Comfrey - useful properties and contraindications, use in traditional medicine

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Larkspar is a plant with a "talking" name that accurately describes its properties. There is another name for this green doctor - comfrey. Useful properties and contraindications to its use will be discussed in more detail. Herbaceous perennial can reach one meter in height, has large elongated leaves, covered with down. For medicinal preparations, the plant root is used more often, but the leaf can also be used for medicinal purposes.

  • When and how to stock up a comfrey
  • Where is live-bones used?
  • Recommendations for the preparation of infusions of comfrey
  • Contraindications to the use of comfrey
Comfrey backyard
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When and how to harvest a comfrey

It is best to dig out the root of the comfrey in the spring, before it is removed, you can dig the leaves of the comfrey in the spring, before you get to the root of the comfrey in the spring, you should dig out the root of the comfrey in the spring, before it is removed, you can dig out the root of the comfrey in the spring, before you get to the root of the comfrey in the spring, you should dig out the root of the comfrey in the spring, before starting, you should dig out the root of the comfrey in the spring, before the date, you should dig out the root of the comfrey in the spring, before you get to the root of the comfrey to dig out the comfrey in the comfrey. You can also harvest it in the fall, after the plant has faded.

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If you need exactly the larkshire leaves, then you need to collect them during flowering.

When harvesting the root, it is important to reliably dry it - comfrey prefers to grow in damp places, loves moisture and accumulates it in its roots.

The root extracted from the ground is thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, and dried for a long time. In order for the concentration of beneficial substances in the roots of the plant to be preserved to the maximum, the temperature for drying the raw materials should not be above + 60 ° C.

For storing the roots and leaves of a comfrey you will need paper bags or boxes, the raw materials have a healing power for about 1 year. It is the roots of the plant that contain active substances - allantoin, alkaloids, tannins, essential oil, glucoalkoloids, sugar, organic acids, resins, etc.

Tinctures, decoctions, napara from comfrey roots are used to treat various kinds of fractures, with bruises of bones and soft tissues, sprains, sprains, and spinal injuries. Zivokost - lives bones( literally), contributes to their accelerated accretion, the scope of its therapeutic influence extends to muscles, joints, tissue repair. The plant has earned a well-deserved popularity in folk and official medicine, and even during the war it was the first aid for victims in the field.

Comfrey, photo:

. Medicinal preparations that contain vitamins, have anti-inflammatory effect, antimicrobial, astringent, hemostatic effect. Comfrey loves a moist environment, places near natural or artificially created reservoirs, various ravines, and dimples in the ground( trenches), which is why it got its name. Under natural conditions of growth, it should be sought in this particular area.

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Where is live bones used?

As mentioned above, the use of comfrey medicinal is important for bone fractures, various skin and muscle damage, and gastric and intestinal inflammation. It also helps with kidney diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract, with various abscesses, ulcers, irritation of the body, rheumatic manifestations, inflammation of the venous vessels. From it prepare all sorts of ointments, alcoholic infusions, medicinal decoctions, powders.

In some countries, a fresh leaf of larkspur is used as food seasoning, as well as a “green” supplement to various salads. Fresh decoction( napar) of rhizome and leaves removes intestinal exacerbation, improves appetite, promotes digestion, helps with indigestion, colitis. Decoction of the plant facilitates the state during exacerbations of gastric and pancreatic ulcers. For a long time, small, weak children were bathed in a bath with a decoction of the root of the larkspur so that the bones were strong, they were additionally allowed to drink tea from the roots and leaves. For compresses or therapeutic washings, three tablespoons of dry roots are poured with a liter of water, set on fire( but do not bring to a boil), and then insist for 3-4 hours. The freshly dug comfrey root, pounded to a mushy consistency, is the best natural compress for injury. Broth is recommended to rinse the mouth with various dental problems.

Freshly squeezed juice of the plant helps in the treatment of wounds, even in cosmetology, the live-haypost has found its use, its extract is also a part of many regenerating masks, applications, oils.

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Recommendations for the preparation of infusions of comfrey

To prepare a therapeutic infusion, take 1 tablespoon of finely chopped roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for 8-9 hours. Then strain the contents and re-fill the roots with the same amount of boiling water, soak for half an hour, strain through the gauze, mix both infusions. The resulting drug is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons every 3 hours - it helps with respiratory diseases, cough, cold throat, bronchitis, promotes the release of sputum, relieves inflammation.

Comfrey alcohol tincture is made like this: take 100 g of raw materials, fill with a bottle of vodka( 0.5 l, 40 degrees fortress).It is necessary to insist on the roots for about 2 weeks, after this time the mixture should be drained. Take this medicine inside should be 15-20 or 30 drops, dissolved in 100 ml of water( frequency - 3-5 times / day).The same composition can be used for rubbing, compresses, lotions for dislocations, bruises, for accelerated adhesion of bone fractures, for washing wounds( pre-diluted with water), rinsing the mouth. This tool helps with gastric diseases, ulcerative manifestations, renal inflammation, with mastitis( application).

Comfrey root - use as a decoction: 1 tbsp.spoon is placed in 250 ml of boiling water, cooked on low heat for about 10 minutes, cooled, filtered. The resulting composition has been successfully used to treat the ailments described above, plus it is used for douching in "female" diseases, exacerbations of hemorrhoids( after consulting with a doctor), inflammatory symptoms of the bladder. This decoction is also good for your appearance - skin irritations disappear, peeling, various reddenings are removed. Hair, and especially the scalp, respond well to rinsing with decoction of the comfrey, hair loss is significantly reduced, irritated skin calms down, itching goes away.

Steamed comfrey tincture is an excellent remedy that helps with the previously described misfortunes, even with complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, it often improves overall health, accelerates regeneration processes. To prepare it you will need a regular thermos, 15-20 g of finely chopped roots, 250-300 ml of milk or pure water. The root is put in a thermos, filled with boiling liquid, left overnight. Take Napar should be 50 ml, every 2-3 hours.

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Contraindications to the use of comfrey

As always, the medal has a downside - despite the wide range of useful components, the comfrey's grass is still poisonous. As part of the plant there are toxic alkaloids of plant origin, glucoalkoloids. Scientific studies have shown that long-term use of drugs on the basis of the hive can trigger growth of tumors in the human body and even cause changes in the gene structure.

Any use of pharmaceutical and self-prepared drugs containing comfrey medicinal should be agreed with the doctor. If you suffer from low blood pressure, comfrey can not be taken. Livestock is strictly contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women! With individual intolerance, of course, you should not torment the body and take medicines containing comfrey( both folk and pharmaceutical).With the tendency to the formation of blood clots, the treatment with this herb should also be excluded( especially taking decoctions and infusions inside).

Observe the correct dosage, start treatment with the smallest doses - do not experiment with your own health. Remember - poison in a cup, and in a spoon a healing elixir, then comfrey, whose beneficial properties and contraindications are now familiar to you, will give you its natural strength.

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