The output from the deodorant stain on the black: 8 effective recipe for a successful wash


  • 1 The display spots?
    • 1.1 We use home remedies: 5 universal recipes
    • 1.2 Derive stubborn stains: 3 material with strong influence
  • 2 How to avoid traces of deodorant?
  • 3 findings
If the powder does not help to get rid of the stains of sweat, there are other means that accurately help solve this problemIf the powder does not help to get rid of the stains of sweat, there are other means that accurately help solve this problem

If you chose a deodorant does not leave marks on clothing, as promised advertising, but in the end still found on the black fabric white marks - do not despair! I know several effective prescriptions for removing stubborn stains from the clothes with deodorant. Let's start!

The display spots?

Fresh dirt is easier to withdraw, but the old white stains from deodorant, which you have forgotten last summer and now found need more powerful means to remove. In any case, if you want to wash a shirt from a deodorant or remove stains from your favorite T-shirt, you will be my recommendation.

From fresh stains left deodorant, easier to get ridFrom fresh stains left deodorant, easier to get rid

We use home remedies: 5 universal recipes

You do not know how to wash stains from deodorant when conventional powder does not help? Then pay attention to the effective home remedies. Firstly, they are almost always in the house, and secondly, all the options that I suggest rather quickly be able to wash clothes with deodorant.

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Home remedies - soda, salt, vodka, etc... and effective, and inexpensive, and safe to useHome remedies - soda, salt, vodka, etc... and effective, and inexpensive, and safe to use

Remember, each of the following methods I should first test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing, so as not to spoil the black thing. Strong emulsions can cause significant leaching of color from the processing site.

Picture 5 recipes for those who want to withdraw stains from deodorant to black
table_pic_att14946037703 Recipe 1. Vinegar.

Apply the vinegar using a cotton pad or gauze to all divorce and let the thing will lie soaked overnight.

After that, wash the clothes by the usual method. This method will also help to wash colored clothes with deodorant.

table_pic_att14946037744 Recipe 2. Lemon juice.

Just a few drops of lemon juice to help remove even the old spot. Squeeze the juice from the silent half of the fruit on the stain and leave for 3-5 minutes thing. Then wash the item by hand in warm water.

This method is suitable only for the paint counter, as it can whiten your thing. So check the effect of the juice on an inconspicuous area. A similar effect with lemon juice has ammonia.

table_pic_att14946037775 Recipe 3. Salt.

If white spots on deodorant is not very ingrained, it will be enough to put a pinch of salt on the wet clothes and rub it into the stain.

To sustain such a saline solution on the clothes need 10-12 hours, then - item wash in warm water (in the machine or manually).

table_pic_att14946037876 Recipe 4. Vodka.

It only takes a few drops of vodka to take effect.

In most cases, stains on clothes does not stay within 3-5 minutes after rubbing vodka, it is sometimes necessary to hold longer.

After all the procedures you need to wash the thing.

table_pic_att14946037917 Recipe 5. Normal detergent.

If white spots of sweat on black clothes fresh and still not very ingrained, you can try to powerful tools that you use for washing dishes.

The most effective is considered Fairy, it helps to bring and white marks, and the smell of sweat. Generously pour the liquid directly on the white trail (previously it is necessary either faded or wet).

Lightly lather emulsion and leave a thing for 30-40 minutes (if the spot does not leave, you can hold a little longer). Then simply rinse your thing, wash it with the powder is not necessary.

Derive stubborn stains: 3 material with strong influence

If you want to bring the old pollution which severely velos, take to adopt a more powerful tools:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14946037938 Means 1. Denatured alcohol.

Apply a few drops on a cloth or a cotton pad and treat them contaminated area.

Hold the tool on the fabric is not more than 5 minutes, it is enough to remove the deodorant with the black stuff.

After that, things should be thoroughly washed to bring the smell of alcohol.

table_pic_att14946037959 Means 2. Soda + Peroxide.

This powerful solution is suitable only for sophisticated stubborn stains, which means the above did not help. Make it possible with their own hands.

To do this, mix 4 tablespoons. l. hydrogen peroxide and 2 times less than the baking soda. The price of such a solution is much less expensive industrial tools, and no worse than the result.

Moisten the area with the resulting mixture and leave for 2-3 hours. Upon completion of all procedures, wash the clothes, not adding machine or a bowl of other things.

table_pic_att149460379610 Means 3. Ammonia.

All the home remedies do not help, and you do not know how to wash traces of deodorant? Ammonia - is the most powerful tool, which, however, can harm the color, so use it only as a last resort.

Dilute ammonia water in a ratio of 1 to 1, accurately apply to contamination. After 3-4 minutes, rinse thoroughly thing, and after - wash.

All work, including the mixing is performed only with gloves and avoid contact with skin emulsion. Ventilate the room thoroughly after washing.

How to avoid traces of deodorant?

Which deodorant leaves no residue on clothes? Manufacturers may claim that their product is not imprinted on things. But is this true?

Reviews are always changing, because the production is improved, on the contrary, to deteriorate. But almost always the majority of buyers claim that sprays leave less white residue than gel counterparts.

The market offers a large variety of different antiperspirants, you can choose the most suitable for youThe market offers a large variety of different antiperspirants, you can choose the most suitable for you

Another simple but important point - let's deodorant dry before putting on black clothes. Spray this will be enough 2-3 minutes, and the roller means with the gel to dry for 5-7 minutes.

Depending on the texture of the gel-type or spray drying time may varyDepending on the texture of the gel-type or spray drying time may vary


I told him how to get white spots with black clothes with the help of vodka, lemon juice and other home remedies, and more - the most powerful shared recipes for cleaning stubborn dirt.

Remove traces of deodorant in a different way? Tell us about it in the comments! And a few secrets washing difficult stains, you will learn in the video in this article.

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