Refrigerators «Hitachi» (Hitachi): the pros and cons of the manufacturer + review lineup

Already formed a category of people that are choosing any equipment, including refrigerators, pay attention not only on the price, but also on functionality, durability, a variety of other factors, and even how the acquisition fits in situation.

These buyers understand that bought expensive things for a long time, so do not want to put up with some shortcomings. A Hitachi refrigerator is a good choice and will be able to meet the unexpected demands.

The content of the article:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of products from Hitachi
  • Overview of the Japanese manufacturer's models
    • Design features of equipment
    • Side-by-side: convenience above all
    • Practical and convenient two-door Hitachi
    • Mnogodvernye Japanese refrigerators
  • Rating the best Japanese sentences
    • Model # 1: Hitachi R-BG410PU6XGBE
    • Model # 2: Hitachi R-WB482PU2GBW
    • Model # 3: Hitachi R-V662PU3BEG
    • Model # 4: Hitachi R-W662PU3GBE
    • Model # 5: Hitachi R-WB482PU2GS
  • Useful videos on the topic

Advantages and disadvantages of products from Hitachi

The strategy of this famous group includes not search for cheap popularity, and to provide potential customers with high-quality and innovative products. That ensure the needs of people in full and without any restrictions in functionality, usability.

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The main feature of the manufacturer is that the virtues are not born in the design department, and at the stage of monitoring the needs of users.

The concept of home appliances maker Hitachi
The basis of the development and production of home appliances with Hitachi logo incorporated consumer demand, focusing on that the Japanese manufacturer produces a decent range of products

That is constantly held massive companies to identify the wishes of the people, and only then, engineers implement them, and only using innovative technologies.

This strategy allows us tangible results, for example, Hitachi pioneered the use of the well-known today No Frost technology, developed before any refrigerator, and in the 13 years ahead of its European colleagues.

Double chamber Hitachi
Hitachi refrigerators are high-tech, functional products capable to serve up to the mark for many years

In the same vein, the Japanese are working today - every unit is allocated ergonomic interior space. That allows owners to use to use the full amount specified by the manufacturer.

In addition, the Hitachi products use a number of innovations.

Dual Fan Cooling - a control system which is to ensure the desired result manages fans. What contributes to the efficiency of the demister stored in the product chamber, and, consequently, their cooling / freezing.

Further provided the ability to disable one of the two fans, which promotes efficiency, and significantly.

Cool Jet Wrap - is another embodiment of a climate control system, it is designed to evenly distribute the cold masses.

Ventilation Hitachi refrigerators
Stable circulation of the air mass inside the refrigerator and freezer maintains a unique venting system

Front Jet Freezing - this technology is also designed to monitor and control air-cooled. The feature that it is responsible for uniform distribution of the cold mass over the entire width just freezer.

This makes it possible to improve the quality and reduce the freezing of its time. Thus, the system is ready to react instantly to a temperature increase in the chamber after the opening, which reduces the cooling process to the desired temperature.

MINUS-ZERO Cooling - an aluminum plate, which always has a negative temperature, which helps to cool the products, and gently and without loss of their best nutritional properties, as well as freshness. In addition, this technology allows you to save electricity (up 15%).

An important advantage is the use of Hitachi triple air purification system. Which allows up to 99% kill all kinds of bacteria, including E. coli and even aureus.

Mnogodvernaya model
The Japanese manufacturer is no detail, so every decision thoroughly thought out, so that brings a real benefit to owners. Such an assertion is true even ergonomic interior space

Refrigerators and owners will appreciate that the filtering may remove up to 90% of various odors, and also those that most unpleasant. For example, these are the aromas exude different ammonium compounds, fresh fish and a number of other products.

These results allow to reach the 3 main purification step. These include:

  • filtering - it is carried out with the help of Nano Titanium system, the task of which create a powerful deodorant and antibacterial effect;
  • processing the entire volume of air through effective negative ions - when cleaning them nanotitana used molecules that can destroy a maximum of bacteria, filling the entire space cameras;
  • processing all passing air through the filter - it is also performed nanotitanom, thus increasing the efficiency of the filtration process.

E-control panel makes it possible to control the selection of the mode and activate them with just one click of a button. It is convenient and does not require any special training.

An important option is the energy-saving technology, allowing Hitachi refrigerator owner save electricity. This feature provides a processor configured to determine the minimum loading and infrequent use. Then automatically switches to economical operating mode. Which is 20% less expensive than usual.

All of the Japanese products are environmentally friendly, which is provided by the use of isobutane as a refrigerant instead of Freon, which causes significant harm to the environment.

Hitachi refrigerator in the kitchen
Anyone fridge Japanese manufacturer has high aesthetic qualities. Additionally, we use a large number of color options that will satisfy any potential buyer

The advantage of the entire product line are traditionally interesting design solutions. In addition, this manufacturer is always a wide selection of colors refrigeration units, allowing you to select the product, fits in any interior. Like the owners and the glass surface of the doors.

In comparison with the list of benefits of negative list is short, there it is possible to make only one point. But important, because it concerns the considerable cost of the Japanese "Hitachi" refrigerators - they are not available and presented in high and expensive price categories. Which limits the ability of potential buyers.

Costly reliable equipment Hitachi brand
The offer for sale a number of Hitachi refrigerators are no cost options. The equipment is expensive, but investment justified by reliable performance and rare failures

Overview of the Japanese manufacturer's models

Hitachi All refrigeration units are divided into several series. Moreover, the Japanese like to subdivide the products by the number of doors or in their characteristic features.

Design features of equipment

For example, all articles produced with doors that open in opposite directions, are united in the popular series of Side-by-side.

Besides it, the company's refrigerators are divided into the following lines:

  • two-door;
  • mnogodvernye.

In recent years, the model number of Hitachi there are units with the vacuum chamber, which is not in a separate series, but this innovative option always stands out and stands out sellers.

Refrigerator shelf Hitachi with isolated
Hitachi Modern refrigerators have more doors, and thus the camera. It is no coincidence, as each of them provides a better conservation of the properties of products, convenient access to the content of his search, and in addition, they allow you to save, since the heat penetrates less inwards

Each product line has a number of inherent only to her benefits and features, and they should know for optimal selection.

Side-by-side: convenience above all

Opening doors in different directions provide owners of these coolers is easy and comfortable access to the contents of the cameras, which can be several. An important feature is the large capacity, and at a fairly compact size. Always with areas with optimal weather conditions for specific groups of products.

Japanese multi-chamber refrigerator
Type refrigerators side-by-side in the range of the Japanese manufacturer has an impressive niche. There are models of three- and four-door, with icemaker, touch panels, and without them

One of the iconic models in this segment is R-S700GPUC2GS. This catchy refrigerator having high aesthetic qualities, which will be appropriate in any interior.

It capacious without compromise, since the useful internal volume reaches 600 L impressive, a third of them in a freezer, consisting of 6 units. Inside reigns usual for Hitachi ergonomics, so every millimeter of volume can be used with advantage.

With areas for different groups of products, among which stands out the separation MINUS-ZERO Cooling, capable of providing the best conditions in any vegetables. To increase the efficiency of the humidity control is applied.

Refrigerator with an upper freezer
If potential buyers do not plan to frequently use the freezer, then it is better to buy the unit, which will be located at the top of the freezer. In this case, the amount of the desired refrigerator compartment will be felt more and gain access to its contents easier

8 increases the functionality of door baskets and shelf for bottles. A generator is also provided ice and water cooling system.

Each glass shelf ready to withstand hundreds of kilograms. And if the owner still hurt some of them, the chances of getting a minimal injury - Tempered glass shatters into small pieces with blunt edges.

Controls R-S700GPUC2GS electronic system, and all manipulations person can perform using the touch screen, located on one of the doors. There also all the necessary information is displayed, which is extremely convenient.

Sensory circuit opening doors
Among the innovative proposals from Hitachi has a model Hitachi R-E 6800. Even her door open with a light touch of fingers

Superzamorozki has a function that allows efficiently and economically perform cooling products to a desired temperature.

The cells separate temperature sensors are installed, which improves the control of the climatic conditions. And also allows you to save the properties of the products, and cost-effectively, since the electronics can reduce costs if determines that separation is not fully loaded.

refrigerator shelf
Shelves of Japanese refrigerators made of tempered glass and can withstand the weight hundredweight. In addition, they can be adjusted to a more efficient use of the volume

During the work carried out continuously filtering and deodorizing of all the internal volume. System No Frost, provides long-term performance without defrosting, is provided in both chambers.

Refrigerator adapted to our conditions, so easily tolerate large voltage swings. This is facilitated by a built-in stabilizer.

The manufacturer uses an inverter compressor - durable, quiet and provides economical power consumption. It is in the models of this series can be found vacuum chambers.

The vacuum compartment
The list of innovative proposals adequately complements the vacuum compartment, which allows to significantly increase the time to market storage without loss of nutritional and taste qualities (+)

Practical and convenient two-door Hitachi

This kind of the most popular and it is not surprising, since it highlights the perfect combination of price and quality, high functionality. All units are two-chamber, but for the convenience of the manufacturer offers to make a choice between the freezer compartment located at the top or bottom.

The first option is more suitable for people who rarely use frozen foods. Because this solution provides the most comfortable access to the rest of the content.

Particularly pleased with this arrangement, children, elderly people who have difficulty when dostavaniya pots, products with almost two meters of conventional refrigerators.

Shelves on the door
Hitachi rigid construction enables the door of refrigerators to withstand a lot of weight, which is provided by the manufacturer to 8 special shelves. This enhances the functionality

The so-called bottom freezer is a traditional option, but such a solution would be best for the people, who rarely use semi-finished products and prepare yourself by storing fish, meat, vegetables that need to constantly look for, get.

Demanded a representative range of two-door refrigerators is the model R-Z570EU-9K. It has verhneraspolozhenny freezer volume in most cases sufficient to 130 liters.

Its main advantage is the use of Front Jet Freezing. technology described above allows you to quickly, and most importantly, uniformly cooled to the desired temperature, any number of products, instead of inside.

Displacement conventional separation reaches 360 L, and the main advantage is the ability to maintain the best quality of the stored product.

For this purpose a Ice-cold 0 ° C - hybrid system effectively prevents drying products. As the name implies, it is possible to maintain near-zero temperature, which allows you to store meat, fish without freezing.

Panel E-kontrol
E-kontrol panel allows you to control the situation and control the operation of all cameras individually. And all manipulations are carried out by pressing a single key

Further provided an isolated compartment for vegetables, there is a possibility to adjust the humidity. It increases the efficiency of this procedure, the double control. In general, the place to store vegetables in the refrigerator allocated 15% more than people on the standard.

The desired mode the person can choose to display one-touch sensor, which is convenient and saves time. It provides energy-saving program that can save one-fifth of the electricity.

If a potential buyer wants to prevent unauthorized access to the contents of your refrigerator, the R-Z570EU-9K is a good choice, since it is equipped with a built-in lock.

When the unit is needed to nizhneraspolozhennym freezer, you should pay attention to the model R-BG410PUC6GBK. This is one of the cheapest options in the line, but, as mentioned above, Hitachi is no trade-offs as a result of which the impact on the quality, functionality.

Thus the presented model is designed for long-term operation, and its capacity is sufficient for most consumers. For example, the volume of the freezer 115 l, and the refrigerating chamber per hundred liters more, which is sufficient for any average family. It provides ample space for vegetables.

Cold water inlet
The system chilled water supply equipment Hitachi, and next is another important design element - temperature indicator, and it displays data on the operating mode of each chamber separately. Beneath it buttons that allow you to correct the

The model is quiet operation and economical because it uses modern inverter compressor. That is the same as that of the expensive line representatives. A Nano Titanium filter prevents reproduction on stored products of various pathogens.

System No Frost eliminate icing innards, so defrosting can be performed only once a year. Furthermore, by intelligently manage fan cold air distribution is fast and efficient, which further saves quality.

The manufacturer has equipped the refrigerator ice generator. mechanical control, using modern LED lighting. You can adjust the shelves.

Ice maker in the refrigerator mnogodvernom
Ice machines that are equipped with mnogodvernye Japanese refrigerators, provide an opportunity to the fastest way to get ice and cool drinks

The aesthetic quality of the model will not yield to any other similar products Hitachi, as implemented by a variety of color options, including rare.

The only significant drawback is the lack of freshness of the zone, which is now becoming popular technology.

Mnogodvernye Japanese refrigerators

They belong to the most expensive series producer after the Side-by-side, so the potential buyer can rely on all the latest technology.

Model Side-by-side
Series Units Side-by-side are equipped with the highest number of innovative and useful functions, but at the same time is the most precious and overall equipment, so Khrushchev kitchens they are not quite appropriate

And the most important thing is that mnogodvernye units allow to store products belonging to different groups, that is, separately and at the right temperature conditions. Since there is a separate camera for each door.

This makes it possible to eliminate the mixing of odors, prevent the loss of properties. In addition, four existing doors allow you to have equally comfortable access to content.

A prominent representative of this series is the model R-WB800PUC5GBK. Its total volume reaches 650 L impressive, of which 174 l fraction falls to the freezing chamber. Which allows to organize the perfect cooling and storage of products, even a large family.

This is facilitated by modern technology, including a large insulated compartment, preserving the natural moisture level of green, all kinds of vegetables and semi-finished products.

Insulated compartment for storing fresh food
Sealed compartment ensures the best preservation of natural moisture, aroma and flavor of fresh herbs, semifinished products, fruit

The best results allow for such options as:

  • protection from frost;
  • Fast freeze function;
  • extensive zone freshness;
  • double fan, in any condition to perform an effective air circulation;
  • ekotermodatchiki in each compartment.

Each sensor outputs data on a single indicator - so informative and accurate.

Mode selection, other manipulations are carried out using an intuitive and simple electronic control as well as built outside the touch screen.

freezer on top
The most popular Hitachi refrigerators are traditionally two-compartment model. The cost varies within the moderate, but the functionality and durability are excellent

Compressors in mnogodvernyh refrigerators from Hitachi inverter is always to provide, despite its impressive dimensions, almost silent operation and efficiency.

Aesthetic quality is always the highest, the color may be different.

The only drawback is considered to be that size does not allow to accommodate articles belonging to this series, in the compact kitchen.

Rating the best Japanese sentences

The Japanese manufacturer of a lot of interesting new products and technical innovations in the field of refrigeration equipment production. However, consumer demand is still based on the "three pillars", including an attractive price, ease of use and a rare malfunction units. Consider that in view of these criteria the buyer prefers domestic.

Model # 1: Hitachi R-BG410PU6XGBE

Stylish refrigerator pleasant beige. At the disposal of the future owners of 320 liters of storage space, of which 105 liters is allocated to the freezer. Freezes unit per day to 4.5 kg of fresh meat.

Cooling the freezer and refrigerator compartment is performed by No Frost system. Refrigerator controlled electronic system for monitoring operating parameters of a door mounted display. The capabilities of the model appear superzamorozka and Supercooling.

Model # 2: Hitachi R-WB482PU2GBW

Spectacular three-door unit with bottom location of the freezer offers to the future owners of 392 liters usable space. Displacement of the freezing chamber is 94 liters.

Cooling and freezing and refrigerating compartment in accordance with the principles No Frost. So defrost them forcibly to remove snow and ice build-up is not necessary.

To adjust the performance of the refrigerator equipped with an electronic system, a display for monitoring them. The equipment produces both Supercooling and superzamorozku. Ice generator in this model.

Model # 3: Hitachi R-V662PU3BEG

Stunning two-door model strikes a huge amount of storage space. This cooling unit is placed 550 liters of ready meals, fresh produce and blanks. Located on top of the freezer set aside as much as 145 liters.

Runs cooler electronic system, a display, but there are LED device for temperature display. Cooling of refrigerator and freezer compartments made under the scheme No Frost, therefore, will not be within the condensate and its consequences - ice buildup. Ie forced defrosting is not necessary.

When power failure unit will independently maintain the temperature further 12 hours. On the access door is not completely closed it signals with light and sound. The generator has a configuration ice.

Model # 4: Hitachi R-W662PU3GBE

Solid golden beige refrigerator has a useful volume of 540 liters, it is allocated freezer 144 liters. For ease of use and to optimize conditions for preserving the useful qualities of the products in the model has 4 doors. At night it is able to freeze to 8 kg of meat.

To control the refrigerator is equipped with an electronic system. The refrigeration compartment and freezer are cooled according to the technical principles No Frost. Ie defrosting carried out to remove the accrued on the ice wall, it is not necessary.

Among the attractive qualities of unique users note the presence of an antibacterial coating, by which eliminates any possibility of the emergence and spread of malware microorganisms. There are opportunities to perform superzamorozki and supercooling. Model generator equipped with ice.

Model # 5: Hitachi R-WB482PU2GS

Excellent three-door model with bottom location of the freezer compartment offers 392 liters of the owners of valuable space. Freezer compartment occupied 94 liters. Housing neutral silver color and made of metal, plastic, glass shelves.

Both chambers are cooled by No Frost system excluding the formation of frost and ice. Equipment owners do not have to defrost the refrigerator regularly to remove them.

Electronic control, a display for monitoring performance. Among the advantages noted quietly working the inverter compressor. Superzamorozku unit produces products, apparatus for cooling beverages and generating no ice.

This is not a complete list of models of Japanese refrigerators illustrious company. In the post-Hitachi equipment in high demand, which is justified by an impeccable service for several decades. Rating results are presented according to sales in shops that is not unconditional ranking units in quality.

Useful videos on the topic

After reviewing the first movie, potential buyers will be able to get acquainted with premium refrigerators companies Hitachi, relating to a series of Side-by-side:

The next material will allow to get acquainted with a number of technologies and the advantages of the Japanese manufacturer:

The real strengths and weaknesses of Japanese refrigerators background Belgian and South Korean competitors:

Refrigerators Hitachi brand reliable, durable, and its main highlight is the advanced technology, well thought-out interior space. Enough attention is paid to the appearance, so the potential customer can select the desired option for any interior. The good news and a variety of colors.

But at the same time, Japanese products are not the most accessible, so it will be able to buy only buyers with average incomes or financial issues are not constrained at all.

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