What kind of care does hibiscus need at home?

Contents of the article:

The picture in the hibiscus, care at home requires a little taco, taking care of the homely hibiscus

Huge flowers, beautiful leaves - not all the advantages of a pet. Of the many varieties of hibiscus, only the Chinese rose settled in the dwelling of man. Especially we love indoor hibiscus in a spacious rural house, set in an upper room so that from morning to evening a stream of light pours on it.

Useful properties of indoor hibiscus

From the point of view of feng shui, indoor hibiscus, shown in the photo, attracts good into the house, absorbs black energy, protecting people. Absorb harmful substances from the air, thereby cleansing it, hibiscus can. But from the flowers of this plant you can prepare drugs that help with internal ailments.

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Infusions of leaves and flowers help to clean the skin, leaf gruel is applied to boils and boils. So, in a beautiful plant, a first-aid kit is hidden.

Hibiscus tea, a favorite drink of many is obtained from hibiscus flowers. It has a beneficial effect on hypertensive patients and helps the stomach to cope with heavy food.

Air humidification due to evaporation of moisture from the topsoil, contemplation of a beautiful flowering shrub creates healthy air and relieves internal tension. This is evidenced by the hibiscus in the photo.

Household content of Chinese rose

It will take a year, it will take several transplants before the flower takes center stage in the composition. In an outdoor pot, an evergreen tree with dark toothed leaves attracts admiring glances from guests. With good care, indoor hibiscus flower lives long. He needs a little attention and care:

  • a certain composition of the earth and a pot for growth;
  • well lit place without direct rays of the sun;
  • watering and feeding;
  • bush formation;
  • protection against diseases and pests.
Read also: Features of the preparation of Syrian hibiscus for winter

In addition, the plant needs to respect summer and winter conditions and does not like drafts. The signal that the plant suffers will be yellowing of the leaves, dropping them and unopened buds.

How to care for hibiscus at home, we will analyze in stages from the date of purchase.

Like many indoor plants, hibiscus does not need a pot for growth. Selecting dishes for planting, you need to make sure that there are drainage holes and create a good drainage layer either with traditional materials or with special Ceramis granules. The use of a special composition will allow you to saturate the soil with the necessary micronutrient fertilizers for indoor hibiscus flower. The composition of the land for planting is simple:

  • clay turf - 2 parts;
  • leaf and humus earth - 1 part;
  • sand, charcoal, vermiculite - as additives little by little.

It is necessary to transplant or re-load a plant at a young age every year in a larger pot, but only in spring. Older shrubs are transplanted more often, then they change the upper layer of the earth. When transplanting old dark roots can be trimmed with a clean tool. Light young roots work on food plants.

Lighting plays a major role in the decorativeness of the bush. In the shade hibiscus does not bloom, in summer and in winter it should stand in the light. If the sun is scorching, indoor hibiscus needs shading. In summer, the temperature of 18-25 degrees is comfortable for a flower. But the hotter, the more often the watering and spraying of the flower is conducted. In winter, keeping it in cool conditions, but not lower than 12 degrees, will provoke a summer riot of flowers.

Water the plant with soft distilled water without traces of chlorine. It is the wrong watering is often a provocateur diseases. Therefore, the plant can not overdry - it will throw off the leaves and flowers. The roots will rot with overflow from overflow. From harsh, cold and rusty water, the leaves will turn yellow, which shows the photo, hibiscus at home with improper care.

Read also: Cutting of room hibiscus

For good development, the plant requires frequent feeding during flowering. In the spring for the development of green mass requires nitrogen to plant, but a little. For violent flowering hibiscus needs phosphorus. And for the good development of the bush requires potassium. It is better to purchase ready-made composition of soluble fertilizers for flowering plants.

For good flowering, hibiscus room at home care needs pruning shoots. Flowers are formed only on young twigs. After pruning the twig gives new shoots, on which the flowers are formed.

Reproduction Methods for Chinese Rose

A flower can be propagated by seed, cuttings. The easiest way to get a handle. When the plants are pruned, the tops are used for breeding. Germinate cuttings in water or wet sand in warmth. Appeared roots slightly grown and rooted to a permanent place in a cup with a diameter of 10 cm. With proper care, the new plant will bloom in the same year.

Seedlings are recommended to be grown from seeds in spring. Germination lead to the lower heated to 25-27 degrees. Dive seedlings after the appearance of two true leaves. Young plants will bloom in the third year or later.

See also: Sudanese Rose - tea and medicine

Caring for a sick plant

How to care for hibiscus if it is sick? It is necessary to analyze why a flower drops leaves or flowers. The first thing you need to do is create the right conditions of detention. If the disease has not had time to become chronic, the results will be noticeable in two weeks.

As a preventive measure against insect infestation of bushes, you can use a shower for leaves. Water will wash away the dust, aphids, and prevent the spider mite from organizing a colony. Chemical protective equipment used after the popular cleaning methods.

Let's analyze the main causes and ways to eliminate them:

Problem Cause Solutions
Attacked pests Weakened plant. Use protective equipment, transplant in a new soil.
Bacterial fungal diseases Cold, damp, dark. Improve the conditions of detention, conduct a revision of the roots with a transplant, process fungicides.
Leaves turn yellow, green streaks Watering with cold, hard, chlorinated water, cold and damp. Change the conditions of detention, change the soil, add iron sulphate to irrigation water. Put hibiscus in heat. Protect from drafts.
No flowers and buds A lot of nitrogen, in winter the plant did not rest in the cool. Improve lighting, create conditions for the formation of kidneys, reduce the proportion of nitrogen in fertilizers.
Fall buds and buds Dramatically changed the temperature and conditions of detention. Put in heat, feed with phosphorus, check for insect pests. It is impossible to turn the pot and change its place during flowering.

These are the simple reasons for the indisposition of a hibiscus room.

Video about the care of indoor hibiscuses

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