How to care for a home rose?

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A home or indoor rose is a miniature( up to 50 cm), flowering plant, about 250 varieties of the same plant varietymuch more. In the photo of home roses, you can see a variety of colors and forms of buds, which makes this indoor plant very attractive for growing at home.

Among the varieties of homemade roses that are most suitable for cultivation as houseplants, it is worth mentioning such as “Miss Rovena Tom”, “Grouss en Teplitz” or “La France” from a variety of hybrid tea roses, “Madame Falco”, “Marshal NielOr Nifethos from a variety of tea roses, Orande Triumph from a variety of polyanthus roses, the Bourbon Souvenir de la Malmaison, or most varieties of Bengal red roses.

Recommendations on growing conditions for home roses

The whimsical and demanding home roses are well known and can frighten beginner gardeners, but still it is worth trying to grow home roses in pots, because they are very decorative and able to bloom for a long time.

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And in order to have as few questions as possible to care for your home rose, you need to remember certain recommendations:

  1. for the location of pots with these plants, you should choose south and south-east window openings and balconies;
  2. to plant homemade roses in a fresh, nourishing soil;
  3. in the warm season they need to provide fresh air in sufficient quantity;
  4. during the growing season room roses should be watered abundantly, but at the same time take into account the ambient temperature and the degree of drying of the top layer of soil;
  5. in the process of caring for a home rose, it is necessary to conduct weekly dressings, especially carefully - during flowering and active growth;
  6. transshipment of plants in a larger container, but only when necessary.
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Negative factors when growing indoor roses should also be taken into account. These include:

  • dry air and direct sunlight, which can cause overheating;
  • cold water used for irrigation;
  • leaving dry foliage and stems, wilted buds and sprouts on the plant;
  • root injury;
  • wintering in too hot a room;
  • untimely treatment and control of diseases and pests.

Roses for home care require constant and rather active, but on condition of creating and maintaining a favorable environment for growing, it will be reduced only to regular watering and additional feeding.


Home care roses should be started from the moment of purchase. The entire process can be broken down into the procedures that must be performed:

  1. Adaptation - while the flower is getting used to the new room, you need to repeat as much as possible the conditions in which the plant was until the time of purchase in the store, including watering and feeding. At this time, it is necessary to isolate drafts and direct sunlight, to use defended clear water for irrigation, to spray leaves. Replanting a home rose is only necessary after it adapts.
  2. Transplant - is carried out after the plant gets used to a new place. It is necessary to transplant a new rose together with an earthy clod, only slightly loosening the outer layer and removing a small amount of old soil. It is necessary to carry out a transplant very carefully so that the roots remain intact. It is best to use a mixture of turf and humus soil mixed with sand( in the ratio of 4: 4: 1) and a small amount of complex fertilizers. The transplanting pot should be several centimeters in diameter and 5-7 cm higher than the container in which the rose was purchased. A drain is required. The bottom of the pot should cover the expanded clay drainage layer. After transplantation, the rose should be left in the shade for a day in a cool place, then rearranged to a well-lit window sill, but not under direct rays, with access to fresh air.
  3. Watering - indoor roses are very demanding for watering and, due to an insufficient amount of moisture, can even begin to dry. Therefore, you need to water regularly, in the cool time of day, at the root, on hot days more often, as the top layer of the soil dries. Water for irrigation should be clean, separated by room temperature.
  4. Feeding - must also be regular, at least 2 times a month. In this case, you can use complex fertilizers according to the instructions or with mullein. In addition to fertilizing the soil, you can use special soluble complexes for feeding in the form of spraying. Patients and only transplanted roses do not feed.
  5. Preparing for wintering is also an important step of care, as home roses winter like their garden “relatives”, and some varieties even shed their leaves. In order for a room rose to tolerate this period, it is necessary to move it to a cool room( 15-17 ° C) with sufficiently humid air and without household appliances. Also, before wintering, roses are pruned, leaving 5 live buds on each branch.
  6. Wintering - in the autumn-winter period, roses need no less careful care, namely, watering and spraying, maintaining normal humidity.
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Homemade roses are very beautiful indoor plants, and, despite demanding care, they are still very popular among gardeners.

How to care for a home rose( video)

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