market price.
You can choose a simple design with a minimum of bells and whistles, but you do not need to save on quality too. Even if you rarely go to the country, the window will “live” there all year. It's a shame if the junk wood cracks quickly, and the inferior plastic turns yellow, gets an unpleasant look.
When plastic windows appeared on the market, the masters knew less about them, so the risk of unsuccessful installation was greater. Now the choice between "live" and artificial material is a matter of personal preference. It seems to me, a dacha, its special rustic atmosphere requires wooden windows. But this does not mean that everyone must adhere to my opinion.
Wood and plastic - the most popular, but not the only possible materials for country windows.
There are combined windows - their design combines two materials. Most often wood with aluminum. Aluminum profile is placed in the wood-aluminum windows outside the wooden frame. It makes the structure stronger, but does not combine with a wooden house. But it looks great with siding, artificial stone.
In European countries, not only wood-aluminum windows, but also wood-plastic or plastic-aluminum are popular. In Russia, they are still rare.
содерж to content ↑Protection of windows against penetration at the cottage
There are three options for protecting window glass in a country house:
- traditional wooden shutters,
- popular grilles( end of the last XX century),
- is a relatively new invention - roller blinds.
Everyone has pros and cons. The ideal option does not exist, but you can choose the most suitable one for your country house.
содерж to content ↑Shutters for windows at the cottage
Wooden shutters, when they are locked, reliably protect the glass from wind-blown branches, stones thrown by teenagers or frantic hail. Curious glances are also unable to get inside. Unfortunately, the shutters do their work only in the closed position, depriving the room of light. In the open, they leave the glass unprotected. But the window framed by them acquires a peculiar charm inherent in rural areas, and after him many citizens go to the country.
And if you are generous, you can buy carved shutters - a real home decoration. Love to do everything yourself? Do you know how to work on wood? Then making beautiful stavionok gives you real pleasure.
содерж to the content ↑Lattices on the windows for giving
The shutters are usually very easy to unlock from the outside, as thieves can use. The grid is not so easy to pull out. Unfortunately, this protection has more disadvantages than advantages. With her, the view from the window becomes somewhat prison, and from the outside she brings back memories of the dashing nineties, which are not pleasant to everyone. Cheap grates easily rust, becoming quite squalid. In addition, there are known terrible cases of death of people during a fire, when the flames did not let them out at the door, and the grille closed the window. What are the advantages? This is a relatively inexpensive protection that works well in your absence. You can also order a beautiful forged grille. This is an expensive solution, but it is perfectly combined with the wrought-iron railing of the cottage porch.
содерж to the contents ↑Roller shutters on the windows to the cottage
What is a roller shutter? They look like horizontal blinds, but stronger. Hang not indoors, but outside. Like traditional shutters, they protect you from prying eyes, and glass from various damages. Only look much more modern. You can choose a structure with the possibility of partial lowering, which will help to hide from the sun in the summer, without turning the house into a dungeon. But not everyone likes roller blinds due to the fact that small shops use such window protection. If it seems to you that the cottage acquires a resemblance to a trading point, this comparison is unpleasant for you - choose something else. Roller shutters are poorly combined with very old country houses, look at them caricatured.
↑ to the content ↑When installing windows
If you want to order the installation of windows( whether it is wooden or plastic) for a country house, plan this for any season except autumn.
Before the cold, people urgently begin to insulate apartments, order windows so actively that even the best firms are not always able to stay at an acceptable level of quality. Nobody will refuse the money, will not say: "Sorry, we are overloaded with work, come back later."In the peak months, the fitters seize orders over measure, recruiting additional brigades. And they are very, very different. ..
I happened to unknowingly go through the nightmare of installing an autumn plastic window in an apartment. Do not repeat this error.
The spring peak of loading in window companies is usually not as impressive as the autumn one, but in the summer there are fewer orders. This is the right moment to invite craftsmen to the cottage.
And if you are a craftsman, you can do everything yourself, anyway, autumn with its rains is not the best season for construction.
If you live in central Russia, you are going to frequent the summer cottage in winter, you need a triple glazing. To the windows of a cottage intended for permanent residence, the requirements are exactly the same as for the windows of an apartment.
But the summer house can do with simple, single glazing.
↑ to the contents ↑Installing windows are important details when choosing a model
- Remember that plastic windows are not only white. An unusual color will cost you a pretty penny, besides, most people like white - it's neutral. Still, do not forget about the possibility of choosing shades for the design of your favorite villa.
- If you are a true master, you can install the window yourself by ordering its manufacture according to your dimensions. A wooden window can be made completely by yourself. But this is aerobatics!
- Sliding frames are more expensive, keep warmth worse, but they look unusual. You can use them in summer houses or for partitions between rooms.
- Roof windows( mansard) are more expensive, but without them the attic is a regular warehouse. In order to open sashes without problems, it is necessary to use only special attic windows there. Unlike ordinary windows, which themselves are fixed when opening, in the dormer window, special fixation mechanisms are needed.
- Verandas do not open at all. They are taken out of the window openings directly with the frames, and at the end of the summer season they are put back! This also requires special designs.
- Usually windows for giving are simple windows with one leaf or two. This option is the most economical, not only in terms of manufacturing, installation, but also to preserve heat. However, it is worth remembering about other models.
Ekaterina Khozyainova, Fazenda newspaper, 2015