Concerned earlier designs of Wi-Fi directional antennas. Biquadrata, canned homemade rarities. People with an enviable constancy are looking for a chance to get a better design. It was mentioned: instead of the traditional wire, it is better to take the wire PV1 of the same section, which protects the installed antenna from bad weather. A double-sided foil board, which is often recommended to use a reflector, does not tolerate bad weather, is not protected by anything, it is problematic to equip the structure with a special case. The wind load on the product will increase. Today's review is devoted to methods of improving the design. Wi fi antenna with your own hands for any bad weather!
Important! Try to use shrink film for protection. Put on the reflector "coat", blow a hairdryer. Soon textolite tightly obtyanutsya polymer film.
Wi-Fi Bi-Quad AntennasIt turns out something resembling trendy glasses with a thin jumper in the middle. The lower half is planted on the ground, the upper half - on the signal conductor of the RK cable - 50.
However, the antenna for Wi fi will be smaller in size. The side of the square in the center line of the copper core of the radiator is 30.5 mm. So, the eight is 1.5 cm away from the reflector( half the side of the square) and parallel to the plate. In our case, the Getinax board is bad because it's hard to get. A reflector is simply a plate of an electrically conductive metal. The tin, steel, aluminum will fit. Given the size of the radiator, you can make a Wi-Fi antenna reflector using a 5.25-inch laser compact disc( DVD).
Biquadrata Kharchenko
The inner reflective aluminum layer is created so that the laser beam does not lose energy on the surface. In addition, in the center there is a hole under the N-connector. It remains to open the protective plastic sheath, put a reflective layer on the RK-50 cable shield. It is necessary to achieve the specified position by placing thin metal washers or in place.
We remind you: the eight-square eight bends from the middle by a 90 degree turn. Both ends of cable PV1 1x2.5 will return to the point. The thickness of the wire is 1.6 mm in diameter; between the centers of the core, the side of the square is 30.5 mm. Ends are planted on the connector screen, combined with a reflector( CD), the middle part serves the purpose of removing the signal. The directivity pattern of the device is sharply narrowed, equipped with one main lobe, which we direct to the signal source. If it happens in the room, you will have to experimentally find the reflected beam, located in almost any direction.
Reflector will protect from neighboring interference, increase power. Blocks the effect of multipath, little useful bringing equipment. Homemade antenna Wi Fi accepts only from a narrow sector. Thanks to this, we connect the houses opposite the network, which would have been impossible with the access point supplied.
Please note: in other cases, the input connector on the housing for connecting the antenna may not be. Such access points are equipped with built-in metal contours, leading to the reception of radio waves. Traditionally look intricate flat figures on the inside of the case. We'll have an antenna built unsolder.
A capacitor can stand side by side, the capacitance serves the purpose of compensating the compression ratio of the circuit. The built-in antenna is small, it is powerless to form a full-fledged device for receiving radio waves. Defect neutralized trimmer capacitor.
The element is not needed, because the full-size antenna for the Wi-Fi router does not need to be compensated. Chains include homemade tear up above the capacitor. When mounting, you cannot use a typical 100W soldering iron. Will burn the electronic components of the board. You will need a small soldering iron, equipped with a 25-watt needle tip.
The weight of the compact disk is small, the wind load is low, in contrast to the bulky design and will not kill anyone from the bottom with a falling power gain card. It is recommended to avoid placing the products in the sun, but in our case the recorded information does not play a great role. If desired, seal the N-connector, extending the life of the solder joint. A special gel compound is used, which is used when installing printed circuit boards. Similar releases company Allure( St. Petersburg).A few words will explain how to make a Wi-Fi antenna with your own hands more powerful.
Bi-quad antennas Wi-Fi - no limit, run away from neighbors
Prologue: 2 weeks, could not find the reason, then turned the antennas upright and received 20 Mbps 5 km, instead of the horizontal 4.
Vampire, forum participant Localnetwork of Ukraine( spelling copied).
Before you buy a Wi-Fi antenna, think: the theory shows that the radiators, arranged in rows, narrow the radiation pattern, in the direction perpendicular to the line along which to line the elements. Translated into Russian, it means that if our house and our friend are separated by 100 meters, the width of the antenna’s viewing sector for implementing the Wi-Fi communication channel is just over 15 degrees. Useful power will be directed to the window of a friend( will harm only the inhabitants of the apartment!).To implement the circuit, use a dual bi-quad antenna. You can increase the speed, if the DR to give the same friend!
How to make a Wi-Fi antenna so as not to interfere with the neighbors. You can protect yourself from uninvited guests by changing the channel polarization. Found three ways to protect the channel configuration of the antenna:
- Frequency selection.
- Choice of direction( narrowing of the radiation pattern).
- Selection of polarization.
Usually, when there is a Wi-Fi file provided by the provider, the provider specifies the values, the client is left to obey, but if there is own equipment, the alignment is different. We can put the antenna on the vertical polarization, if the neighbors use a horizontal one. Our equipment will stop seeing each other. You can do it unilaterally or agree. Antennas will need like a biquadratic, complete set aside.
Television operates on horizontal polarization, and communications work on vertical. Just a tradition, the pin of the radio is convenient to hold perpendicular to the ground when you speak. In this context, it is advantageous to use vertical polarization, usually in routers. We offer a simple rule:
- Place the other side of the antenna on the windows in the same way. Provides spatial compatibility, which is a subtype of electromagnetic. Microwaves, telephones, a mountain of 2.4 GHz frequency equipment, creating interference, were released. Position the antennas equally, vertically, horizontally, by tilting. Experimentally look for the position at which the speed is greatest.
Promised novelty: a construction of four squares lined up in a row. The directional pattern will become narrow in the direction of the perpendicular order. Copper wire or solid conductor cross-section 2.5 mm2, length 50 cm. We recommend to take with a margin. If a standard bi-quadra Wi-Fi antenna for a laptop is an in-phase grid of two frames, in our case there are four frames.
Bi-Square Antenna Frame for
Dual-Bi-Square Antenna When the wave moves, the current in adjacent squares is directed oppositely along the contour. Due to this, the effect of the impact of the field is folded. Now you need to get four in-phase squares. We find the middle of the wire, make a bend by 90 degrees. We measure 30 mm, make bends on each side in the opposite direction. We retreat twice as much, again beating in the first direction. It turns out a big letter W. Another 30 mm - we bend the edges downwards at 90 degrees. One half is ready.
The second is done in the image and likeness, so that the ends return to the point of the initial bend. Please note it is not for nothing that we recommend using a wire with PVC sheath - the two crosshairs in the figure are mutually insulated.
Cut off the excess wire so that the ends do not reach two to three millimeters from the first bend. A Wi-Fi antenna for a computer requires a reflector, a good piece of foiled PCB or a standard flat tin will come off. We use the N-connector to connect.
The emitter is 1.5 cm from the reflector. We put the ends on the ground, the middle - on the signal conductor( cable for Wi-Fi antenna RK - 50).To strengthen the edges of the shape, use a ceramic or plastic tube. For fixing, electrical insulation, use glue, sealant. Outdoor option is recommended to find a plastic case. Take the distance between the self-made antenna and the receiver smaller.
The next meeting will discuss the Wi-Fi radio.

Biquadrata Kharchenko