Care errors leading to spots on alokaziya and loss of leaf. Healthy bright leaf plates, undoubtedly, delight an amateur grower. But what to do, if spots appeared on the green from the tropics, leaves of alokaziya turn yellow, dry or fall off altogether? The spots that appear on Alokaziya, the change in the color of the foliage and its drying out are alarming signals that the plant sends to its owner, speaking of ill health and some problems. Most often, growers have to deal with the fact that they themselves are to blame for the loss of attractiveness of the plant:
- The main reason for the drying and falling leaves is the illiterate or inadequate care of a tropical plant.
- The second most common disease is Aloka, which requires urgent treatment.
- And insect pests are slightly less dangerous.
Errors in care, leading to spots on alokaziya and loss of foliage
When organizing care for your favorite species and varieties of alokazii, you must remember that these plants naturally inhabit regions with a warm, humid climate. They do not know drafts and frost, and the lack of moisture for this culture is simply destructive.
In order for the plant not to feel discomfort, and the leaves of alokaziya did not turn yellow or black in the conditions of a city apartment, the plant will be organized in the atmosphere closest to the natural environment.
If it is not difficult to maintain the temperature in the range of 18–26 ° C indoors, then it is quite difficult to create the humidity of the air necessary for growing Alokazia. It is not always for flower growers to save the plants from the effects of the cold wind and to choose alokaziya a convenient place in the penumbra.
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Lovers of houseplants, having in their collections certain species of tropical crops, often complain that the tips of the leaves dry on alokaziya. Sometimes necrosis extends to the entire edge of the leaf plate, and then captures the sheet completely. Such phenomena in most cases are signals:
- about excessive, burning sheet metal lighting;
- on unacceptable temperature fluctuations;
- on dry air in the room;
- on a small amount of moisture coming from irrigation;
- about the root rot that started due to stagnant water.
In time to pay attention to the state of the plant, analyzing the conditions in which it is located, you can quite accurately determine the cause of the drying or yellowing leaves of alokaziya.
So, for example, drying up the edges of a sheet and the appearance of brown spots may indicate too dry air in a room. When it is possible to bring the humidity to the required 60–65%, the spread of the spots stops, and the tips of the leaves of alokaziya do not dry. Similar symptoms can be seen if the plant is under direct sunlight or near heating devices. But the flow of cold air sometimes causes the spread of dark brown or black spots on the sheet plate.
Sometimes, when discomforting, alokaziya sheds all its leaves. If the florist notices a similar behavior of the plant, he should pay attention to the state of the root system and the aboveground part of alokaziya.
Such a reaction is possible in two situations:
- , if necessary, transplanting a quickly grown plant;
- in anticipation of flowering.
In the first case, a larger pot is picked up and transferred to a new substrate, and in the second case, a much emaciated alokasy is better to be relieved of the additional load and cut out the sprout that appeared without waiting for flowering.
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It is interesting that alocasia can react in a similar way to the unbalanced mineral composition of the soil.
- If he is poor in nutrients, the florist will notice how the tips of the leaves dry on alokaziya.
- With a lack of nitrogen, growth slows down, the lower leaves of alokaziya turn yellow and fade.
- Unreasonably frequent feeding causes increased foliage growth, although its shape may differ from healthy.
If measures are not taken in time and flower care is not established, alokaziya becomes an easy prey for pests and pathogens.
Diseases of alokazii and their treatment
The composition of the soil and its moisture have a great influence on the health of the plant. If the soil mixture is too dense, accumulates a lot of moisture, we can expect that this will affect the root system of the tropical inhabitant and the quality of its foliage.
Root and stem rot are the most common diseases of alokaziya, and treatment of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi must be carried out systemically and immediately.
Fusarium and late blight on the alokazii plants are externally manifested as brown putrid spots on the petioles of the leaves closer to the base, then the disease spreads to leaf blades. Fabrics change color, soften and die.
In identifying such spots on Alokazia, remove all damaged parts of the plant, be sure to check the condition of the roots, where the focus of the disease lies. Place the sections cleaned to a healthy tissue and treated with coal powder. The remaining part of the trunk is wrapped in wet moss with sphagnum and placed in a container under the film. In such greenhouse conditions, with regular wetting, alokaziya can give new roots and prepare for planting in the ground.
The soil mixture should be disinfected, since putrid bacteria can be in the soil for a long time, and a weakened plant for them is the main goal.
When infected with anthracnose leaves of alokaziya appear brown spots with a yellowish halo. As the disease progresses, the spots on alokazii expand, and concentric circles of a dark shade become visible on the affected tissue.
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The formation of yellow and black spots on the leaves of alokaziya can also mean infection with powdery mildew. In all such diseases, plants are thoroughly treated with fungicides, and also they are properly maintained.
As a preventive measure, it is worth regularly removing dried leaves and not leaving fallen plant residues on the soil.
They are able to become a haven for pathogens, treatment of alokazii from which will require a lot of time and effort.
Alokaziya pests
Malicious insects on alokazii fall from infected neighboring plants or from the soil. Often inconspicuous enemies get into the house along with a flower from a flower shop.
Juice-feeding insects and worms weaken the plant. As a result, the leaves of alokaziya turn yellow, their tips begin to dry out, and then the process develops and affects the entire surface of the leaf plates. Without proper attention and urgent action, alokaziya sheds all its leaves and may die.
With aphids and a shield you can handle home remedies, these pests are easily detected and just as easily destroyed.
Mealy worms, nematodes, aphids and spider mites are the main danger for indoor varieties of alokaziya.
The extermination of these pests is carried out in several steps with the help of insecticides, which treat both the aboveground part of the plant and the soil clod. If alokaziya suffered from nematodes, it is better to get rid of such an instance, because even with vegetative propagation of a plant there is a probability of spreading a dangerous infection.
Video about the care of alokazii