How to wash a gas stove from fat: clear all 5 zones without chemicals


  • 1 Pet care products gas stove
  • 2 How to wash a gas stove?
    • 2.1 Zone 1. The visible surface
    • 2.2 Zone 2. handles
    • 2.3 Zone 3. Oven
    • 2.4 Zone 4. burners
    • 2.5 Zone 5. Lattice
  • 3 Summary
To stove shone need to regularly monitor its cleanlinessTo stove shone need to regularly monitor its cleanliness

I always wanted to have my stove sparkling clean. However, I do not always succeed. Today I know what a gas stove to wash grease, soot and residue cooked food without too much hassle and high costs. Now my plate is always clean. I share a secret with you.

Pet care products gas stove

Of course, in the shops you can find a lot of tools that are able to quickly and easily clean plate from any contamination. But their price is high at times, and use chemistry in the kitchen is not very desirable.

Therefore, if you are not too fan of household chemicals, I will share with you a few folk remedies that can be safely used in the home.

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Picture cleanser
Baking soda - first-class means of fat. Before applying it is necessary to moisten the surface with water, then fill it with soda and gently rub. 30 minutes later the fat is easily removed by conventional sponge.
Vinegar and soda - another reliable means for washing plates of fat. Methods of cleaning such as with soda. Only in this case the plate need not moisten with water and vinegar.
A solution of vinegar and water indispensable to clean the pens gas cookers.
AmmoniaDiluted in water in a ratio of 1: 1 will also help to cope with dirty handles.
Lemon juice, citric acid help to remove dirt and refresh the surface of the plate.
Laundry soap 72% helps to wash the stove and oven.

All these means are suitable for cleaning and other food attributes - refrigerator, kettle, washing machine, etc.

Folk remedies easily replace shoplifting detergents householdFolk remedies easily replace shoplifting detergents household

How to wash a gas stove?

Before you clean the stove, you need to remove some of its details. Instructions on how to disassemble the plate correctly:

  1. Turn off the stove on gas and electricity. This way you will protect yourself from unexpected troubles and injuries.
  2. Remove the grille and immediately place it in the container for washing (large basin, bath) for several hours.
  3. Remove the hotplate and send them in a container for washing.
  4. Remove leftover food with surface plates of dry sponge.
  5. If you are going to wash the electric stove - follow the same sequence, given the presence of certain details of construction.

Zone 1. The visible surface

Clean the plate of fat you can use baking soda, vinegar or soapClean the plate of fat you can use baking soda, vinegar or soap

Before removing grease from plates, soak it with hot water. It helps break down fat and soften it. After that, the surface can pour soda and leave 30 minutes.

When fat otmoknet, carefully remove it with a soft sponge. A glistening surface to wipe it with a solution of ammonia and water in the ratio 1: 1.

Can be used instead of soda soap solution. To make it, simply rub a little soap and dissolve it in warm water. The resulting solution was put on the surface and after 15 minutes, remove the sponge.

It is impossible to clean the plate surface with a wire brush or a sponge. Also, do not use abrasive cleaners. They can scratch the surface, and dirt will eventually eats into it more deeply. For difficult stains, use a toothbrush or cotton swab.

Zone 2. handles

Dirty gas stove knob fastest pollute surfaceDirty gas stove knob fastest pollute surface

Handles on the gas stove - the most commonly used and easily contaminated elements: grease and dirt on them settle in quite remote places.

To clean the pen, You need to put them in a container with detergent. As means can use a concentrated solution of soap. It handles must lie at least 8 hours.

To expedite the process, better solution is to use two tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. Boil therein pens for 5-7 minutes, pour the solution and allow the parts to cool naturally. Then will clean them with a sponge.

The vinegar will help remove ingrained oil in inaccessible placesThe vinegar will help remove ingrained oil in inaccessible places

If your stove knob can not be removed - do not despair. A little patience, and they, too, will shine with cleanliness. To clean them need several helpers:

  • Toothbrush;
  • soda;
  • cotton swabs;
  • ammonia;
  • toothpicks.
To wash the stationary handles, you will need a toothbrushTo wash the stationary handles, you will need a toothbrush


  1. Apply to the sponge a little soda and wipe the handle.
  2. For complex sites Use ammonia solution with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply his toothbrush with a cotton swab or - depending on the size of the gap.
  3. Wait until the ammonia is absorbedAnd after 10 minutes again walk on contaminated sites clean toothbrush or sponge.
  4. For the most difficult places use a toothpick.
In the photo - handle purified solution of ammoniaIn the photo - handle purified solution of ammonia

Zone 3. Oven

Despite its efficiency, strong chemicals - not the best option for cleaning the oven. With the help of public money to clean it will be easier and safer.

Wash the oven with your hands, you can use vinegar, baking soda and other folk remediesWash the oven with your hands, you can use vinegar, baking soda and other folk remedies

I suggest a few ways to help you cope with even the most dirty oven.

Picture Methods and means
Method 1. suds

Wipe the oven with a paper towel. On the inner walls apply soap solution and leave for 15 minutes.

The same solution was pour into the tray and put it into the oven. Warm it for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120 ° C.

Melt the fat and soot and easily removed with a soft sponge. At the end of the oven surface should be wiped with a sponge dipped in clean water.

Method 2. Soda and citric acid

These ingredients will cope with any spots. Coat the wetted surface of the oven mixture of soda and citric acid.

After 20-25 minutes, remove dirt paper towel and wash with water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Minor contamination can be removed with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Moisten with this solution and the inner walls of the oven turn at 50 ° C for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water contamination.

Method 4. Vinegar + Soda

Put on all surfaces of the oven acetic solution and sprinkle baking soda.

Acid and soda will react and remove the nasty fat and leftover food.

Method 5. Ammonia

Rub the walls of the oven with ammonia and leave for the night. Morning, carefully wipe the surface with a sponge dampened with clean water.

Method 6. Salt

Densely oven sprinkle with salt, and was baked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 100 ° C. After cooling, remove the salt with the pollution and clean the oven.

Method 7. Salt, baking soda, water

Apply all contaminated surfaces paste of salt and soda water. They need to mix in equal parts. Leave the solution for 10 hours then wash with water.

Gloves will protect your hands from irritation.Gloves will protect your hands from irritation.

Zone 4. burners

I know of two effective methods of how to clean the burners:

Picture means
Method 1:
  • Soak burners in hot soapy water and leave for at least 25 minutes.
  • Rinse all parts with a soft sponge. For hard to reach areas, use a cotton swab or toothpick.
  • Wash the burners in warm water.
  • Wipe them dry.

Method 2:
  • Make a vinegar and water solution.
  • Fill them hotplate and boil on the stove for 5 minutes.
  • Leave burners in solution until cool.
  • Clean them with a sponge.
  • Wash the burners in warm water.
  • Wipe dry.

Zone 5. Lattice

Shoe lattice is perhaps the most difficult part of the cleaning gas cookers. Depending on the material of construction of the grating, it is necessary to use different cleaning methods.

A method of cleaning a lattice is chosen depending on its materialA method of cleaning a lattice is chosen depending on its material

Lattice of iron You need to be ignited. This can be done on a gas stove, oven, over the fire, or using a blowtorch. Thereafter, the bars need to rub a metal sponge.

Cast iron grill after calcination can be easily cleaned.Cast iron grill after calcination can be easily cleaned.

Enamelled and stainless grating can be periodically cleaned in the dishwasher at a high temperature.

If there is no dishwasher - starts grille must be removed and soaked in hot water with detergent. We will need soda, vinegar, soapy water. After 8-10 hours sodden fat and carbon deposits can be a wire brush to scrub.

Soaking lattice in hot soapy water cleaves grease and dirtSoaking lattice in hot soapy water cleaves grease and dirt

Regardless of the material from which the lattice is made, it can not be used for cleaning sharp objects - this may damage the metal.

Radical lattice dirty cleaning methods:

Picture cleanser
Means for cleaning of engines quickly and effectively cope with strong soot. Treat them to the surface and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Dry mustardApplied to the bars for a few hours to clean the grill of grease and soot. After cleaning the grid must be washed with water.
warm sand It will help to scrub any contamination. Efficient, but quite time consuming way.


As you can see, to wash the gas stove can be a variety of methods. You can again see this, watching the video in this article. And another tip: do not be lazy to wipe the plate even at the slightest contamination, then the "spring-cleaning" will take place without complications.

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