We study vegetable culture - green beans

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Bean plants have a special place among plant products. Vegetable protein of beans is a complete substitute for the animal, and vitamin and mineral compounds make this vegetable extremely useful. Among the numerous plant species, the green beans, green or asparagus, occupies a special place, it has many names.

Historical background

Ever since the times of gathering among ancient tribes, legumes have been the main food culture. Peas and beans were grown in large quantities. Cereals were included later. Beans in its original form was used by residents of the Americas. They tamed this culture, learned how to grow and brought new species. It was they who divided the culture into beans, string beans and Lima species.

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Cereal and legume seeds together complement the set of amino acids, thereby forming the protein that is needed for the existence of life. For humans, this vegetable protein is a complete substitute for an animal.

Beans, like other legumes, is popular in the world, is an integral product in the diet and occupies a large acreage throughout the world. If earlier beans were grown only in regions with a warm climate, now there are early ripening varieties, which made it possible to get vegetables on their own farmsteads in Siberia. More often, preference is given to asparagus green beans.

Growing beans

Of the many types of climate in our country allows us to cultivate green beans. Asparagus bean refers to the string beans. It differs in the length of the pod, which can reach a meter and the absence of a rigid reinforcing thread in the pod. Heat-loving plant on an industrial scale cultivated in the southern region. However, a rare suburban area does without bean bushes. There are bush and curly forms of green beans.

Read also: We grow asparagus beans on our plot

Besides the fact that the culture is thermophilic, it can grow effectively only under the conditions:

  • , the correct choice of sowing place and soil preparation;
  • watering and feeding plants;
  • application of zoned seed varieties;
  • disease and weed control;
  • timely harvest.

How to plant beans at the dacha?

The soil should be light, to represent sandy loam, loam with deep groundwater. In heavy, wet areas you should not expect a good result. The prepared site should be cleared of perennial weeds, protected from northern winds and located in the area open to the sun.

Curly shapes can be used for landscape gardening or grown along mesh fences or with special supports. Spray is sown in rows on raised beds. On such elevations, the soil warms up faster, and the beans germinate at 20-25.

When sowing seeds in warm ground in June, seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks subject to constant soil moisture. Seeds are soaked before planting, sown to a depth of 2-5 cm, with a distance between the bushes of about 10 cm and spacing of 25-40 cm, depending on the power of the bush of the selected variety. How to plant beans to create a green hedge and harvest? When sowing seeds, vertical supports are immediately installed on the south side of the building, and the seeds are planted in one row. After sprouting in the hole, the strongest plant is left, the rest are broken out in order not to damage the roots of the remaining seedling.

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How to grow beans during the season?

Grown up young plants need to loosen and fill up. During the whole season weeds should be harvested, the beans do not like neighborhood with other plants. Determines the yield beds the content of phosphate and potassium salts. Organic nitrogen does not like beans, it can get sick. During the growing season, it itself enriches the soil with nitrogen, like other legumes.

It is important to provide the plant with abundant watering during growth. The more moisture the plant receives, the thicker and fatter the leaflets of the pod will be. Plants that serve as a living wall, pinch at a height of 2 m, so that they go to the filling, otherwise there will be only flowers.

During the growth of the bean, it will be useful to arrange the feeding with ash or ash extract. All dressings are made only on wet ground. Harvesting depends on the ripening time. Since green string beans are more commonly used, they are gradually removed in several stages when a pod is formed.

It is considered normal development when the beans bloom in 35-40 days, after 2 weeks there will be ovaries. But early varieties can yield in 45-60 days, medium ones in the third month, and later ones are ready for harvesting in 3.5-4 months.

Pests and diseases of the beans

Sowing beans, like other legumes, can be affected:

  • slugs;
  • spider mite;
  • pea plant;
  • snails.
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correctly With proper agrotechnology, damage can be minor. Use chemicals at the time of filling the pods can not. You can use deterrent folk remedies. Slugs can be trapped.

In order for the plants not to get sick, it is necessary to thin the plantings, as the anthracosis is always preceded by prolonged, inclement weather and thickened plants. When fungal diseases appear on one bush, it is better to remove it so that the disease does not spread to neighboring bushes. For the prevention of disease, you can use a serum solution at a dilution of 1: 5 with water.

How to harvest green beans and where to store the crop

You need to harvest green and asparagus beans many times, avoiding its transition from milky ripeness to wax. Over-grown beans become coarse, acquire bitterness and become suitable only for seed production.

Tearing young pods, the plant stimulates the formation of new fruits. Therefore, with regular harvesting plant yield is higher. Before picking green beans, you need to consider ways to preserve it. Fresh product is not suitable for storage, so you should organize freezing of greenery or conservation.

If the beans are rough, they are not suitable for use in pods, but it is too early for the seeds to be picked. Therefore, it is finally possible to remove the beans from the bed when the pods are dry and the sash will open. The term of full ripening directly depends on the type of beans. In order for the last rain not to wet the beans, the plants are pulled out of the ground, tied in a broom and placed on a drying room in a ventilated room. Later broom thresh.

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