Proper use of nitrophosphate as a fertilizer

Nitrophoska - the most popular plant food. It is a mixture of( tuk) nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, vital minerals for all crops. The use of fertilizer nitrophoska improves soil structure and increases the yield of fruit and vegetable crops. Therefore, this fat is indispensable for growing tomatoes.

Table of Contents:

Composition and purpose of the drug Nitrophoska

Nitrophoska - a balanced mineral granular fertilizer. It contains nitrogen( N), potassium( K), phosphorus( P) in the form of salts with an equal share of 16:16:16 .These salts are ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, potash nitrate, superphosphate, ammonium chloride.

This composition is suitable for feeding any species of plants.

Nitrogen need plants to build green mass. This is an important element for the process of photosynthesis. Without it, can not do, growing seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes.

Potassium affects the taste of berries, fruits, vegetables, tomatoes, accelerates the synthesis of sugars.

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Phosphorus is important for the development of strong roots, for better fruiting. In general, it starts all the metabolic processes of the plant.

Nitrophoska is a granule and is suitable for any plant

In addition to the classic composition 16:16:16, there are several types of this feeding with additives:

  • Sulfuric acid nitrophosphate .Sulfur( S) added to composition. It is recommended to feed tomatoes and cucumbers, cabbage and mustard.
  • Sulphate nitrophosphate .Calcium( Ca) is added to its mixture, which improves the color and enhances the brightness of the leaves. It is used for plants with decorative foliage.
  • Phosphate nitrophosphate .Its composition contains an increased concentration of phosphorus. It is needed primarily for vegetables to digest fiber. Thanks to phosphorus, you can get a healthy harvest with dense fruits that will be stored well.

Advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other

dressings Advantages:

  • is convenient to enrich the soil with when digging into , thanks to large granules;
  • balanced composition of the most important elements for crops, can be used for any crops at all stages of growth;
  • with proper application of does not contribute to the accumulation of nitrates ;
  • economical fertilizer consumption due to the high concentration of elements in the composition;
  • ability of nitrogen and potassium is completely dissolved in water;
  • a large percentage of the decomposition of elements in the soil;
  • is easily and quickly absorbed by the roots of seedlings when introduced into the soil;
  • can be used on any soils, namely on sandy, acidic, neutral;
  • , the nitrogen content of potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions in each granule;
  • composition for a long time maintains flowability, does not crumple.
Nitrophoska is well soluble in water and easily absorbed by the roots of the plant


  • nitrogen in the composition of quickly disappears when the package is opened;
  • in the period of fruit ripening the concentration of potassium and phosphorus in this fertilizer will not be enough for vegetables and fruit plants. It is necessary to additionally use potash-phosphorus mixtures.

Instructions for use of fertilizer in open ground

Nitrofoskoy can feed all the plants.

According to the instructions, it can be applied to the soil in dry form or in the form of liquid. It can be used at all stages of crop development. Also recommended the introduction of nitrophoska into the soil before digging in the fall and spring.

For adult shrubs, trees, dry application of nitrophoska to the soil by mixing is recommended. This should be done in the spring. The nitrogen in the mixture rapidly evaporates and is washed away by groundwater over the winter. Consider the features of the use of top dressing for some crops.

For tomatoes

For tomatoes, it is better to use phosphoric nitrophoska. The first dressing - dry introduction into the hole when planting in open ground. Application rate - 1 tablespoon per well .Watering each bush with diluted fertilizer - 5g per 1 liter of water.

For tomatoes it is better to use the phosphoric nitrophoska

The second feeding recommended by after 14 days in the same proportion. The third application of top dressing to organize in the period of budding. Application rates are the same.


The use of sulphate is recommended for cucumbers. For them, this fertilizer is required two times less than for tomatoes.

Consumption rate per bush - 1 teaspoon dry fertilizer or 3g per liter of water .Top-feeding time - when planting seedlings in the soil, before flowering and in the mass fruit set.


For potatoes, it is better to use phosphate nitrophosphate when digging the soil in autumn. Consumption rate - 35g per sq.m. When adding fertilizer to the well, the consumption rate is 5g per hole of .

Fertilizer particles should be mixed well with the ground so that they do not come into contact with potato tubers.
For potatoes, the nitrophoshka must be mixed with the ground when making

. Strawberries and flowering plants.

. For strawberries before planting seedlings, you must make 40 - 45g into each planting hole. The following feeding is needed after the first harvest. 1 tablespoon must be diluted in 10 liters of water and pour strawberry bushes under the root.

For flowering and decorative leafy plants use sulfate nitrophosphate , containing calcium. These plants fertilize 3 - 4 times per season with a ready-made solution at the rate of 30 grams per 10 liters of water.

When adding nitrophoska to the landing hole in dry form, it is necessary for to mix well with the ground of .And only then submerge tubers, bulbs, cuttings with an open root system in the hole. Otherwise, there is a chance to burn and spoil the planting material.

Safety Precautions for Making Nitroammofoski

Refers to flammable and explosive substances .Therefore, do not store or work with fertilizer near an open flame.

When working with fertilizer, it is imperative that you use

protective agents. Keep the product out of reach of children and animals, with humidity of the room no more than 50% .During work with the preparation, wear an mask and rubber gloves. After contact with fertilizer, wash all exposed areas with soap and water.

If fertilizer is accidentally released into the stomach, drink water, induce vomiting and take activated carbon. Immediately contact the ambulance.

Can I use it with other drugs?

  • is compatible with ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, ammonium nitrate, calcium and potassium nitrate;
  • is not compatible with ashes and organic fertilizers, chicken manure, manure or Bordeaux mixture.

The Bordeaux mixture categorically can not be mixed with any drugs and fertilizers. The alkaline environment of Bordeaux mixture destroys all the beneficial properties of drugs.

Thus, nitroammofosk and nitrophoska is a complex fertilizer with a balanced composition. It is able to almost completely satisfy the need of vegetables, trees and flowers in obtaining the desired elements during the growing season, flowering, fruiting. She is still the most popular dressing from private gardeners and large farms.

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