10 tips for choosing gypsum 3D panels for walls: form, installation


  1. 1. What is a 3D panel?
  2. 2. Production technology
  3. 3. Decorative 3D panels with their own hands
  4. 4. Advantages of 3D panels
  5. 5. disadvantages
  6. 6. Variety of forms
  7. 7. How to avoid forgery
  8. 8. Tips for using in the interior
  9. 9. How to properly install
  10. 10. Tips for choosing

Gypsum3D panelshave made a real breakthrough in the field of interior design. Absolutely new andoriginal solutionin the design of walls quickly had to taste to many consumers. If you have not yet become acquainted with this element of decor, we will tell you,how to choose gypsum3D panels for walls and skillfully use them in the interior of your house, we will consider in detail all possible shapes and giverecommendations for self-assembly.

1. What is a 3D panel?

3D gypsum panels- a plate of square or rectangular shape, on which a certain pattern is repeated. The front side of the panel can repeat absolutely any ornament or mimic various materials. The back of the plate is usually flat. But some manufacturers produce 3D panels, in which the front and back sides repeat the contours of each other. This is significant

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reduces weightplates and, subsequently, facilitates self-assembly. On average, a plate with a flat back side measuring 50 × 50 cm, weighs about, kg.

The first 3D panelscreated and developed in the US in 2008. Very quickly, this innovation became interested in Europe, and then Russia also picked up, and in 2011 the first own production appeared on the territory of the country.Environmentally friendly, noncombustible gypsum 3D panels of factory quality, on average, cost about4000 rublesper square meter. 3D panels are perfect for those people who not only want to quickly change the internal appearance of their apartment, but also give it more depth and originality.

2. Production technology

Processproduction of 3D panels, which is used by virtually all manufacturers in factdoes not representby yourselfnothing supernatural. Gypsum mortar is mixed with special equipment. It is recommended thatgypsumG-16, which is very ductile and non-flammable. To give the finished product strength and shock resistance, some manufacturers add to the gypsum a mixture of special plasticizers or fiberglass, thereby worsening the environmental performance of this species decor. The finished mixture is poured intospecialplasticforms, repeating the necessary ornament.


Forms for panels are made very carefully, previously creating a 3D model on a special computer program. Over the creation of forms, artists and designers with extensive experience work. Then the computer model of the form is cut out on a special machine and is finalized to full conformity with the artist's idea. Only after that the finished matrix can be used in mass production.

During the pouring of the mixturematrixLittlevibrates, this is used to ensure that the material is evenly distributed in form and does not form internal voids. Then follows the drying process. Forms are allowed to brew for 20-30 minutes, after which the panels are removed and sent to further drying in rooms with controlled temperature and humidity. After complete drying, the product is considered ready. Naturally, the entire process is fully automated, all proportions are strictly observed, and the quality of the surface and edges of the factory panels is always at the highest level.

Of course, the use of modern equipment and labor costs for people slightly increase the cost of the finished product. If you are not limited in means and can afford to spend a decent amount of money for this type of finishing material, then, of course, it is better to buy 3D panels from trusted manufacturers. But if you are used to doing everything yourself and want to make sure that you have a truly environmentally friendly product without unnecessary impurities, we suggest that you trymakepanels with their own hands.

3. Decorative 3D panels with their own hands

Everything is much easier than you can imagine. Moreover, when manufacturing 3D panels yourself, youDo not have to spend moneyon delivery and worry about the integrity of the goods, and the things made by oneself are always more valuable than the purchased ones. The only thing you need to be ready for is a more painstaking and time-consuming process of installing panels made by yourself.


From the previous paragraph it is clear that 3D panels are manufacturedby mold casting. You can purchase the form with the necessary drawing on a free sale or on the Internet. Forms are not only plastic, but also silicone. Of these, it is more convenient to remove finished plates, but they costexpensive, so for a single production you will be quite enough plastic. Further you will needmaterials forcastingmixtures. They are inexpensive and are sold in every construction shop. You will need plaster, fiber, lime and a drill bit in the form of a mixer to mix the mixture. Fibrous fiber is a reinforcing material, the use of which is not necessary, but preferably.

Let's go to the panel. Prepareflat surface, on which your mold and container with clean water will be located to mix the mixture. Manually mix a homogeneous mixture without lumps you will not get, in addition, everything must be done quickly, so use a drill with a nozzle-mixer.For preparationsolutionmix300 grams of lime and, kg of gypsum and add fiber fibers, the mass of which should not be more than 1% of the mass of gypsum. Pour the mixture into clean cold water (2 liters) and mix thoroughly. Take care that there are no lumps and air bubbles, otherwise they will certainly spoil the appearance of your panel. When the finished mixture begins to resemble thick sour cream and becomes homogeneous, you can proceed to pour it into the mold.

In factories, molds are placed on special vibration tables, which prevents bubbles and gives the necessary shrinkage, you can slightly tap the shape as it is filling.Evenlyspread the mixture over the entire shape and leave it to stand motionless for about 30 minutes. The gypsum mixture freezes very quickly, thereforeper dayyou can easily do6-8 m²finished panels.The main thing is to be very careful and consistent. After drying, gently remove the panel from the mold, starting at the corners. Examine the surface, if its appearance suits you, transfer the product to a smooth wooden surface for further drying. Well, if it will bewooden grid. This will promote the rapid evaporation of excess moisture and rapid drying. Observenormal performancetemperature and humidity in the room. Do not make panels in a damp, not heated room.

The subsequent fate of your panels depends only on your imagination. You can paint them or open them with a clear varnish. This will not only give them a beautiful glossy gloss, but also facilitate wet cleaning. Home made 3D panels, subject to technology compliancenot much differentfrom purchased, except that the straightness of the edges. This is what we meant when we talked about more difficult installation. But since the gypsum is easy to process, you can trim the edges with sandpaper or a clerical knife. But how nice it will be to show off to the guests that it is your doing.

4. Advantages of 3D panels

Popular popularity of gypsum panels was acquired not only because of its unusual and attractive appearance, but also because ofnumber ofotheradvantages:

  • Versatility. All sorts of 3D drawings that manufacturers offer will be appropriate in absolutely any room. They are excellentcomplementasinteriorliving room, bedroom or even kitchen. 3D panels are suitable for all styles of interior, giving it unique features. You can paint panels, paint them with varnish or wallpaper them. You can perform both seamless styling, and specifically highlight each slab. Whatever you choose, it will be unique in any case.
  • Practicality. Correctly stacked quality 3D panels can serve youmore than 50 yearsand not lose its outward appeal. Gypsum promotesnormalizationlevel ofhumidityin a room, so it almost does not settle with dust. It has a highheat- andsoundproofproperties, so using this method of decorating the walls, you will not only decorate them, but also insulate and get rid of the extraneous noise of neighbors. Gypsumdoes not burn, does not conduct an electric current,protectsfromradioactiveradiation, does not release harmful substances and verysimpleatcare.
  • Ecological compatibility. Recently, it has become very fashionable to give preference to natural materials in the design of interiors. It is not only beautiful, but also will have a positive effect on your health. Gypsum is environmentally friendly,hypoallergenicabsolutely safe for health. Therefore, you can safely apply the panel even when finishingchildren's room. Check the panel for compliance with the declared environmental friendliness can be very simple, without even requiring special certificates.Ifpanelbeatswhen falling, then it really is made of gypsum without any extra additives.
  • Cost. In addition to gypsum wall panels there are also panels of their MDF, metal, bamboo, glass, plastic and other materials. Apart from plastic panels that look rather cheap, gypsum panels are the most affordable. In addition, pricing depends on the complexity of the picture, so anyone can choose the appropriate option for him.

5. disadvantages

Probably, there is not yet any kind of finishing materials, which, for all their undeniable advantages, would not have at leastone drawback. The main drawback of gypsum 3D panels is theirthe weight. One plate can reach a weight of 5 kg, depending on its size. And if you decide to decorate the entire surface of the wall with an area of, for example, 10 m², this will create an additional load on the floor, which is not always permissible in building codes. A partition of gypsum board can not withstand such a load at all. Therefore, it is recommended not to fill the entire wall space, butonlyherfragment. It is also worth mentioning that the brand designer 3D panels with a unique pattern will cost youhighlyexpensive, but they really will be exclusive.

6. Variety of forms

The most popular manufacturers offer 3D panels with reallyunimaginablepatterns. But they can be combined into severalmajorgroups.

  • Lines and waves. This is the simplest and most common form of 3D panels. They have a verysoftsmoothforms, and the width and intensity of the lines is quite diverse. They can have a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction and simulate light bends that leave on the sand sea waves or large strips of different widths. They can also have different protrusion heights above the main surface of the panel and be barely noticeable or characteristically pronounced. Such a motive is verygood for the recreation area. This calm, unobtrusive ornament sets for rest and gives a feeling of comfort.
  • Honeycombs. This version of the 3D panel looks very interesting inhallway or hall. Cells can have both large and small cells. Panels can be smooth and only repeat the contours of honeycombs, or be bulky and protrude or sink to each other at different depths. The last option looks moreeffective and realistic. Honeycombs can have both the usual hexagonal shape, and be slightly extended. This effect adds more volume to the surface on which it is used.
  • A rock. Very successfully it turns out to imitate, so loved by everyone,brickmasonry, using 3D panels. Bricks can have a smooth, or embossed surface, which makes them even more similar to real material. They can repeat the masonry in staggered order with the same seam, but can be located perpendicular to each other at a greater distance or simply repeat horizontal lines. Also, 3D panels are able to simulate a crackedplaster, rough surfacegranite, spongyshellfishand other variants of natural stone, both in shape and texture. These panels look very reserved andnaturally. They are suitable both for decorating the fireplace area in the living room, and for the hallway.
  • Imitation of fabricand other materials. This is a very interesting kind of panels, which can adequately imitate the upholstery fabric, and even have buttons, like on leather sofas. Can repeat structurewoodyfibers, naturalleatheror luxurioustapestries. This design looks verychiclyand expensive, especially in spacious offices or libraries, and a skillfully selected color will help achieve maximum naturalness.
  • Abstraction. It's great to fit the abstract panels into the interior in loft style, hi-tech or minimalism. Usedpatterns are very diverse. This is a rhombus, and small labyrinths, and rectangles of different sizes, located at angles to each other and protruding above neighboring elements. These can be pigtails, the effect of crumpled paper, large or small circles, lines resembling a snake, all kinds of bends and fractures, triangles, puzzles and other geometric shapes. Such an ornament does not oblige to anything, but at the same time it is veryoriginaland "alive". Immediately there is a desire to touch this surface. Such 3D panels will look great, perhaps, inany room.
  • Bubbles and spheres. Imagine a show of soap bubbles! And on your own wall? There are panels that really look likelargebubblesdifferent sizes. It looks very unusual and immediately resembles a spaceship. There are panels that resemble raindrops on the glass or circles on the water, or just small ovals, arranged in random order and intersecting with each other in different places. Such panels will be relevant inbathroom, especially there is a moisture-resistant 3D panel.
  • Floral ornament. The variety of shapes of this kind of panels is probably the richest. itevery possibleflowers of large and smallsizes, trunks of plants, intricately intertwined with each other, leaves of various plants, bamboo, huge asters, orchids, ivy, daisies and roses or just individual petals. These panels look very saturated, so we would recommend using this viewfor decoration of a wall panel, otherwise it can be too nalyapisto. Although, it's also a matter of taste.

As you can see, choosing a gypsum 3D panel will be very difficult, thereforeimagineimagine how this or that form of panels will look in your interior. Focus on furniture and decoration of neighboring walls. If your interior is dominated by calm, strict colors and shapes, then panels should choose similar ones. Such a tandem is successfulwill underlinedepth andeleganceof yourroomsand will look appropriate.

7. How to avoid forgery

If you decide to purchase 3D panelsfrom the manufacturer, then be sure to choose the firm that has all the sanitary-epidemiological, as well as fire-safecertificates, which are able to confirm the quality of their goods. Always give preference to manufacturers who have their own production site.NeverDo not buy products over the Internet unless you have the opportunity to personally touch and inspect the quality of the panels of the selected manufacturer, for example, friends. If, nevertheless, you decide to take a chance, then you will be told a lotpackaging, in which the goods will come. A self-respecting manufacturer, always take care of your products, therefore, and the packaging will be appropriate. Ideally, the panels should be packed in a separate cardboard box and wrapped with a special anti-bubble film with air bubbles.

A lot of you will also be toldedge panels. With a quality manufacturer, theyideallyevenand perpendicular to each other, which makes it possible to easily perform a seamless laying, and do not waste energy on smoothing uneven joints.Drawingdecent 3D panels are perfectwill coincideon each tile and you do not have to deal with the selection.

Surface quality- one of the most important indicators of the panels. Manufacturers who aspire to leadership in the market are very sensitive to this parameter. They invent new and improve existing production technologies, which would make it possible to achieveperfectly flatsurface. You just need to hold your hand over the panel and you will immediately become clear - a quality product before you, or a child of incomprehensible production. The surface should not have roughness, irregularities, and even more so small particles of debris or abrasive. The presence of a smooth surface will allow you to substantiallysave on finishing trim. If the product you received does not meet these requirements, be sure to return it to the seller, otherwise you will have more pain in installation than get aesthetic pleasure.

8. Tips for using in the interior

Gypsum 3D panels are very often used in interior design. After a skillfully selected pattern can visuallymake the room a lot morethan it really is and expand it. By the way, they successfullydecoratenot only walls, but alsoceilings. This extraordinary solution will be enjoyed by people who love experiments. Such a ceiling will definitely become the focus of your home's attention. If it is a question of decorating the walls, then remember that all the walls in one room are not customary to decorate with panels, let alone different forms. It will be too much and the note of originality will be lost. Choose one wall and embody your fantasies in reality. With the help of paneling you can perform not only the function of decor, but also several tasks at the same time. Let us consider in more detail

  • Decor. This function is most obvious. 3D panelswill transformin an instant even the mostmediocre interiorand make it rich and interesting. Very beneficial panel looks made of panels, made at the head of the bed or above the seating area in the living room. The interior, in which there is such a wall, looks very original and finished, and does not require additional decorations. Fordecoration accent wallperfect fit 3D panels, especially if you prefer to give them your favorite color. Choose the central wall or its part for decoration with this decor element, and also do not forget that very muchspectacularlylooks like thisTV-zoneand the area around the fireplace.
  • Zoning. This is what implies the use of panels not only for decoration, but also as a practical solution. Highlyrelevantit will be inone-roomapartments or apartment-studios. Instead of decorating the wall with wallpaper of different colors or textures, it is much more interesting to decorate the wall of the bedroom, combined with the working area, using unusual 3D panels. Thus, it is possible to separate any zone, the main thing is to show imagination.
  • Partitions. You can not imagine how beautifully the partition looks from the 3D panels in comparison with the gypsum plasterboard. The undoubted advantage of such partitions iseasy installationand the opportunity to make ittranslucent. Thus, the room will not seem limited, and the partition itself will look airy and weightless. And light, refracted and falling into the gaps of the ornament, can create a unique play of shadows. Partitions can have bothpractical, and aestheticfunction.

Do not forget thatimportant to choosenot only a suitable form, but alsoColour. Light colors are good for classical style, and dark tones will give your room a mystery. Very nice looks trim 3D panels, which is optionalunderlinedcorrectlighting. Do not neglect this rule, be sure to use at leasta pair of spotlightsaimed at such a wall. Shadows that create bends on the surface of panels, will give depth, comfort to the room. Usually the light is directedalong the figure, this arrangement will most advantageously emphasize its texture, so the light source can be located either above or below or on the side of the wall. The optimum angle of incidence of the light flux is 13-20 degrees. Just recently appeared on sale 3Dpanels withalready built-inLED backlight. Color, and even the intensity of lighting, you can change depending on the mood with the help of a small control panel. Such panels stand, of course, more expensive, but the effect produces stunning.

9. How to properly install

If you are not going to resort to the help of a wizard, and intend to lay 3D panelsown hands, you need to carefully approach this issue. After all, from the quality of installation directlydepends on the service lifeand the appearance of the wall, designed in this way. Before starting the installation, leave the panel for 48 hours in the room where the work will be performed. This will protect you from brittleness and ease installation. Existtwo waysfastening of panels - on a metal crate and directly on a surface with the help of gluing mixtures.

  • Mounting onmetalcarcassimplies the use of additional room space and the cost of its construction. Gypsum boardsare attachedto metal profiles using self-tapping screws. Drilled holes in the panels themselves, and after fastening, are filled with putty. Not the most sparing way.
  • Installationdirectly to the surfaceit is possible only if there are even walls. If your walls are not ideal, then additionalwork ontheirleveling, or give preference to the first option. The surface of the wall must be carefullytillagedeep penetration, then it is recommended to process the back side of the panels themselves. After this, it is necessary to applymarkup. Using the level, draw a smooth vertical and horizontal line - this will be your reference point for the first panel. The adhesive should be applied to the fixing point. Prefer the mixtures containing gypsum, for example "Perlix"From Knauf. If you neglected proper preparation of the wall before pasting and hope to align it with a thicker layer glue mixture, then be prepared for the fact that its consumption will be many times more than necessary, and its cost is not the most cheap. So, apply a layer of glue to the marked spot and a uniformspread out with a notched trowel, lean the panel and align it according to the marked lines. The Perlix mixture quickly sets, so you do not have to hold the panel for a very long time. Lay the subsequent tiles in a horizontal line, focusing on the first. If you selectedseamless methodlaying, the experts still recommend leaving small gaps, approximately 2-3 mm wide, then to fill them with putty. So you will achieve greater homogeneity.Fill seams in two ways- after complete drying, fill them with putty with a small rubber spatula, or apply the putty immediately to the joint. Have pasted the first panel - put a thin layer of putty on the end, which will touch the next panel. Press it not only to the wall, but also to the end, onto which you put the putty. Surplus it immediately come to the surface. They must be carefully cleaned with a damp cloth. In this way, you will achievefull filling of seamswithout waste of time. If the last panel does not lie completely on the wall, do not panic, using a small hacksaw you easilysaw off a piecerequired size. The sawed edge is recommended to be processed by an emery paper. If after the installation you notice irregularities or gaps in the joints, modify these nuances with the finishing putty.

It does not matter how you fixed the panels to the wall, the main thing is if you furtherto be painted3D panels, they must necessarily be ground. Painting can be done with a roller or spray. Recommend choosing a water-based, latex or acrylicmatte paint.

10. Tips for choosing

Before buying the panels, you must accuratelyknownecessarytheirquantity, because to buy - not a problem, and overpay for the excess will be offensive. Make a calculation easily, knowing the dimensions of one panel, even at the point of purchase. The choice of form depends only on your personal preferences. Remember, it's best to choosequality manufacturersand carry out a purchase directly in the store, having previously assessed the quality of performance, and not on the Internet. Do not be tempted by a low price. If the price of the panel is significantly different from the average price policy, it means that manufacturers usepoor-quality materials anddo not have the quality certificates that you must necessarily ask the seller before purchasing.Attach the two panels to each other ifthe picture coincidesideally, andlumensat the junctionminor, then you have a quality product. Try to touchfacialsurfaceselected panel - it should be perfectly smooth and smooth. If all of these requirements are consistent with your chosen product, safelymake a purchaseand hurry to make your interior magical!

Tags:Apartment design, Wall panels
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