8 fail-safe methods how to bring down jacket with patches per wash: remove grease, shiny, divorce


  • 1 What must be done before washing?
  • 2 How to remove grease stains with down jackets?
    • 2.1 Recipe 1. Dishwashing detergent
    • 2.2 Recipe 2. Salt
    • 2.3 Recipe 3. Soap
    • 2.4 Recipe 4. Lemon
    • 2.5 Recipe 5. Alcohol and peroxide
    • 2.6 Recipe 6. Household chemicals
    • 2.7 Recipe 7. Talc and chalk
    • 2.8 Recipe 8. Petrol
  • 3 Getting rid of shine on the jacket
  • 4 How to get rid of divorces after machine washing
  • 5 Output
Fresh stains are easier to remove significantlyFresh stains are easier to remove significantly

As in any clothing, grease stains can appear on the down jacket, zalosnivshiesya place and dirt. When not helping normal washing, the contaminants have to get rid of in a different way. How? Today, we look at how to remove the shine on the down jacket, like a wash out stains and remove stains.

What must be done before washing?

To spot has not increased, traffic generating from the edge to the center of the contaminated siteTo spot has not increased, traffic generating from the edge to the center of the contaminated site

To quickly remove the stain, it is necessary to take into account the following:

  • maximum scraped dense layers a down jacket surface;
  • Only clean, white cloth orcotton pads use for cleaning;
  • instagram viewer
  • wipe pollution first dry cloth, then wet;
  • cleansing of soiled produce edge portionGradually moving towards the center of the contamination;
  • Do not use metal brushes and coarse materials, they can break things or leave scratches, pellets;
  • sponge place on the reverse side of the problem areaIt will absorb the stain.

The main rule for stain removal - speed. The faster start the cleaning process, the more likely that the contamination will completely disappear.

Brushes do not recommend using a stiff bristle - risk of damage to the materialBrushes do not recommend using a stiff bristle - risk of damage to the material

How to remove grease stains with down jackets?

I assure you that is not so terrible beast as he is painted. I'm going to teach you how to get a greasy spot on the feather bed.

To do this will come in handy products, which is in every house. Applying them, you can own hands to clean polluted sites, without the services of dry cleaning.

Advantage such means - the price and availability.

shortcoming - some ways quite aggressive: if you do not act according to the instructions, you can spoil the thing forever.

Recipe 1. Dishwashing detergent

Step 1

Take any detergent. The manufacturer does not play a role. The main thing is that it is in liquid or gel.

step 2

For removing grease will need a concentrated solution.

Foaming cleanser, foam was applied onto a sponge or a piece of cloth.

step 3

Wipe soapy sponge contamination. We leave clothes in this way for a few minutes.

step 4

Remove the soap solution a damp cloth, then dry. dry the jacket

Recipe 2. Salt

If you just dripped grease on the jacket, and the hand is salt - sprinkle it liberally contaminated area. Maximum salt absorbs the fat, and the jacket will be easier to bring to the normal view.

Salt perfectly absorbs fat fresh stainsSalt perfectly absorbs fat fresh stains

If the old stain, prepare a paste of salt:

  1. breed one tablespoon of salt water to porridge state.
  2. Apply mixture in the problem area.
  3. reserve all for about one hour.
  4. Harvesting brushing the dried solution.
  5. treat the stainsoda solution. Ratio: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water. It now remains only to wash down jacket.
The salt solution and purify water jacket from chronic spotsThe salt solution and purify water jacket from chronic spots

To enhance the effect, you can add starch and lemon juice:

  • mix starch and salt in a proportion of 1: 1;
  • breed all with lemon juice to a thick cream;
  • inflict on the contaminated site;
  • reserve until dry;
  • wipe damp sponge.
Lemon juice and starch enhance the action of salts and help remove persistent stains on outer clothingLemon juice and starch enhance the action of salts and help remove persistent stains on outer clothing

Recipe 3. Soap

Print the grease stain will soap:

  1. Rub soap on a grater - two tablespoons.
  2. dilute soap shavings in 200 ml of water.
  3. Three spot with a sponge, dipped in the solution. We move from the edge to the center.
  4. rinsed site clean water.
Soap helps clean down jacket from stainsSoap helps clean down jacket from stains

On the economic replacement can come liquid soap. The operating principle is the same.

Liquid soap is also able to remove dirt from outdoor clothingLiquid soap is also able to remove dirt from outdoor clothing

Recipe 4. Lemon

For dried stains, remove the lemon juice:

  1. Wetting our spot acidic lemon juice and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Then the jacket must faded with detergent.
Replace natural lemon juice with citric acid is strictly prohibited! The thing will be spoiled foreverReplace natural lemon juice with citric acid is strictly prohibited! The thing will be spoiled forever

Recipe 5. Alcohol and peroxide

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - the duo, who will lead "to clean water," even the most stubborn and old stains:

Step 1

Mix the two in equal amounts ingredient depicted on the photo.

step 2

Cotton pad or clean cloth flap plot the resulting mixture for contamination. Leave for 40 minutes.

step 3

Erase a down jacket in the machine with the usual detergent. Thus we get rid of the smell of ammonia.

If the fat from the first time did not go, then repeat the procedure. The same method can be used to remove stains which remains after storage.

Recipe 6. Household chemicals

It can be derived from the greasy spot down jacket not only folk remedies, but also by professional agents.

Stain removers to start to test on the wrong side of the garment to see the reaction. Instructions printed on the package, tell you what spot is best to display the data means and how to apply it.

Stain removers have fast action and excellent job with stains on clothingStain removers have fast action and excellent job with stains on clothing

Recipe 7. Talc and chalk

A mixture of talc and chalk will help get rid of greasy spots per day. We grind the ingredients in equal proportions. Then:

  • plot the resultant powder contamination;
  • put on top of a blank sheet of paper or cloth;
  • presses napkin heavy object, such as a stack of books;
  • leave overnight;
  • erase jacket.
Mel + talc remove the stain overnightMel + talc remove the stain overnight

Recipe 8. Petrol

Since gasoline - pretty aggressive remedy recommend using it only if other methods do not help to get rid of spots.

Prior to use, check the effect of gasoline on the wrong side of the jacket in a small area. Thus, you avoid damage to the material.

It is only necessary to use highly refined petrol, Otherwise you risk damaging the jacket for all:

  • moisten a cotton pad with gasoline;
  • we put it on the soiled spot;
  • wait 15 to 40 minutes, the reaction to take place - a spot must be dissolved;
  • wash clothes the usual way.
Use refined petrol - it will reduce the risk of tissue damageUse refined petrol - it will reduce the risk of tissue damage

Getting rid of shine on the jacket

On the down jacket to wear after a short period anyway there is a characteristic luster at the cuffs and pockets. It is these areas most often come into contact with our skin and other objects.

Pockets and sleeves - the most problematic areas, clear them shiny gloss will help the vinegarPockets and sleeves - the most problematic areas, clear them shiny gloss will help the vinegar

Getting rid of light with acetic solution:

  1. Take 3 parts water and 1 part of vinegar.
  2. In the solution obtained damp sponge.
  3. We wipe our dirty place, after zastiryvaem.

To remove the smell of vinegar, take the thing into the fresh air for ventilation.

How to get rid of divorces after machine washing

After washing were stains on the feather bed? There are three factors that contribute to the appearance of such spots:

  1. Improper drying jackets.
  2. Insufficient rinsing.
  3. Poor wash.
Improper drying can leave stains on clothesImproper drying can leave stains on clothes

If the jacket in divorce, then getting rid of them will help textile cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

If this method does not work, you can re-run the rinse. Wash again down jacket with detergent does not recommend that it is only exacerbate the situation.

Re-rinse will help remove stainsRe-rinse will help remove stains

But so that no stains, you must:

  1. Choosing quality detergents. Prefer gel or liquid detergent compositions. They are completely soluble in water and rinse well.
  2. Properly dry the thing. After washing, hang a jacket on a hanger. Periodically hands knead the filler to the pooh was not lost in a pile. When drying it on these sites often appear and divorces.
In the photo shows how to dry down jacket is not necessaryIn the photo shows how to dry down jacket is not necessary
  1. Choosethe desired mode of the washing machine. Observe the manufacturer's recommendations, which are listed on the label of the product.


I spoke about the eight methods of getting rid of grease stains on the feather bed, and suggest how to remove a jacket luster and stains. Now you can easily and quickly be removed by garments at home. Incidentally, the above-described methods can be combined!

Videos in this article will show some more secrets of how to get rid of the stains on his jacket. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

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