Schieber for the chimney with his own hands: how to make the damper for trumpet

The movement of air streams in the channels dymootvedeniya subject to the laws of physics, but using some devices can adjust the thrust force. One such device is a vane flap - Required home of bath or oven.

Let us find out what types of valves are and whether it is possible to build a gate for the chimney with his hands, if not at hand factory counterpart. chimney has a very simple structure, but its production requires at least the minimum metal processing skill.

The content of the article:

  • What is the damper
  • Differences between sliding and pivoting gate
  • Which material is stronger
  • How to make a sliding latch with their hands
    • Preparation of materials and tools
    • Mapping (drawing)
    • Marking and cutting of parts
    • Steps for installing the valve
  • Instructions for the production of the rotary slide valve
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

What is the damper

Schieber German word in the Russian language did not change the pronunciation or meaning. Speaking concretely of furnace heating, the slide valve and the slide valve closure device of the type referred to, which overlaps the vertical flue.

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at the regeneration fumes pipe valve installed in the upper part of the base which is in the room to be able to manually regulate the movement of gases, if necessary, together with the quality and traction.

furnace gate

Here is the gate in an extended form. In the retracted state (when the oven is already protoplena) valve almost not visible, outward acts only its "eye"

The flap on the flue duct is required for traditional embodiment brick furnace. Zadvigi its partially or completely, one can reduce the thrust or to block movement of heated gas.

Fully valve is pushed when the oven protoplena and harmful gases no longer flow into the channel. Known cases of loss of life, from early ugorevshih "closed" furnace.

If late with closing flaps, the heat from the heated bricks will go into the pipe, and the room temperature drops rapidly. Time shoving a gate - a guarantee that in the house for at least a day will be warm. As is known, in the village houses in the cold season, flooding the furnace comes every morning.

Steel gate valve

A steel factory production gate valve 200 mm in diameter. To simplify installation is sold together with a fragment of a steel pipe, in the embedded form

It is believed that the flap required for brick kilns, absolutely no need for furnaces of steel devices (though offered by manufacturers), as well as for models with set the deflector.

The argument against their use is the fact that the chimney with a closed valve quickly clogged with soot. Its upper part is cooled by the incoming cold air into the tube, which is in contact with hot steel pipe forms a large amount of condensate. This situation requires a more frequent chimney cleaning.

Differences between sliding and pivoting gate

While there was a pull-out damper on the furnace chimney, and although there is another view - turning. Consider how they differ.

Appointment of both varieties the same - partly or completely cover smoke / hot gas stream. The differences relate to the design.

Pull-model - a metal plate, which is attached to the frame and moves along the guide rails in a horizontal position. Strict requirements for device size is not present, as they must conform to the cross section of the chimney and are entirely dependent on its parameters.

Thus, the valve consists of two main parts:

  • frameWhich is fixed in the chimney channel and is fixed;
  • plate, Moving inside the frame.

Typically, the two parts are made of the same material to performance maintained by heating or cooling.

Requirements to install the valve

Properly designed and installed valve never completely should not overpower the furnace chimney. A small clearance is necessary for the purpose of fire safety

The design of the pivot (throttle) gate does not extend, and is rotated axially as the name implies.

Circular or rectangular plate (depending on the chimney section) is fixed to the metal rod, the free end of which emerges outside the channel and the instrument is adjusted.

Rotary vane

The simplest model of the rotary vane 120 mm in diameter. Material - stainless steel. Overlapping fumes pipe is made by turning the handle with a curved end

Dampers, valves are considered more reliable and durable devices. The weak point of rotary devices - connection rod and plate, which eventually becomes loose and causes the damper to the improper condition.

Which material is stronger

In addition to structural differences gates varieties may vary in material manufacturing. The only possibility is metal, since only it does not burn and does not deform when high temperatures, and to not change their aggressive even in the environment over time characteristics.

For production use, or iron, or stainless steel. Independently construct damper iron is not possible, since it requires, as a minimum, anvil. However, the sale can be found, and inconspicuous, and beautifully decorated, cast iron valve.

Chugunnyi rotary damper

Cast iron rotary slide valve with a convenient handle. This design is suitable for brick fumes pipe with a rectangular cross section, able to withstand relatively heavy weight of the device

Steel products look simple, but the characteristics are similar to cast iron counterparts. An advantage of steel in lightweight devices.

If the cast-iron stove damper for a chimney installed only on a solid, permanent structure, the steel bolt is suitable for any chimney channels - brick and steel, rectangular and round, thorough and lungs.

Samples damper galvanized steel

Samples damper of galvanized steel, the diameter of the cross section of the chimney - 150 mm. Galvanizing, unlike ordinary steel, does not respond to exposure to moisture (condensate) and does not corrode

It is necessary to focus on choosing a material Chimney pipe characteristics and interior features.

For heating stoves villa quite modest and steel bolts, while upgrading to a Russian stove in the cottage is best suitable tailor-made cast-iron gate.

How to make a sliding latch with their hands

Consider how to make both versions of valve for chimneys - sliding and turning. Each of them has its own nuances of manufacturing and installation. Let's start with the retractable type.

Preparation of materials and tools

To create a simple model of the sliding gate is suitable galvanized steel. It has low weight, thanks to the smooth surface can be easily cleaned from the soot, and the moving part can be easily replaced if necessary.

galvanized steel sheets

Plotting steel is not suitable because it is easy to flex and deformation difficulties arise with the plate retract in the chimney. The minimum sheet thickness - 1.5 mm, preferably 2-2.5 mm

The main instruments - welding apparatus, electrodes, Bulgarian, metal scissors (chosen in dependence on the sheet thickness), with a grinding disk drill drills for metal files.

Works to perform better at the work bench with vise. Among other things, the paper sheet need for a template, tape, label.

Mapping (drawing)

By the removal of sizes should be taken seriously, as even a few millimeters can cause malfunction of the chimney. To find the dimensions of the frame should be a tape measure to measure the cross section of the channel chimney - it would coincide with the inside dimensions of the frame.

To this must be added the value of 20-30 mm on three sides and to calculate the outer side of the frame.

Flap wire frame drawing

Drawing valve with a wire frame. Framed harder wire secured to the brickwork, than a profile with a broad flat sides

To catch put forward effortlessly, it should be a width slightly narrower than the width of the frame (given the external side). To simplify the calculations necessary to draw a design scheme and to identify all possible dimensions, so that later, while working with metal, be guided by him.

For metal pipes usually combine a flat structure with a fragment flue damper disposed perpendicularly.

Size design for round tube

design dimensions for a tube of rectangular cross section. The valve should completely cover the chimney, but have a small hole for air penetration drilled with a drill or gap

For brick chimneys sufficiently flat wire frame or profile with a movable latch on the guide two parallel sides.

Marking and cutting of parts

Determine the exact size, cut a frame for a gate. If the chimney is small, for example, in the bath or in the summer kitchen, you can use a thick wire, bending it in the form of the letter P.

More thorough frame - is a strong angular profile. To make it, cut from sheet steel strip and bend it along an angle of 90º. To make the profile of the desired shape, in places where the scheduled angles, one of the planes cut. When we get bent frame. folds place welds.

Further flap cut itself. It should be about 5-10 mm in width of the frame to be longer. We customize the length so that in the closed position peering out only a small piece of the valve. Contents can be in different ways: in the form of lugs with a hole or a hem edge.

The edges of the cut clean by gate drive to the closing / opening process took place easily and quietly. Paint the items can not be.

Steps for installing the valve

The photo shows the steps of the installation of the factory gate production. By the same token installed and homemade device.

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Step 1 - Define the installation location

In accordance with scheme furnace device define the installation location of the slide valve and note the bricks to be undercut

Step 2 - cutting bricks on the perimeter of the hole

We took out the bricks, which are the basis for the valve assembly, and trim them on the frame size of slide grinder

Step 3 - planting slide on solution

For fixing the bolt using masonry mortar. Apply it to the installation location, and then - on the top edge of the frame

Step 4 - brickwork over damper

Valve "got" on the same level with the rest of the bricks, so the obstacles for further laying there, it is produced in the usual way - by the scheme poryadovkoy

Step 1 - Define the installation location

Step 1 - Define the installation location

Step 2 - cutting bricks on the perimeter of the hole

Step 2 - cutting bricks on the perimeter of the hole

Step 3 - planting slide on solution

Step 3 - planting slide on solution

Step 4 - brickwork over damper

Step 4 - brickwork over damper

Flap installation height depends on the design of the furnace in the bath furnace is less in heating Housing - above. Minimum height - 0,9-1 m from the floor, the maximum - about 2 m.

Instructions for the production of the rotary slide valve

Consider the case of manufacturing slide valve for a metal pipe. Such a modification can be installed in a new chimney, and in a ready and functioning oven.

It is a circular plane with a welded metal rod - original twist mechanism and the holder in one person.

Material - stainless sheet-steel 2-2.5 mm thick; 6-7 mm metal rod (a hollow tube); a pair of bolts 8 mm piece of metal reinforcement or a nail.

To cut and weld the parts required:

  • Bulgarian with a set of disks - abrasive and cutting;
  • tool for marking - marker, construction tape, compasses;
  • tools for welding - welding machine for steel electrodes core;
  • vices, pliers, wire cutters, hammer.

Also during the welding work required protective clothing - gloves, goggles, overalls made of thick dense tissue.

Working process:

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Step 1 - marking on the steel sheet

Before marking is necessary to measure the diameter of the pipe, and then move with a caliper dimensions to a sheet of stainless steel

Step 2 - cutting the steel wheel

Cut the flap using a drill with a cutting wheel. Try to cut exactly to the edge turned out neat

Step 3 - slide fitting

Take the steel cut circle and inserted into the pipe. If the sizes do not match, please be grinding edge

Step 4 - trimming the metal tube

To cut the pipe of the correct size, apply it to a finished flap. The tube must be shorter than the diameter of a circle of 0.3 cm at each end. Then cut the Label

Step 5 - reaming threaded tube

To make the handset an internal thread, the edge must be drilled with a drill to the size of 6.8 mm. The process tube surface lubricating oil lubricates

Step 6 - threading

Tapping use a special tool - the tap, which also must be lubricated with engine oil. Remove chips reverse rotational half-turns of the tap

Step 7 - cutting out holes for welding

In a straight line through the center of the circle we put the label marker, then drill three holes - one in the center and two on the sides. Through holes welds tube

Step 8 - Set the damper to the pipe

The two pre-arranged holes inserted on both sides of bolts which are screwed into the pipe inside the sliding tube

Step 1 - marking on the steel sheet

Step 1 - marking on the steel sheet

Step 2 - cutting the steel wheel

Step 2 - cutting the steel wheel

Step 3 - slide fitting

Step 3 - slide fitting

Step 4 - trimming the metal tube

Step 4 - trimming the metal tube

Step 5 - reaming threaded tube

Step 5 - reaming threaded tube

Step 6 - threading

Step 6 - threading

Step 7 - cutting out holes for welding

Step 7 - cutting out holes for welding

Step 8 - Set the damper to the pipe

Step 8 - Set the damper to the pipe

It remains to make the latch handle of the steel sheet. Ready gate from time to time should be cleaned from soot, and need to control the strength of the welds.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

With video you will broaden your horizons, learn more about the furnace valves and how to fit them into the chimney.

How to make a flap in 5 hours:

Installation sketch slide a brick kiln:

installation option for the fireplace damper:

Engage an independent manufacturer of gate advisable if you have the skills to work with metal, able by welding, grinder and drill - then the production process benefit and positive emotions.

If the knowledge and skills is not enough better to buy ready-made valve, after removing the dimensions of a chimney.

Got something to add to or have any questions on the subject - can leave comments to the publication. Contact form is in the lower block. If you do own gate to the chimney and want to share ideas with the readers - please add a photo of the product.

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