How to clean ceramic irons: 7 2 popular ways and household products


  • 1 Correct cleaning of iron 6 general rules
    • 1.1 Blow household cleaning: 2 means-tested
    • 1.2 Fight with dirt improvised material - 7 effective ways
  • 2 Summary
soleplate requires regular maintenancesoleplate requires regular maintenance

Iron - irreplaceable thing in the arsenal of every housewife. If he got dirty, then goodbye to a well-groomed appearance. I know how to clean ceramic soleplate effortlessly and with 100% result. And I offer you to learn the different ways a competent cleansing.

Correct cleaning of iron 6 general rules

To cleaning ceramic iron with their hands did not turn spoiling technique should follow some simple rules. I will teach you to get rid of the soot in the home without any harm to the soles, regardless of which way you choose:

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Photo recommendations
table_pic_att15027349731 rule 1

Prepare everything you need in advance. You definitely need:

  • soft sponge or cloth;
  • cotton swabs;
  • paper;
  • a sufficient amount of the selected agent.
table_pic_att15027349752 rule 2

Take care that the plug has always been removed from the socket - otherwise the burn!

table_pic_att15027349773 rule 3

Before the procedure, read these instructions carefully and precisely follow the guidelines.

table_pic_att15027349774 rule 4

During wiping the soles do not press on the surface too hard, so as not to damage it.

table_pic_att15027349785 rule 5

During disposal of burnt tissue or water in remote areas use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or vinegar.

table_pic_att15027349806 rule 6

In no case do not scrape the soles with a knife or other sharp object. So you only scratch the surface and damage the iron.

Blow household cleaning: 2 means-tested

The easiest way to clean the iron with ceramic coating of soot in the home - is to use household chemicals. The advantages of this method consist in the availability of quality means 100% efficiency and safety for human and ceramics.

Before applying the tools, check the directions from the manufacturer in the "Instructions" section:

Photo recommendations
table_pic_att15027349807 Pencil for cleaning iron

Price: from 20 to 150 rubles

Features: easy to use pencil quickly dissolves the dirt. The effect will be visible immediately.

table_pic_att15027349878 Cleaner for glass ceramics

PriceFrom $ 100 depending on the brand

properties: Active elements of means of this kind destroy the structure of all types of contaminants. It leaves no residue or scratches on ceramics and glass.

It has an extensive range of applications - and cleanse the surface of the plate, and a ceramic soleplate.

Fight with dirt improvised material - 7 effective ways

The clear ceramic soleplate, if the hand was no household chemicals? I know the recipes that are easy to replace chemicals. I am sure that at least one of them you will find at home and easy to get rid of the dirt on the surface of iron:

Photo instruction
table_pic_att15027349889 Recipe 1. Soap


  1. Dry surface iron grate the soap. I recommend using soap.
  2. After 40-60 minutes, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
table_pic_att150273499610 Recipe 2. Toothpaste
  1. Heat the iron.
  2. Apply toothpaste on problem areas.
  3. After drying, remove the remaining paste and dirt with a damp sponge.
table_pic_att150273500411 Recipe 3. Vinegar or acetone
  1. Heat the iron.
  2. When a cloth apply vinegar or acetone to the sole.

Use a thick cloth and wear gloves so as not to harm the skin of the hands.

  1. Remove traces of dissolved metal penetration.
table_pic_att150273501212 Recipe 4. Matchbox
  1. Heat the iron.
  2. Sulfuric side of the box carefully Clean of deposits, taking care not to scratch the surface.
table_pic_att150273501913 Recipe 5. Salt + wax
  1. On a sheet of paper, pour salt and add chips paraffin candles.
  2. Stroke mixture was heated iron.

During ironing, use the "Silk" mode, or any other, where the temperature does not exceed 100 degrees.

  1. Remove any residual dirt with a damp sponge.
table_pic_att150273502814 Recipe 6. Soda
  1. In 100 ml of warm water dissolve teaspoon baking soda.
  2. The resulting solution wipe the surface of the iron.

To remove stubborn dirt, pat a damp cloth, richly sprinkled with baking soda.

table_pic_att150273502915 Recipe 7. Ammonia
  1. Dissolve alcohol in water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Sponge soaked in a solution process the iron sole.
  3. Repeat until stain of soot is not completely gone.

Instead of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide may be used in the pure state - operation principle is the same.


From this moment you know all about how to clean the soleplate with a ceramic coating. Observe care prevention rules for ceramics, and then clean the soleplate you will be extremely rare. All of your questions and I'll be glad to see the additions in the comments. A video in this article have visual instructions - look!

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