Planting, growing and harvesting corn at the cottage

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Sugar corn is an annual plant with yellow, white, or two-colored petals. A prolonged vegetation period, beginning after planting, should take place in conditions of total absence of frost. Since corn is pollinated by wind, it is best to plant it in large blocks, rather than in single rows. The presence of early, middle and late varieties positively affects the amount of harvest. If you miss the optimal collection time, the sugar is converted to starch, and the corn will quickly wither.


Corn is very demanding on the soil. In the autumn dig in the earth the sustained manure or compost and leave for the winter.

It is not recommended to plant seeds in the room for further transplantation to the open ground.

In two weeks, after the end of spring frosts, you can sow seeds. Check that the soil temperature is at least 15 degrees for successful germination (18 for very sweet varieties). In cold areas, the earth should be lined with a black film to maintain heat, and the corn should be planted through the holes.

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Seeds should be located at a depth of about 3 cm and at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Between the rows leave 70-90 cm. For a full pollination, you must correctly plan this zone area. Do not plant two long rows. Instead, arrange planting with blocks consisting of at least 4 rows.

You can also add fertilizers directly at the time of planting, which will provoke rapid growth of corn. However, if you are sure of the fertility of the soil, this step can be skipped. Plentifully pour all areas with seeds.


When your plants rise to a height of 7-10 cm, dilute them so that the distance between the stems is 20-30 cm. Be careful not to damage the roots during weeding.

The soil must be moist and have good drainage. In dry regions, make sure that the corn is abundantly watered (the roots are close to the surface), based on a calculation of 22 liters of water per square meter. mulching will help to slow the evaporation of moisture, which will greatly facilitate the care of plants.

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The main danger for corn is:

  • raccoons;
  • spotted leaf beetles;
  • earth fleas;
  • caterpillars.

Corn should be checked periodically for pests. When detecting caterpillars or fleas, carry out treatment with available means. The earlier you get rid of insects, the better the harvest will be.

Collection and storage

Cleaning should be started when the brushes acquire a brown tint, and the cobs begin to swell. Kernels should be in the stage of milk ripeness. Take your ears down to release the stem.

Sweet varieties lose their taste soon after harvest. So get ready to eat corn immediately, or to conserve it. It also lends itself well to freezing. Several heads of the variety you like, leave on the stems for full ripening. Remove them in the fall after the stalk dries. The harvested crop is well kept in a ventilated dry room. In the spring, use seeds for planting.

Read also:Harvesting of corn for the winter

Recommended varieties

There are 3 types of sugar corn:

  • normal;
  • with increased sugar content;
  • supersweet.

Each of them contains a different level of sucrose, which changes the taste and texture of the corn. Sweet grades after harvesting will keep their sweetness longer.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Iochif is a medium-bodied variety with a normal sugar content (yellow).
  2. Silver Queen - has a normal sugar content and good resistance to disease (white).
  3. Challenger - supersweet variety with high yield (yellow).
  4. Pristin - high sugar content, good taste (white).

Perhaps in your area of ​​residence other varieties of sugar corn are used. For the suburban area, it is preferable to select the zoned varieties. Only in this way you can get a good harvest and enjoy the taste of sugar corn grown by yourself.

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