Detailed description and characteristics of carrots of Shantane variety 2461

Carrots are one of the favorite root vegetables. Therefore, every self-respecting gardener, be sure to allocate a garden for this vegetable. Shantane variety is popular for its taste, high yield and unpretentious care.


  • FeaturesChantonne varieties

    The birthplace of this variety is France .For several years, French breeders have crossed the best varieties growing in the state. The result is a wonderful hybrid - a sort of Chantonne.

    On the territory of Russia, carrots were introduced in 1943, subsequently entering the top ten of the most used varieties for growing.

    The first carrot was a wild-growing purple plant. Her homeland is Afghanistan.

    According to the description, the root vegetable has a typical orange color and a perfect conical shape. The tip and head of the fetus are rounded.

    The standard length ranges from from 10 to 15 centimeters .The plant is bright green and sprawling.

    Kuroda Shantane's flesh is dense, but very juicy and sweet , the core is almost not noticeable. The average weight of the fetus ranges from 150 to 200 grams.

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    The flesh is dense, very juicy and sweet, the core is almost not noticeable

    In the selection there is a concept of type - uniting various plants with the same genotype, the main characteristic features that are close in relationship.

    According to this definition, Shantane variety includes early-ripening varieties, mid-ripening varieties, F1 hybrids.

    Thanks to this diversity, this variety can be grown all over Russia , with different soils and climatic features.

    Depending on the variety selected, the period from the time the seeds are planted to harvest can take from 90 to 130 days.

    In the middle lane, in the presence of a greenhouse, two crops of early ripening crops can be harvested.

    With compliance with the relevant agrotechnics Shantane gives a high yield - up to 10 kilograms from one square meter .

    Shantane gives a high yield - up to 10 kilograms from one square meter

    Advantages and disadvantages of carrots Shantane

    The variety is very popular in Russia. Breeders are engaged in continuous improvement of the main characteristics.

    On the basis of Shantane several dozens of other varieties were obtained, such as Charlotte, Cardina, Royal and others.

    Carrots are useful in any form: fresh, ground with boiled or fry. In the processed product fewer nutrients will remain, but it is better absorbed by the body.

    This indicates that this variety has more advantages than disadvantages :

    1. Versatility. The plant is perfect for fresh consumption, freezing, getting juice, canning and cooking various hot dishes and salads.
    2. High yield.
    3. No tendency to fork.
    4. The root crop in the ground does not crack and does not deteriorate.
    5. Juicy sweet taste. The sugar content in some instances exceeds 10%.
    6. Unpretentiousness. This variety does not require daily attention and careful maintenance.
    7. Resistance to a large group of diseases.
    8. Possibility of cultivation under different climatic conditions, different soils.
    9. Shelf life is more than 8 months.
    10. Good transportability.

    Amateur gardeners and professional gardeners did not find a single flaw in this variety.

    Carrots are rich in V-carotene .It is this root vegetable that gave the vitamin this name, since in Latin “carota” means carrot.

    Advantages of the variety: unpretentious, long-term storage, disease resistance, versatility

    Planting Tips

    Soil Requirements

    If the cottager is used to grow carrots, he knows that the greatest crop can be obtained on a loose, well-broken bed, open to the sun.

    Shantane is no different from its counterparts, so nutritious soil with good air circulation will allow you to harvest a good crop of this root.

    The best precursors for carrots are tomatoes, cabbage or onions. You can not plant the seeds of the plants on the beds on which previously grew parsley, celery or dill.

    The variety Shantane is well adapted to any growing conditions , therefore it tolerates both low and high temperatures, and heavy soil.

    Despite the unpretentiousness, is the best for Shantane, the loamy and light sandy soil .If humus is present in the soil, this will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the root.

    Carrots do not tolerate the acidic soil , as its resistance to various diseases is reduced. The more acidic the soil, the less chance of a healthy crop.

    Carrots can be planted at the same place 4 years after the last harvest of this root crop.

    The best for Shantane is a loamy and light sandy soil with the presence of humus

    . Sowing rules

    Chantane variety allows you to collect two harvests for the season .Therefore, if a gardener wants to get a “summer” carrot, the seeds are planted before winter or in early spring.

    Autumn planting is not acceptable for regions with harsh climatic conditions. With a strong drop in temperature, root seeds will freeze out even under a thick layer of snow.

    Therefore, it is better for to plant in the spring of immediately after the topsoil is thawed and slightly warmed up. This option of planting a plant is suitable when it is planned to be eaten, not stored.

    Carrots are a biennial plant. In the second year, she releases the seed arrow.

    For winter storage, seeds are planted in mid-May, when the average air temperature is 15-18 degrees.

    Before planting, seeds should be poured with warm water and left for 10-12 hours to swell. Seeds suitable for sowing will remain at the bottom of the tank, floating on the surface, should be thrown away, nothing will grow from them.

    Before planting, seeds should be poured with warm water and left for 10-12 hours for swelling.

    In order to accelerate germination, you can spread seeds on a damp cloth for several days before the date of planting in the soil, ensure that the air temperature in the room does not fall below 20degrees

    For the entire waiting period, the fabric is moistened with warm water. The first small roots will appear in three to four days.

    The bed should be well digged, without lumps .On it grooves are made up to 3 centimeters deep, which are carefully shed with water.

    It is necessary to keep the distance between rows of at least 15 centimeters, between seeds - 2 centimeters.

    If you drink carrot juice every day or eat more than one vegetable, your skin will turn yellow.

    Even the swollen seeds of a plant are very small. When disembarking, you should try not to damage the small processes. To make it easier to separate from each other, pour seeds with starch. It is convenient to take them with the help of tweezers with a soft tip.

    Planting in this way is a very painstaking process, but as a result, there will be no need for regular thinning of rows, which damages the plants remaining in the garden.

    It is necessary to keep the distance between rows of at least 15 centimeters, between seeds - 2 centimeters

    How to care

    The main plant care is:

    • frequent soil loosening;
    • weed control;
    • thinning;
    • top dressing;
    • watering.
    Carrots should not grow well, otherwise it will be weak and frail. During the first thinning, 4 centimeters are left between shoots, while the second is 8.

    For a juicy, sweet crop, it is necessary to ensure uniform irrigation of the .It is made using a watering can or a hose with a spray.

    Young shoots are watered 1-2 times a week, then no more than 1 time. When the root is formed enough to water 3 times a month at the rate of 10 liters of water per square meter.

    To ensure good storage of carrots, watering should be stopped at least 20 days prior to the time of harvest.

    Young shoots are watered 1-2 times a week, formed - 3 times a month

    Feeding is carried out as follows:

    • 25-30 days after the appearance of the first plants with a solution of nitrophoska at the rate of 5 liters per square meter;
    • 20 days after the first feeding with the use of potash and phosphorus compounds.

    Weeds are removed as they appear. Loosening the soil often requires in order to avoid crust formation.

    Growth and care errors

    The main errors in the care of seedlings include:

    • lack of weeding .As a result, the plant will be thin and will not give a good harvest;
    • rare watering .This will affect the taste of the root and its pulp, which will become "wooden";
    • frequent watering .The root crop is cracked and poorly stored.

    In 1991, carrots were recognized as fruit. It was recorded in the European Union with the light of the Portuguese, who make it a wonderfully delicious jam.

    Diseases and Prevention

    Chantane variety is resistant to most of the known diseases. If adverse conditions are created, the root can be infected with infections and fungal diseases. They spoil its appearance and taste and do not allow further storage.

    Basic preventive measures:

    • disinfecting seeds before planting( treatment with a weak solution of manganese, aging for 3-4 hours at a temperature of 45-50 degrees);
    • choosing the right site( the place should be well sanctified by the sun, groundwater should not be near, moderate acidity of the soil, observance of the four-year period between carrots in the same place).

    Carrot biennial plant. In the first year of existence, it is not exposed to infection of diseases. With the exception of periods of common epidemics.

    Disinfection of seeds before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate

    Harvesting and storing

    Carrots planted in late spring are to be stored. Its collection is made from September to mid-October .

    Ideally, during this period there is a dry weather, as the root-crops are saturated with moisture.

    Perederzhivat in the land of a vegetable is not worth it, it will lose its taste. It is better to remember the day of planting and count from it 100-110 days, the resulting date will be ideal for harvesting.

    Shantane variety is beautifully stored in wooden or plastic boxes, nets. Boxes must have air vents.

    The ideal storage place is the properly equipped cellar. The storage room should be cool, otherwise the carrots will become lethargic and not tasty.

    Not only roots are edible in carrots, but also greens. It can be added to soup or salad instead of parsley or dill.

    Every, even the most inexperienced, gardener can provide himself with a supply of carrots of Chantane variety for the whole winter. The variety is very unpretentious and high-yielding .

    A, on condition of landing two times a season, the result will exceed all possible expectations.

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