14 options / materials, from which you can make a garden path


  1. №1. A natural stone
  2. №2. Sidewalk tile and pavers
  3. No. 3. Concrete
  4. №4. Clinker brick
  5. №5. Asphalt
  6. №6. Wood
  7. №7. Garden parquet
  8. №8. Plastic tiles
  9. №9. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles
  10. №10. Bulk tracks made of gravel and wood bark
  11. №11. Tennis
  12. №12. Cobblestones
  13. №13. Grass
  14. №14. Auxiliary materials

It is difficult to imagine a country or suburban area without garden paths. They serve not only for convenient movement between different objects, but also perform a decorative function, emphasizing the stylistics of the territory and dividing it into zones. Those who want to improve their plot are waiting for real enthusiasm, becausematerials for creating garden paths mass: expensive and affordable, natural and artificial, purchased and handy, of any shades and textures. To choose, indeed, is from what, but do not forget to take into account not only the attractiveappearance of the material, but also hisperformance.

Each of the many possible materials is used in garden areas, as the requirements for the paths and their style are different for everyone. If the path will serve

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for the constant movement of people and goods, the coating should be as strong as possible, durable and easy to clean. In other cases, you can choose less durable and more decorative materials.

№1. A natural stone

A natural stone can be called the most versatile material. He harmoniously fits into any garden plot and will be able to serve as its decoration for many years.

Main advantages:

  • appearance. Different breeds of natural stone differ in color, size, shape and texture, so you can choose the right option for arranging the territory in any style;
  • durability. The stone can last for decades, because it is a strong natural material, itDoes not rot, is not afraid of moisture and sunlight, does not fade;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • heavy weight, which complicates transportation and installation;
  • high price.

In addition, on some rocks (granite, marble)in cold weather, an ice crust forms, making it difficult to move around the garden path. The only way out of this situation is to arrange a heating system right under the path, but not every summer resident will decide this.

The type of surface and color of the stone depends on the breed. The material can berough or smooth to shine. The color range is wide: from light to dark red and almost black. Any natural stone is an expensive material, but the cost of different rocks is very different. TOthe cheapestmaterials include sandstone and limestone. Marble, granite, basalt, porphyry are already more expensive materials.

For arrangement of garden paths, the stone can be used in naturaluntreated(quartzite, slate, sandstone, granite, gneiss) or to succumbadditional processingto achieve the best operational and decorative qualities (basalt, gabbro, diabase). In the untreated form, river and sea pebbles are also often used.


A beautiful natural relief and roughness of the stone surface will beautify the site, but it is important to remember The fact that the path should be comfortable to move around, so it is better to choose a stone, which at least one of the sides is more or less even. Porous rocks, which include tuff and limestone, can accumulate moisture, so every 2-3 years their surface is better treated with water-repellent solutions.

№2. Sidewalk tile and pavers

One of the most common options for organizing a garden path is still paving slabs and pavers. These two materials are similar in composition, and the difference is only in geometric dimensions: for a similar length and width, the paving stones will be thicker.

For the garden plot suitable tilewith a thickness of 50-60 mm, since there are no special loads on the tracks. Paving tiles can be made of different materials, andfor the organization of a garden path the following types are best suited:

  • concrete tiles. Can be produced by vibration pressing and vibration. The first one turns out to be more solid, but it has the simplest forms, it can be used to equip the tracks on which cars will move. The vibrating concrete slab differs in a wide variety of shapes and is a bit inferior to the vibro-pressed analogue in strength;
  • clinker paving stonesis made of plastic clay, quartz and feldspar, so it is not inferior to natural stone by strength. To obtain a rough non-slip surface, sand is added to the mixture. The paths from the clinker pavers will be durable and very beautiful;
  • tiles made of natural stone- the most expensive and chic option, will complement the spacious suburban area. It is actually the same natural stone, but split into pieces of the right size, polished and polished;
  • Polymer sand tilesis made from sand and dyes with the addition of polymers. As a result, the material is excellent in terms of performance, but its appearance still gives a presence in the composition of the polymer, so for arrangement of a site in classical style such tile hardly approaches, but in all other cases will allow to receive durable and strong covering paths.

Among the main advantagespaving slab durability, frost resistance, strength, resistance to negative atmospheric factors, a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Laying tiles can be a mass of different ways. This explains the wide popularity of the material.

No. 3. Concrete

Concrete - one of the leaders among the materials used to create garden paths, and it can be used both for organizing monolithic paths, and for self-creation of tiles.

Main advantages:

  • low price of necessary components;
  • The opportunity to conduct all the work independently, without having much experience in landscape design and construction;
  • highstrength and durability. From concrete it is possible to create both pedestrian paths and paths for the entrance of cars;
  • resistance to temperature changes and high humidity;
  • the possibility of creating a track or tiles of concrete of any shape;
  • broaddecorating possibilities. In itself, concrete is not very aesthetically pleasing, but thanks to the use of pebbles, pieces of glass, ceramic tiles and other techniques, a pretty attractive coating can be obtained.

Among the main disadvantages:

  • labor intensity of work, as it will have to prepare mortar and formwork, and if you decide to make the tile yourself, the process will require even more time and effort;
  • occurrence of cracks, which is more typical for monolithic concrete tracks. This occurs in the off-season during the shifts of the soil;
  • monolithic concrete paths after construction are almost impossible to reschedule and move.

№4. Clinker brick

Clinker brick can be excellentan alternative to paving stones. Available in various forms: conventional, slit and tile, can be of different shades. You can lay the brick on both the rib and flat, forming whole patterns and drawings, and if you combine the material of different colors, you can get a nice and at the same time a solid garden path.

Amongmain advantages of the material:

  • high abrasion resistance;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • a variety of shapes and colors.

Onlyminus- the price, but in comparison with some other materials, suitable for equipping the paths, clinker brick is far from the most expensive. The brick should be placed on a mortar better, and the seams can be filled with a sand-cement mixture or fertile soil with subsequent sowing of grass.

№5. Asphalt

Asphalt coating, because of its low aesthetics, is used for those tracks that lead to farm buildings and are located in low-visible parts of the garden plot.


  • low cost of opening;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • high strength and moisture resistance;
  • asphalt can be several shades (except for dark gray, there is green and red).

The main drawback isnot the most attractive appearance, but with this minus you can cope by rolling in the asphalt covering when laying pebbles or other pretty pebbles. In summer, as the ambient temperature rises, asphalt cansoften and give off an unpleasant smell. Cracks may appear on the coating, but often this is due to irregularities during the installation process or when the installation takes place under inappropriate weather conditions.

№6. Wood

The tree is another natural and beautiful material that can be used to create original garden paths. Wood can be used as boards or spits.The latter option will be an original decoration of the site, especially if you use spills of different diameters and arrange them in a certain order.



  • beautiful appearance;
  • natural and ecological, and this is what you need for the garden site;
  • variability of solutions. From wood, you can create very unusual paths - it all depends on your imagination;
  • the wood quickly dries up and warms up, so problems with icing will touch you at a minimum.


  • low moisture resistance, high probability of mold and fungus development;
  • low durability and the need for constant care. Not only that before the installation of wood must be treated with antiseptic means, and during the operation the material will regularly need treatment with protective means.

To minimize flaws to a minimum, it is better to choose the strongest and durable breeds.The best option -larch. Its wood has moisture-proof properties, strong, with a beautiful pattern and a pleasant smell. You can also useoak- the leader in strength, hardness and durability, but it will cost much more. In extreme cases, you can use the wood of the spruce garden trees, but you have to work hard on its processing.

To keep the wooden track as long as possible, you need to carefully consider the process of its arrangement. On a sand cushion it is recommended to lay a polyethylene film that will cut wood contacts with the soil, reducing the risk of rot. Between the spills or boards it is better to leave small gaps: first, they will drain all the water, and secondly, they need in case of expansion of wood, and, thirdly, if you fill up the cracks with sand, they can grow grass, and this decoration track.

№7. Garden parquet

Garden parquet, often referred to as decking and antislip, is a cover thathas all the advantages of wood, but due to special treatment it is more resistant to negative atmospheric influences. For the production of materialuse hardwood, which can additionally undergo heat treatment. The finished material is a square (rarely rectangular) strip, divided into sections. Sections can form a certain pattern.

On the slats of the garden parquet must be presentventilation slits, the size of which varies from, to 8 mm: the higher the humidity level during operation, the greater the gaps should be. The surface of the material hasanti-slip profile, so decking can be used to equip the paths around the pool. Installation involves the use of special supports, the height of which is adjustable, which allows to smooth out the differences in the level of heights in the area. The type of attachment depends on the backing of the garden pack.Hardwood flooringhas a completely wooden substrate made of the same rock as the front.Soft parquetdiffers by the presence of a soft lattice plastic substrate with special fasteners, thanks to which such material is mounted very quickly and easily.


  • durability. Due to the use of solid wood species and their processing with special substances (sometimes heat treatment is used), a high service life of the material (up to 50 years) is achieved;
  • high strength;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • beautiful appearance, because the color and texture of the tree are preserved;
  • presence of anti-slip profile;
  • resistance to rot and moisture;
  • simplicity of installation and maintenance;
  • a warm surface and rapid drying.

The material does not have many minuses. For a longer lasting appearance and performance, the garden parquet is bettertwice a year to treat with special oil.If the choice fell on the decking of heat-treated wood, then the material will cost several times more, but it will last longer.

For the organization of garden paths can also be useddecking of wood-polymer composite. It is made from a mixture of sawdust or wood flour with a polymer binder into which a dye is added and the material of the desired shape and dimensions is formed. It is less environmentally friendly, but more resistant to external factors, and does not need additional care.

№8. Plastic tiles

For the production of plastic tiles, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride is used. The material has, as a rule, a square shape with dimensions of 30 * 30 cm and a lattice structure. Fits through the presence of special grooves on each element. Some samples are completely stuck into the ground, so they can be used to organize temporary tracks.

Main advantages:

  • simplicity of installation;
  • resistance to moisture and sunlight;
  • frost resistance;
  • non-slip surface;
  • light weight.

Among the shortcomings of the materiallow aesthetics and durability. Plastic tiles are ideal for arranging paths near swimming pools.

№9. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

Ordinary and mosaic ceramic tiles, fragments of old tiles can also come in handy for arranging the garden path. Ceramic tiles havethe widest rangecolors, shapes and sizes, so the path will be easy to stylize as a natural stone or pebble, but It is important to choose a floor tile intended for outdoor use, with a relief non-slip surface. Also suitableporcelain stoneware- a material that is stronger in strength than some natural stones. From mosaic and fragments you can spread interesting patterns.


  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • durability and strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • huge assortment;
  • easy care.

If the street ceramic tile eventually burns out under the influence of sunlight, the porcelain stonework does not change with time. To the disadvantages of this kind of coating can be attributed high cost, and granite is also quite heavy.

№10. Bulk tracks made of gravel and wood bark

The simplest way is to equip the path from the bulk cover, to which theGravel, stone crumb, rubble and bark. Do not have to level and align anything - you just need to pour the material where the path should pass. Gravel is laid on a prepared base in several layers, each of which is thoroughly rammed with a roller or a vibratory plate. It will not be superfluous to use geotextiles under the embankment to exclude the possibility of germination of grass.


  • low price of the material. Gravel is the most budgetary way to organize garden paths;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • decorative;
  • simplicity and high speed of laying, the possibility to create without winding twisty paths.


  • low strength. Gravel can not withstand decent loads, but for hiking is suitable, so the material can be used to equip secondary paths;
  • complexity in the care, because gradually gravel is overgrown, clogged, and sweeping it is impossible;
  • At first, while the material is not very compacted, it will be difficult to walk on it.

It is necessary to be ready that in due course it will be necessary to pour new gravel, and without borders it will be impossible to manage, after all they give shape and prevent distribution of material throughout the site. In order not to grow grass through the gravel, under it the soil can be treated with herbicides or the soil can be ground with agrofiber.

Alternatively, you can useexpanded clay gravel- an environmentally friendly material obtained as a result of clay treatment. It is lightweight, has good frost-resistant properties, inexpensive.

Bulk paths can be arranged usingwoody bark. It is a natural and pleasant material for walking, but it will occasionally have to be poured, since it is easily blown out by the wind. The same applies to the shells of pine nuts, which recently also began to be used in landscape design.

№11. Tennis

The material of the red and yellow shades, used on tennis courts, recently began to be used for organizing garden paths. Tennisconsists of clay, crumbs of ceramic bricks and lime. After stacking, the material absorbs water and swells, forming a dense, integral structure, it must be compacted with a vibrating roller.

Main advantages:

  • soft and trauma-resistant surface;
  • high strength;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • environmental friendliness.

Lack of- the formation of dust and cracks during a drought, so in the heat of the path will need to be periodically watered. Sometimes you have to pour and re-tamp the cover.

№12. Cobblestones

In the garden you can create a real pavementlarge round smooth stones. It will look great, the material is not more difficult to lay than a brick, and interesting patterns can be created from cobblestones. The material is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to temperature changes, is not afraid of moisture, but it does not fit to equip the access roads. Cobblestones can be combined with pebbles.

№13. Grass

The path can be created even from the grass cover, though not ordinary, but resistant to trampling. Such a path will require additional efforts to care for it, but it will become a non-standard decoration of the site.


  • unusual and aesthetic appearance;
  • ecological compatibility;
  • on the grass it is pleasant to walk barefoot.


  • permanent care;
  • even the most stable coating tramples with time.

Herbal paths are better to make wide, so they slowly trampled down. Of course, grass - this material is not for the main pathways, it is better to use it where the traffic intensity is low.

№14. Auxiliary materials

The garden path can be arranged with a minimum of costs, and sometimes even use as a basis unnecessary materials that are usually thrown away. As a result, original paths are obtained, and their creation turns into an interesting creative process. You can use river pebbles, plastic lids from bottles, wine stoppers and any other materials.

The choice of material for garden paths should be preceded by the planning stage, during which the location of the path, its shape and function is determined. Considering these factors, as well as the climate and relief conditions, one can proceed to the choice of the most suitable material.

Tags:Territory improvement, Sidewalk tile
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