Juicer for large volumes of apples: 6 best models


  • 1 Criteria for selecting a powerful home appliances
  • 2 We compare the best models
    • 2.1 Domestic unit 3 best models
    • 2.2 Foreign manufacturers: 3 best models
  • 3 findings
For a large number of fruit will need a powerful device with great performanceFor a large number of fruit will need a powerful device with great performance

If you want to handle apples, or to establish commercial production of fruit juice from the solids, it is necessary to choose the appropriate technique. I'll tell you how to choose a juicer for large loads and show the best domestic and foreign devices.

Criteria for selecting a powerful home appliances

You want to get a lot of apple juice? Then you'll need a juicer great performance for apples - so your hands can easily handle a bucket of apples. However, if the crop reaches tens of buckets, you need to choose a model that takes a whole fruit and squeezes 60-100 kg of fruit per hour.

Choose the power and even the volume of the cup is necessary on the basis of what you plan on volumes of apples processedChoose the power and even the volume of the cup is necessary on the basis of what you plan on volumes of apples processed

When choosing note the following criteria:

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Photo Description
table_pic_att15048678412 Criterion 1.Material body.

All the products are not made of stainless steel may deteriorate with time due to oxidation of apple juice.

table_pic_att15048678433 Criterion 2. separator appearance.

Current models can be conical or cylindrical. Note that the second embodiment allows to obtain drier pomace, but requires manual cleaning after juicing.

table_pic_att15048678464 Criterion 3.Komplektatsiya.

The set can be a container to catch the juice for the cake pan, cover tray, which protects the motor and the entire inside of the juicer system.

The device for large volumes of fruit must first be comfortable

If you choose a juicer great performance, but want to use it in the country, where it is often cut off electricity, it is better to choose the manual model.

Considering the specifications, consider whether you can download the whole fruit, if there is an automatic selection of cake, and so on. D.Considering the specifications, consider whether you can download the whole fruit, if there is an automatic selection of cake, and so on. D.

We compare the best models

Juicer for apples - with their hands assembled, must be powerful, reliable and productive. On the market there are a lot of centrifugal and screw devices which are suitable for working with large volumes of fruit.

Domestic unit 3 best models

The price of domestic models are lower than their foreign counterparts with a similar functionality. You do not overpay for shipping and elaborate design, and get a profitable and productive device for large volumes of fruit:

Photo Characteristics
table_pic_att15048678546 "Rossoshanka"

This is a popular domestic juicer centrifugal type.


  • Able to handle 60-70 kg of apples per hour.
  • It is lightweight - only 10.5 kg - therefore suitable for both home and industrial use.
  • Different capacious boot compartment. In most cases, you can download the entire apples.
  • Displays semi cake, you get a maximum of apple juice from the fruit.


  • It does not auto reset cake. Mesh should be cleaned after each treatment cycle.
  • Sometimes, in the finished cola drinks get the stone.
table_pic_att15048678567 "Salute"

This home appliances, in addition to the juice of apples can cook carrot and beet nectar.


  • High performance. Technique preparing juice from apples, pears and other fruit solids at a rate of about 60 kg per hour, the processing vegetables (beets, carrots) take longer, on average per minute can be squeezed 200-300 grams.
  • It does not damage the seeds. The flesh from the skin and bones removed carefully, so the output you get pure juice.
  • Oilcake the output is almost dry. high purity juice could be achieved with this model (92%).


Pomace have to be removed by hand.

table_pic_att15048678588 "Neptune"

If you need a powerful juicer for a large number of apples with their hands, the "Neptune" fits perfectly.


  • Highest capacity among peers - 350 watts.
  • It processes up to 120 kg of fruit per hour.
  • It handles the entire apples and has an automatic cake O system.

We need a juicer of whole apples, which then do not have to manually peeled and pitted? Then choose the "Neptune".

Foreign manufacturers: 3 best models

If you are interested in a professional juicer for a large amount of apples, I advise to pay attention to the model of foreign brands. They are more expensive, but allow you to automate the process of pomace juice and minimally prepare fruits for processing:

Photo Description
table_pic_att15048678639 Philips HR 1869


  1. High performance due to motor with 900 watts.
  2. Wide mouth for the fruit, which is suitable for the whole fruit.
  3. Quiet operation.
table_pic_att150486786510 J Multiquick 3 300 BK

It is a popular device from Braun users often opt for its affordable price.


  1. High performance. Within 5 minutes to treat about 5 kg of fruits.
  2. Power - 800 Watts.
  3. Brush for cleaning in the kit.
table_pic_att150486786911 Bosh MES 4010


  1. Highest capacity - 1200 watts.
  2. Reliable metal body.
  3. A high percentage of the obtained juice / dry cake.

Instructions describing how to make juice, should be presented in Russian and, as specialized text can be misunderstood, even if you have a good level of knowledge of English language.


I brought the main criteria for deciding to choose a juicer for large volumes of apples and we studied the characteristics of the six most successful models. Share in the comments, if you have a "favorites" among the productive units to squeeze juice. And to see appliances in action in the video in this article.

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