Cultivate the most useful and nutritious vegetables on your beds


Which vegetables are the most useful? If you have already decided to form your garden, so why not choose the most nutrient-rich varieties?

When it comes to growing our future food, we often think about how often and how much harvest can be harvested. This is quite logical, however, the nutritional value of house vegetables and fruits should be put on the first place. In the end, getting the useful products is the most important task.

Ideally, the recommended crops in the garden are divided into three types: one third - greens, one third - colored Vegetables such as carrots or sweet potatoes, and the latter component - rich in sulfur products (for example, cabbage or bow).

In this combination, vegetables have the maximum composition of nutrients, 17 of which are indispensable for human health. Potassium, calcium, vitamins B12, A and D are the most important of them.

Read also:The rules for collecting and storing seeds from their infield

Example of a small garden with useful beds

This garden requires two parallel raised beds, divided into 8 sections, to accommodate all the vegetables according to the following planting plan:

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  1. Early spinach, and then cauliflower (after collecting spinach).
  2. Leek planted with carrots.
  3. Endive in combination with cabbage.
  4. Onion, and then turnip (after the harvest of onions will be harvested).
  5. Broccoli with cabbage kale.
  6. Chinese cabbage, planted with chard (one of the beet species).
  7. Beets, and after harvesting planted muscatine pumpkin.
  8. Water cress, followed by a second crop of spinach.
Read also:How useful is the potato? The methods of its application in folk medicine, dietology and cosmetology

It should be borne in mind that there is a significant difference in the content of vitamins and minerals in the product, depending on the conditions under which it was grown. The less fertility of the soil, the less nutrients in vegetables. For this reason, it is important to abandon pesticides - first they fall into the soil in which microorganisms live. They transfer the impurities to plants, the fruits of which are consumed by man. Thus, toxins enter the body.

If the soil is rich in minerals, then it is populated with active microbes, which ensure a healthy harvest.

Remember also that the large size of carrots does not mean that such carrots are better. It is too dependent on fertilizers, which can lead to depletion of the soil and, as a result, there will be less nutrients in the fetus.

Read also:Features of cultivation of broccoli

After the beds are planted, pay attention to any deviations in the condition of the plants to determine the cause of the possible disease. Watch for things like foliage wilting, rust or powdery mildew, insect-damaged leaves, or signs of the presence of pests that have settled around the roots of planted crops.

Thus, by monitoring the condition of your beds daily, you can prevent the problem, instead of correcting it. This is always easier.


Now is the time to proceed with the further creation of your garden. When looking through the catalogs of seeds, always pay attention to the nutritional value. Think not only about how much harvest you will collect, but also about the benefits of each individual product.

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