Thermal insulation of plastic windows Heat film and other means: video, photo

Your home will be cozy and warm, if you know how to insulate a window for the winter
Your home will be cozy and warm, if you know how to insulate a window for the winter

Plastic windows are convenient, reliable, aesthetic and beautiful. But as the warm slopes of plastic windows, do not know everything. I will give a few useful tips that will help you with their hands to perform insulation of plastic windows and protect your home from the cold.

Winterizing windows

When a warm? As a rule, plastic windows perfectly keep the temperature in the room, but a failed installation, they can leak air. If you install windows you see air movement (draft, heat leakage), do not delay the elimination of the problem on the back burner.

When and how to seal the windows for the winter? The best time for thermal insulation of plastic windows (as well as to install them) - spring and summer. Warm, dry and windless weather will allow qualitatively to hold all insulation works both indoors and outdoors.

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The photo shows that the windows leaves 40% of the heat
The photo shows that the windows leaves 40% of the heat

Why is it impossible to carry out such work in the cold season?! Everything is very simple. Many sealing means can not be used at sub-zero temperatures, and cool the room nobody wants, right?

Rule 1. I need an expert?

Some types of work on warming frames and slopes of plastic windows is impossible to carry out their own due to their complexity or risk. So do not hold the insulation slopes outside, if the windows are situated above the second floor. Pre-study process isolation technology windows to quickly and competently to carry it.

Any self-interference in the integrity of the installed windows will automatically void your warranty manufacturer and installer of windows.

Aerial work better to hire professionals
Aerial work better to hire professionals

Rule 2. What can you do yourself?

Without any material and physical costs to perform the following insulation works:

  • insulation of the window frame outline;
  • insulation of internal and external slopes ebbs;
  • insulation window sill.
Insulate the window sill of the plastic window can be independently
Insulate the window sill of the plastic window can be independently

Rule 3. How to determine the air leakage point?

Before you insulate the window for the winter, it is necessary to localize the leak warm air. Typically, such sites have metal structures may be several:

  • space frame junction to the slopes, window sills and walls;
  • findings;
  • compactor;
  • bead for fixing the glazing.
Try to adjust the hardware, it is possible, as you eliminate drafts
Try to adjust the hardware, it is possible, as you eliminate drafts

Some time after the installation of new windows comes shrinkage of the walls, which results in the appearance of gaps between the leaves. In this case, you can do a simple hardware adjustment, additional insulation is unnecessary.

Reasons for the formation of gaps, as a rule, are typical:

  • Deterioration of sealing rubber and loss of elasticity can be invisible at first glance. This problem is typical for houses where the windows are constantly kept open or closed. The damaged portion of the rubber needs to be changed.
If the tire has moved away from the glass, it should be replaced
If the tire has moved away from the glass, it should be replaced
  • Depressurization of the area between the window frame and the slope or sill points to incorrect installation of slopes and use of substandard materials. Conduct insulation in this case necessarily.
joint space slopes of plastic windows with a sill and frame are most susceptible to the formation of gaps
joint space slopes of plastic windows with a sill and frame are most susceptible to the formation of gaps

Determine the specific weak point, you can use your hands or a lighter. Enough to hold your hand or a cigarette lighter on the perimeter of the window, stopping in potentially hazardous locations, and to follow the movement of the flame or the skin sensations. Cold air will certainly make itself felt.

Fire tremble at once, if he faces the airflow
Fire tremble at once, if he faces the airflow

Rule 4. Choosing insulation

To well insulate windows with their hands, need high-quality building materials:

Picture Description
ylvoaylovrayolvprlo1 Polyurethane foam - an inexpensive and easy-to-use material. But it is easily destroyed by temperature changes and UV rays.
ylvoaylovrayolvprlo2 Mineral wool - a modern insulation. Different fire resistance and safety. Ideal for insulation of window sills.
ylvoaylovrayolvprlo3 Silicone sealant - reasonable price, stable effect and ease of use.
ylvoaylovrayolvprlo4 Energy plastic film for thermal insulation of windows - design protects against loss of heat through the glass surface, is simple to apply.
ylvoaylovrayolvprlo5 Foam - a cheap and reliable way to eliminate gaps in the slopes.
Building scotch tape - is used in tandem with a sealant to improve the degree of warming.
ylvoaylovrayolvprlo7 Water-repellent paints and primers - for the thermal insulation of external elements of the window.

How to insulate a window?

To properly carry out insulation windows, you need to perform a few steps:

  1. First we need to remove the remaining foam (Sealant, cotton and other materials). This can be done with a stiff brush, a spatula, a screwdriver. Blow out any debris with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Degrease the jobsite alcoholic cleaner.
    Next, we must act according to the materials used:
  3. Fill in the newly formed gap with foam.
  • Putty and plaster areas.
  • Covered with paint or wallpaper.
In the photo - the process of filling gaps with foam
In the photo - the process of filling gaps with foam
  1. Fill in the newly formed gap sealantUsing the fastening tool.
  • Post a sealant to dry for 5-7 minutes.
  • Seal construction sealant tape.
  1. To apply Heat film, You need to prepare scissors, tape and a hair dryer:
  • On clean window frame glued bilateral animals.
  • Cut the film size Kona.
  • Remove from the cling film protective layer.
  • Stick tape on it.
  • Blow the film dryer to smooth out all the bumps.

Before insulate windows, do not forget to wash the window frame and by means of containing ethanol and ammonia. This does not only remove dirt but also degrease the surface before applying insulation.

Before you prepare the plastic window for the winter and insulate it, be sure to thoroughly wash it


As you can see, insulation of plastic windows is simple. The main thing - the presence of all the necessary materials. The video in this article has detailed instructions, which will be useful to you. And if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them in the comments.

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