Useful properties of potatoes - dietology, medicine, traditional and official medicine, home cosmetologyWhy such a definition? Yes, because we are so accustomed to eating this vegetable that we do not even think about whether it is useful or maybe, on the contrary, harmful to health. We know only - there is a mass of various recipes of potato dishes, it has a low price and absolute accessibility with excellent taste indicators. This unique vegetable can be grown in almost all regions of the country on its own, which saves the family budget. Here, perhaps, and all the most common knowledge among us, ordinary inhabitants. So, in order.
- Composition of potatoes, calories, the presence of vitamins.
- Under what conditions can a potato cause harm?
- How is potato good?
- The use of potatoes in nutrition, cosmetology and traditional medicine.
Potato benefit or harm?
A common opinion that potatoes are contraindicated and even harmful to those who are inclined to be overweight is a myth that is not supported by reliable research. If there are no individual contraindications that are extremely rare, this root vegetable can be eaten by everyone, the main thing is to know the measure and choose a cooking method that uses the minimum amount of fat.
Calorie - energy value. This parameter is mainly interested in people who watch their weight, as well as those who are initially inclined to be overweight. Calorie potato is 74 kcal for every 100 grams.product. Caloric content, as is known, is made up of the presence of certain elements in the composition of the product, in this case:
- carbohydrates - 64 kcal;
- proteins( Tuberin) - 7 kcal;
- fats - 3 kcal.
Read also: Growing potatoes from seeds is a guarantee of getting quality planting material.
Vitamins and minerals - the content of various substances in tubers. Tubers consist of 24% dry matter and 76% water.
The ratio of dry matter:
- Fat - 0.2%.
- Carbohydrates: dietary fiber - 1.9%, starch - 17.5%.
- Sugar( sucrose and fructose) - 0.5%;
- Proteins - 2%.
In order to preserve vitamins in the root crop as much as possible and to protect them from destruction during heat treatment, the following rules should be followed:
- When cooking, put the cleaned tubers only into boiled, not cold, water. Salt no earlier than 5 minutes before readiness.
- Vitamins are perfectly preserved when baking potatoes in foil and boiling in “uniform”.
Included vitamins: almost the entire group B, as well as C, K. Trace elements: phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium;sodium, potassium, zeaxanthin, choline, selenium.
In addition to the above, there are essential amino acids in the potato, such as: lysine, arginine, leucine, tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine, acetylcholine, etc. And here and there, under certain circumstances, ordinary potatoes can become poisonous.
Harm of potatoes or how potatoes can become poisonous
Harm of potatoes can only appear in one case - the tubers have lain for a long time in the light or the sun and have become uncharacteristic for them green shade. This color of the root occurs when the formation of solanine in it, which can cause acute poisoning in humans.
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Solanine is a toxic substance, glycoalkaloid, by chemical composition it is very close to steroids. In some quantities, solanine is found in the whole plant: in stems, leaves, and, of course, tubers. The recognized rate of this substance in tubers is no more than 0.05%, with an increase in the index, the likelihood of poisoning is high. To avoid greening of tubers, potato bushes are spud or covered with a thick layer of straw.
In order to eliminate the likelihood of exposure to solanine, all greened tubers should be thrown out and not eaten. In extreme cases, the green peel should be deeply cut, until a healthy, non-infected part of the tuber appears.
Useful properties of potatoes - nutrition, traditional and official medicine, home cosmetology.
. Diet.
Useful properties of potatoes are determined by its rich and rich composition. Products made from this root( juice, decoction, mashed potatoes, etc.) have a pronounced enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect, they have excellently proven themselves in the treatment of various diseases, including gastrointestinal. Potato, paradoxically it sounds, is highly valued in dietology, in the first place it is used as a source of potassium.
In addition, various diets are used with a combination of potatoes and:
- kefir;
- cabbage;
- eggs;
- seaweed.
Experts say that each of the above diets can get rid of up to 7–8 kg of excess weight in just half a month, without discomfort and disturbance of metabolic processes.
Help!0.5 kg of boiled in “uniform” or baked potatoes completely replenishes the daily need for potassium in the body.
Patients suffering from kidney and heart disease are introduced into the diet of potato dishes - the root crop contains a significant amount of potassium, therefore it has excellent diuretic properties and, accordingly, prevents the occurrence of edema. Potato juice helps to reduce acidity in the stomach, accelerates scarring and healing of ulcers of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, brings relief from heartburn and nausea. In addition, it has a mild laxative effect, which is extremely important for people suffering from constipation and diseases of the stomach( gastritis, ulcer).
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Starch is widely used as a basis for powders, as well as in the manufacture of fillers for tablets and powders. Grated vegetable pulp is used in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases.
Potato benefit or harm?- Such a question in cosmetology is not even worth it. Of course, good! And confirmation of this is a huge amount of all sorts of products from potatoes for rejuvenation, moisturizing and treatment of the skin.
These include masks of raw and boiled potatoes, both in pure form and with the addition of various substances( honey, lemon juice, herbs, etc.).Broths and juice are prepared to soften the hardened skin and get rid of age spots. Potato gruel is an excellent tool to combat cracked heels, calluses and corns.
One can talk superbly about potatoes for an infinitely long time, this is a truly unique vegetable, it is equally good both for preparing all kinds of dishes and for treating various diseases. In order to receive only benefit from it, it is necessary to observe only a measure when using it. And you can get high-quality healthy tubers only by observing the technology of growing potatoes in the open beds of your plot.
Potato benefit or harm - video