How to clean a dishwasher: 4 recommendations for care and cleaning products


  • 1 The main recommendations for care: 4 rules
  • 2 The sequence of cleaning
  • 3 Means for descaling
    • 3.1 Traditional recipes
    • 3.2 special funds
  • 4 Summarizing

Dishwasher I love - it is my main helper, and care for her, I try as much as possible carefully. During operation of such a useful household appliance for myself, I identified several important rules of cleaning, which I want to share with you.

To clean up the dishwasher, you must adhere to the correct sequenceTo clean up the dishwasher, you must adhere to the correct sequence

The main recommendations for care: 4 rules

In order for your dishwasher to serve you as long as possible, it is necessary to arrange the right, and most importantly, regular care for her. Here are some simple rules that will extend the life of the instrument:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att15040335251 Rule 1. Check the parts of the instrument

To eliminate damage to the dishwasher, always check:

  • a water inlet hose;
  • blades.

If necessary, cleaned with a toothpick.

table_pic_att15040335252 Rule 2. Regularly clean the strainer

You do not know how to clean the filter in the dishwasher?

  • Remove the lower basket from the appliance and disassemble it as shown in the photo.
  • instagram viewer
  • Remove the filter and rinse it with running water, after adding some liquid dishwashing detergent.

Repeat about 1 time per week.

table_pic_att15040335263 Rule 3. Clean the rubber seals

To clean the gasket should use a special tool, as recommended by the manufacturer. The procedure is repeated every six months.

table_pic_att15040335274 Rule 4. Periodically run "empty cycle"

To qualitatively drain and clean the walls of the device, sometimes a complete cleaning cycle is run, but without loading the crockery.

Instead, add hot water hot liter of vinegar. After the procedure, and wipe the wall for some time, do not cover the device to the smell of vinegar weathered.

To cleaning the dishwasher is easy, and the device is not broke, do not put in it:

  • wooden cutlery;
  • porcelain;
  • tin or copper utensils;
  • Disposable plastic tableware;
  • old plates without heat-resistant coating;
  • Stainless steel items;
  • dishes with gold or silver accents.
The dishwasher must not be washed some types of dishesThe dishwasher must not be washed some types of dishes

And certainly not worth dishwasher safe towels or tissues.

The sequence of cleaning

To achieve the maximum effect, the appliance must be cleaned in a specific sequence.

  • Unplug the appliance.
  • Inspect the openings through which water passes. In the event of contamination or blockage, using tweezers to clean them.
  • Rinse the ends of the door. In place of the housing connection and the door is accumulated a lot of dirt, and found there the remains of food. They can be removed with a sponge and mild detergent.
  • Wash baskets for dishes. Do not forget to get rid of the fat inside of the appliance.
  • Clean the grill and filter. How to do it, you know.
Required washes out hard to reach places - they often accumulate dirtRequired washes out hard to reach places - they often accumulate dirt

Means for descaling

Even with regular maintenance, the need to clean the dishwasher from the scale is not going anywhere in the home. This can be done with the help of improvised components or by a special detergent.

Traditional recipes

In order not to splurge on expensive household chemicals, the cost of which is increasing almost every month, many housewives use available components that exist in most kitchens:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att15040335317 Vinegar

Effectively rid the dishwasher from scale will help the vinegar:

  • Two glasses of funds pour into the basket.
  • Turn on the appliance water heating.
  • In the middle of the cycle, stop the machine and leave it for half an hour (and can be at night).
  • Complete wash cycle.
table_pic_att15040335318 Vinegar and soda

Another embodiment of cleaning with vinegar:

  • The pour cup 5% vinegar.
  • Add to it ¼ cup of baking soda.
  • Place a receptacle on the top shelf of the machine that is used under the cup.
  • Launch device normally.
table_pic_att15040335319 Lemon acid
  • Pour about 200-400 g of the acid (depending on the amount of scale) in the compartment for the detergent.
  • Turn the device on a regular cleaning regime.
  • After that, perform another cleaning process, but only with clean water.

be sure to use salt for the prevention of scale - it alters the composition of the water and prevents the formation of deposits.

special funds

There are a variety of special equipment that help clean the dishwasher from scale. You can buy them at almost any store household chemicals. Among the most popular can be distinguished:

  • Antikipyatin;
  • Finish;
  • amway;
  • Somat;
  • Soda sun.
Additional funds will help soften the water and prevent the formation of scaleAdditional funds will help soften the water and prevent the formation of scale

Before you buy be sure to read the instructions on the use of substances and make sure that it can be used for your dishwasher.


Now you know how to wash their hands of the dishwasher. Stick to these rules by me, and the device will serve you for years to come. Also I recommend to watch the video in this article - of which you will learn a lot about how to clean and prevent pollution. In comments share personal experiences or their secrets maintenance of household appliances in the kitchen.

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