And you know what the catalytic cleaning of the oven?


  • 1 Work principles
  • 2 It's important to know!
  • 3 To be or not to be?
    • 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages: summing up
    • 3.2 Let's compare
  • 4 Recommended models
  • 5 Summing up
It has long been sunk into oblivion times long and painful cleaning ovensIt has long been sunk into oblivion times long and painful cleaning ovens

Oh, I know that bad, but I like pohrustet appetizing crust baked chicken... and all is well in baked chicken, in addition to cleaning the oven after cooking. Is it possible to solve the problem with the least loss of time and effort? Yes! Today let's talk about what type of catalytic cleaning of the oven.

Work principles

The catalytic function of the principle of acceleration of chemical reactionsThe catalytic function of the principle of acceleration of chemical reactions

To understand the principles of operation of this type of treatment, it is necessary to remember high-school chemistry. Catalysis of chemical reactions called acceleration.

If you move the definition of our oven, then it will look as follows: - in the process of preparation on the surface of the oven will inevitably accumulate fat droplets that fall on carbon and water. Assists in this special coating applied on the walls of the oven and the convector.

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Externally the presence of catalytic purification method can be found on a dark rough enamel with a plurality of micropores. A series of chemical reactions that take place are absolutely harmless.

Run catalyst system occurs when the temperature inside the oven reaches 140 ° C, the maximum efficiency - at 250 ° C.

All that remains after cooking culinary masterpiece - wipe the walls of the oven with a soft cloth. No splashes, spots, stains!All that remains after cooking culinary masterpiece - wipe the walls of the oven with a soft cloth. No splashes, spots, stains!

It's important to know!

  • carefully sugar! Special enamel, despite all its advantages, is helpless in contact with milk and sugar. That is why the coating is not applied to the oven door and the floor, which often suffers from "runaway" dishes. These parts of the oven you will have to clean "the old fashioned way."
Seemingly innocuous products, but they can destroy the self-cleaning layer platesSeemingly innocuous products, but they can destroy the self-cleaning layer plates
  • Not the most efficient. In the matter, it is better to pyrolysis or catalytic purification - the latter lose the battle. If the oven wall will be very high in fat, the coating can not cope with it and get rid of it you will be able to until the next system startup.
  • question cleaning. Remove soot from walls can only soft sponges or cloths. Forget about brushes and powders with abrasive particles.
And do not forget, the instruction to the catalytic plates prohibits the use of brushes, scrapers and abrasive spongesAnd do not forget, the instruction to the catalytic plates prohibits the use of brushes, scrapers and abrasive sponges
  • fragility. Coating tend to wear off. With intensive operation after 5-6 years you will have to purchase a new catalytic panels that easily you will be able to install their own hands.

There are a number of models, which are equipped with two-sided panels. In this case it will go not to replace, and the need to tie them upside down.

To be or not to be?

Advantages and disadvantages: summing up

Benefits disadvantages
  1. Automatic start at the time of cooking.
  2. Save energy and time.
  3. It has no restrictions on the type of oven (relevant for installation in both gas and electrical models).
  4. Minimal increases the cost of equipment.
  5. Simply gigantic selection of different manufacturers.
  1. Pyrolysis inferior in efficiency.
  2. It requires manual cleaning of the oven floor and the door.
  3. It requires replacement plates.
  4. To obtain better purification result is required at higher temperatures.

From the above it can be concluded that this technology is suitable for those who actively use the oven, but is not ready to lay out hard earned on expensive cleaning with pyrolysis function.

Catalytic oven cleaning type is suitable for those who often uses the stoveCatalytic oven cleaning type is suitable for those who often uses the stove

Note that sometimes the producers do not set the plate and stack them together trays and racks. In this case, you may have to carry out the installation.

Let's compare

It would be unfair not to talk about what else there are ways of self-cleaning ovens.

Hydrolytic realized using cleaning water and detergentHydrolytic realized using cleaning water and detergent

The catalytic hydrolysis or treatment? Hydrolysis cleaning can only vaguely be called self-cleaning, you still have to physically remove dirt from the oven walls.

At the bottom of the design is a niche for filling water and cleaning agent, after half an hour when the temperature rises to 50-90 ° C you soft cloth or sponge to effortlessly remove fat residues.

Lower power consumption, physical effort are the same, does not function in the process of cooking - the score 1: 1.

After pyrolysis cleaning remains only ashAfter pyrolysis cleaning remains only ash

The pyrolytic cleaning catalytic VS. Disadvantages pyrolysis functions: high power consumption and price. When you lock the doors inside temperature reaches 500 ° C and grease turns to ash, which means that you will not run the self-cleaning of the cooking process.

Recommended models

In the photo - model EOM 973 TLIn the photo - model EOM 973 TL
Model Cost, rub.)
1 BOSCH HBN559E3T 25 000
3 CANDY FPE 649A / 6N 16 500
4 GORENJE BO 637 E24X 18 700
5 FREGGIA OGMB65X 33 500
6 ZANUSSI OPZA 4210 X 15 000
7 GUNTER & HAUER EOM 973 TL 29 900
8 KAISER EG 6977 N VBE 40 000
9 ELECTROLUX EOA 95,651 AV 39 500
10 BEKO BIE 22100 XC 13 800

Summing up

Self-cleaning, which in varying degrees, implemented in modern ovens - a necessary function, greatly facilitates the cooking routine and bereguschie time. It remains only to find a suitable model of the oven and a pleasure to create their culinary masterpieces.

I propose to reinforce the acquired knowledge and see a clear video in this article. And you have benefited from the oven self-cleaning? Share your experiences with our readers.

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