How to transplant gooseberries - tips gardener

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Sometimes you have to do redevelopment in the summer house or in the garden. To do this, you have to cut down trees and replant shrubs. And then the question arises - when can the gooseberry be transplanted? The answer is simple - the gooseberry is transplanted in the fall or spring.

How to choose the right place for transplanting gooseberries?

Autumn or spring is the best time of the year to organize a gooseberry transplant. And yet, when is it better to repot the gooseberries?

The best season for the gooseberry transplant process is autumn, or rather October or September.

During this period, the shrub is in “calming down”, it was already bearing fruit, and, let's say, went for the winter. This is due to the fact that the gooseberry is not whimsical, and quickly moves from the cold season to the warm one. At this time, he is already preparing for maturation, his kidneys are poured early, and during the period of swelling of the kidneys the root system should not be injured. Properly organizing the process of transplanting gooseberries - will help the bush to rejuvenate and more fruit. The most important thing in this process is to choose the right place for a transplant.

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When selecting a site for a necessary gooseberry transplant in autumn, some important points should be taken into account:

  • The gooseberry likes places where there is good solar lighting;
  • Where the wind blows it is impossible to replant the gooseberry;
  • The soil should not be wet and without intimacy with groundwater, as the gooseberry does not like to constantly constantly moist soil;
  • The earth should be loamy, if it is not suitable, then it is easy to fix, for example, if there is a lot of clay, or the soil is heavy, then it is advisable to add a little bit of sand, and in the opposite case, you can add clay;
  • It is unacceptable that the soil has a high acidity, in this case, you need to add lime to reduce acidity;
  • It is not recommended to replant gooseberries to areas where previously currant bushes or raspberries were grown because of common pests, in which case they will very quickly damage the bushes.
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After the area has been selected for the gooseberry transplant process, you should dig up the ground and remove the remnants of various rhizomes and all weeds. Further, at the bush, all unnecessary and old branches should be cut off, thus leaving no more than seven of the youngest and healthiest shoots, which should be shortened before transplanting, leaving two thirds of the entire length of the shoot.

Subsequently, the annual pruning of the shrub is necessary, as only the branches and stems that grew last year bring berries. Each year should be left only six or eight new shoots. In this case, the shrub will bring a big crop of gooseberries.

Possible ways to transplant gooseberry

The process itself does not take too much time. Everything is done consistently and in stages:

  • The prepared gooseberry bush is dug around, the distance directly from the bush must be at least 30 centimeters.
  • If there is the presence of thick roots, then they can be easily cut, either with a shovel or an ax.
  • Subsequently, by means of scrap or shovels, the bush must be removed from the soil and be sure to lay it on plastic wrap so that it can be transported to the new site for transplanting.
  • In the selected area for grafting a gooseberry a hole is pulled out, it needs to be made slightly larger in diameter than the root system of the gooseberry.
  • The depth of the fossa should be approximately 50 centimeters.
  • The well is supplied with abundant water, for this it is necessary to pour about 70 liters of water into the hole, which is about 3-4 buckets.
  • Then part of the land should be mixed with compost, and in no case with fertilizers, otherwise the root system will be damaged and the end result will be disastrous.
  • After the gooseberry bush is installed in the hole, the remaining gaps should be filled with earth.
  • The Earth should be tamped down and watered with a good amount of water.
  • At the end of the gooseberry transplant, the bush is sprinkled with dry soil, and sprinkled with mulch on top, you can use peat chips.
  • Before the onset of frost should be systematically watered shrubs.
  • It is not necessary to cover the bush for the winter.
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There is another way to transplant gooseberries, but it is suitable for mass replanting, that is, in large suburban areas:

  • transplants.
  • Shrubs are transplanted in an ordinary way, including space between rows( the distance between the rows should be at least 1.3 and not more than 1.5).
  • If several bushes are undergone to transplant gooseberries at once, then you need to know that the distance between the bushes should be at least 1.5 and not more than two meters.
  • Next, the bushes are dug out using standard technology.
  • Transplant gooseberries need one separate bush in the prepared pits.
  • If the diameter of the pit is smaller than the rhizome of the shrub, then it must be increased.
  • The rest of the procedure is done in exactly the same way as with a separate bush.
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The gooseberry is transplanted in the autumn not only because it may be late in the spring to transplant it because the shrub has already begun to prepare for fruiting, but also to clear part of the plot for bed, flowerbed or lawn.

Also, gooseberry transplanting methods can be useful for gardeners to propagate this berry bush. Gooseberry transplantation in the fall guarantees a high survival rate of the shrub, so the next year a good harvest of berries will appear.

A little about leaving after the gooseberry transplant

Gooseberry shrubs are not whimsical. Care is limited to removing weeds, which is desirable to carry out with your hands, as the roots, which are located close to the ground, can be damaged by weeding tools.

Of course the gooseberry requires watering and feeding. In order to meet the need for gooseberry bush in obtaining nutrients, you only need to create a new protective layer in the fall, which consists of soil mixed with compost and organic fertilizers. If desired, the mulch layer can be increased, it will contribute to good fruiting and faster growth of the shrub.

How to transplant gooseberries( video)

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